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If theres a specs mence and a pysical, why isnt there a mixed, i have never seen one apart from my brothers, i dont understand why. Does anyone else think a mixed mence is a good idea, and how would that go?
mixmence is a good idea,because you will be able to OHKO or 2HKO many pokemon.here is 2 good sets


draco meteor
fire blast
brick break

item:life orb


draco meteor
fire blast

item:life orb
My mix mence is :
Fire Blast(i actently taught it instead of flamethrower and flamethrower tms cost so much.....)
Dragon Claw
with random evs everywhere
But i Prefer my specsmence
31 sp.aatk ivs and 31 defense and special defense ivs and i goood 24 speed ivs.
Draco Meteor
Dragon Pulse
Hydro Pump
So i vote specsmence!!!!!!!!!
P.S: evs : 252 sp.atk 252 speed 4 hp Smile
Mixmene is genius. The one I'd use is:

- Hydro Pump
- Outrage
- Fire Blast
- Draco Meteor
Item: Life Orb
Nature: Mild
EVs: 252 Spd / Enough SAtk EVs to get 338 SAtk / rest into Atk

OHKOes Hippowdon w/ Hydro Pump, Skarm is OHKOed by FB, Draco Meteor is great for Swampert and anything that does not resist it, and Outrage is for those special walls with poor Defense.
(01-02-2009 09:50 PM)ExplorerAce Wrote: [ -> ]Mixmene is genius. The one I'd use is:

- Hydro Pump
- Outrage
- Fire Blast
- Draco Meteor
Item: Life Orb
Nature: Mild
EVs: 252 Spd / Enough SAtk EVs to get 338 SAtk / rest into Atk

OHKOes Hippowdon w/ Hydro Pump, Skarm is OHKOed by FB, Draco Meteor is great for Swampert and anything that does not resist it, and Outrage is for those special walls with poor Defense.
fair enogth. but how do you now when to stop putting evs on Sp.Atk?
You check how many effort points you need depending on your IVs and nature. The same way people stop putting EPs in Metagross' Speed and Charizard's HP.
(01-02-2009 01:44 PM)Chaos714 Wrote: [ -> ]mixmence is a good idea,because you will be able to OHKO or 2HKO many pokemon.here is 2 good sets


draco meteor Ditch roost for crunch
fire blast
brick break

item:life orb


draco meteor I think flamethrower over fire blast would be better

fire blast

item:life orb
WTF are you talking about, why ditch Roost over Crunch, what does Crunch give you?
Oh wait, nothing!!!
Roost heals off SR damage, and MixMence can cause many switches, giving you lots of free time.
Also, Fire Blast is almost necessary for the power it gives you.
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