Would you like to battle with me ironmanhero? Tell me your FC
Is anyone for a battle?
100 Level Forced,All tiers except Ubers.
ok herooftime but just wait to fix my wi-fi
Who wants to have a battle? I bored silly and I want to do something to entertain myself. No UBERS, Level.100 Forced, Single.
who wants a battle?no ubers, level 100 forced, double

Do you want to battle Pekinoua?
yeah!i have your friend code.wait to prepare my team and i enter.
lol!!! big fault!haha!i have no ev' trained pokemon

but pcp power!
pichu is undead
edit1: was undead but there is one more

edit2" extreme speed is annoying:O
edit3: pichu is undead!!
edit4: pichu must endure the hits now.
edit5 : wow cool battle and remember pcp power!!!
edit6: let's plays games if you want!!
(01-02-2010 09:18 PM)pekinoua Wrote: [ -> ]pichu is undead
edit1: was undead but there is one more
edit2" extreme speed is annoying:O
Endure is annoying
Edit:No more PP on ExtremeSpeed on my dog
Edit2:Flash Fire FTW
Edit3:Mime Jr. my favourite game!
Is anyone for a battle?
Rules:No legendaries, forced 100 level
i am for battle( but please some weaker pokemon because mine will die!!!)
Let's Battle
I have 3 electric types with me
You killed my Rotom ! You traitor
What facility?
i am in
edit: rotom no!!!!!
edit 2: oh my gosh!
let's play something else becuse.i am dying and crying for dying!
edit 3: arcade!
edit: you are a thief!

mime jr was the one i would hit with shadow ball!