Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: Layout Selector
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Most of you have mentioned the Layout Selector in our Control Panel.
But the question here is: how many of you are actually using it? Let us know how important it is for you Smile
Using Lucario.
I just love the menu on it!
Maybe I'd make a costum stylesheet in some days, maybe not.

Friendly Greetings,
Xeno - the Shiny Porygon²

PS: Is there any chance on getting the difers styles as MyBB theme aswell?
Actually I use it a lot.I prefer the Shadow Lugia layout and the Mew Layout.
Only two themes are available for the forums. However since the whole site is going under a complete redesign at the moment. Not all old layputs will be available at first but they shall be in the Control Panel as soon as they are converted.
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