Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: Official translations?
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How do the official translations into Greek (for the TV show, TCG, etc?) work? Have the attacks/items been localised at all? I know the Pokemon kept their names, are they spelled in Greek or Roman lettering?

I'm working on translating Emerald into Greek so I don't want to contradict any official translations.

if this is in the wrong place go ahead and move it, but I wanted to put this where Greek people could see it.
Most attacks have been translated,but imo,moves/towns/cities etc should not be translated cause they sound really bad.Also,I think this is illegal,but I am not sure.
So I should just leave 'em in English, with Roman script?
Yes.Btw,this is the greek part,why are we talking in english?
(02-08-2009 08:55 PM)GeorgeSlayer Wrote: [ -> ]Yes.Btw,this is the greek part,why are we talking in english?

Επειδέ Ελληνίκα άσχημος μου.
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