Legendary Pokémon

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I want a custom made icon and sig banner. I was hoping that a pixel artist could make one for me, and I also want a "Thanks" pic to be made for a button in my sig (for off site). I'm looking for something like:
-Text that says "Hiiragi" in fancy letters with a metallic shine. Something for an Avi.
-For a sig, a banner that says the same thing, but a cursive like text. No metallic shine. OR if that is a little too difficult, then one with smear-like text effect on "Hiiragi" text. And for a BG for both, then something like a puke-green color with spots of black.

Picky? A little. I am just so HORRIBLE at making effects on text, and the drawing tool I use is PDN. I suck at pixel art. Sorry.
Thanks in advance!
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