Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: Legendary and Rare Pokemon IV's
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I noticed awhile ago that one of the breeding guides stated that legend and rare pokemon have set IV's in the game. Upon battling and rebattling Zapdos in the Power Plant, I found that the IV's changed (Even the HP IV, not affected by personality or nature).

So has anyone else noticed this, and is it same for all the rare pokemon?
No... This is not true in any case.

Every Pokemon has different IVs every time it is battled (even if that means restarting your game). Legendary and other rare Pokemon are no exception to this whatsoever.
Hmmm, whats IVs?
i don't know fr3quency.do you know eraleas what means IVs?

Here you will learn.I would suggest to read all the guides before you start asking, because many of your questions will be answered there.There are also greek versions of the guides.
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