Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: Bullets and Tears [Title Change] Ch.2!!
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~Chapter One~

Three...two...one!!!! It's finally over!! I raced out of the classroom with a silly look on my face and started to screech at the top of my lungs. Sixth grade was finally over!! 96 days of sun and friends!! I snatched my report card from the teacher and moved on to gather my three friends Samantha, Tanner, and Cameron. We all ran out of the school as the halls began to fill with students and even teachers. We raced to the bike rack where I grabbed Sam's playfully and was immediately shoved and left alone in the dust while my friends raced over to the park.

"Catch us if you can Joey!", my friends all yelled, and yes , that's my name. I pedaled after them while thinking. I had known Sam for a while, same with Cameron but Tanner was new to the group.

Anyways, we reached the park and immediately started throwing dirt clods at each other. We had been throwing dirt for about a half hour when Sam pulled me over.

"What is it?", I asked.

"Joey", she continued with "I just wanted to sa-", we were interrupted by Tanner who came over and threw dirt in Sam's face. She and I then proceded to chase him down, drag him to the ground, and shove dirt down his shirt, pants, and even mouth (._.).

We started to walk back towards the road laughing while Tanner started to clean out of his mouth and braces. We came to the road and stopped- well, that is except for Sam who wasn't looking.

"Stop!!", I yelled as a car approched fast.

"What??", she looked back and was struck by the car. Cameron pulled out his phone and called the ambulance. I tried to get her to stand up but she couldn't. The ambulance came and Cameron, Tanner and I immediately helped put Sam on a roller- and got in the back with her.

We arrived at the hospital and we had sit in the lobby. Cameron and I stayed at the hospital while Tanner went home after quite a fight about staying with his dad. Around 1am the doctor came out with Sam's mother who was crying..... Cameron and I rose to our feet, assuming the worst.

"She is alive and stable, not awake, but alright." By the end of that sentence her mother had run to Cameron and hugged him for some odd reason. I looked at the nurse and said,

"Can we see her?". The nurse looked at Sam's mom who wiped away tears and let Cameron have his life flash before his eyes and nodded yes. The nurse directed me into a operating room where I asked alarmingly,

"You had to operate?!! oO".

"No. I was just checking to see that you were still aware of your surroundings.", said the nurse. I rolled my eyes in annoyance and walked into the actual room where Sam was. She looked awful. She had been scratched beyond recognition and was bruised everywhere. That night I sat there.... Waiting.... Watching for signs of awakening. I eventually fell asleep and woke in the morning to see Sam looking out the window in a hospital gown.

"Joey, I have something to tell you." She looked at me blankly as she always does and continued, "I've been trying to say it for a long time now but......". Her voice wandered of."I can't tell you. Not right here not right now!". I was crushed. I had been waiting and waiting for it but I didn't get anytime to try to coax her into saying it because at that moment a nurse walked in and announced:

"Who wants pancakes?!!". While Sam aggresively attacked the 5-stack of pancakes I addressed my attention towards a single figure walking across the parking lot with something making the pocket of their blazer bulge. I glared at the person and then averted my attention back towards Sam with her beloved pancakes, a giant smile, widespread across her face.

"How are yah feelin'?" I asked. She looked at me, raised her eyebrows and spoke,
"I was just hit by a car. How in the big green world do you think I feel?!", as she spoke she raised her arms as if to mock me. "And where is my mom?! I want my Paramore coat and shirt right now! And that means you have to leave." , I felt as if a thousand needles were going through my throat.

"Look, sorry I was so harsh bu-", she didn't have time to finish her sentence as a burst of shots from a gun rang out. We both rushed down the stairs and when we got there I took hold of her hand as she looked around the room and saw the motionless shape of Cameron on the floor, in a pool of crimson blood.

She slapped my hand away and ran towards Cameron's body. I looked up and down while she mourned our friend, looking for anything, even a hair, for evidence, and came up with nothing. We found her mom who had come running across the hospital after she heard the gunshots. Sam calmed her mom down while I kept searching and at last found something: A bullet case.

I couldn't bear to think about my dead friend. It had been a day. His parents had set up the funeral. I was invited and was told I was to make a speach. The car and the shooting must've corresponded somehow. Someone must be trying to pick us off. I checked what time it was: 6:15. Wait, last time I checked the time it was 5:15, but yesterday...when Cameron was killed. And Sam was hit at 4:15! I had to get to Tanner!

I had my mom drive me to Tanner's house and when I arrived I immediately noticed something: their house had no lights on yet it was dark outside. I knocked on the door;no response. I opened it and it was unlocked. I stepped in. I was yelling Tanner's name when suddenly a light flicked on and I was shot. I blacked out.

I woke up in the hospital with Tanner and Sam at my bedside.

"Did you try to kill yourself?!", Tanner spoke first. I was puzzled. I hadn't tried to kill myself.

"What do you mean?!!", I said. They looked puzzled.

"We'll tell you later", they said in unison.
~Chapter One~
Nice one!

Also,welcome to LegendaryPokemon Smile
Thanks. I try. ;D
good story.keep trying
WOW!Very nice story!I'll be waiting for part 2!!
New chapter coming tommorow.
Hehehe...here's chapter 2 :

~Chapter Two~

"I walked towards the door, stepped inside, called out for Tanner and then something happened...what was it ummmmm...something with a loud noise AHA! I stepped inside, a light turned on, and I was shot." The therapist looked at me as if I was just a little kid trying to look cool after attempting suicide.

"I do not beleive you however, I will let you go. I am doing this because I cannot try to force someone away from what they want." He opened the door for me and I was free. I acted all surprised as if to say, "I'm gonna go kill myself now" but I wasn't.

I went to Tanner's house where he and Sam were waiting for me. When I came in they were both staring at the doorway, legs folded. I asked them:

"Why are you sitting like that?!" I barely had time to finish my sentence when a masked man charged out of the hallway closet and shot at me. He had missed and I had enough time to kick the gun out of his hand, grab Sam and Tanner, and run upstairs. I reached for my gun to which Tanner exclaimed,

"You have a gun?!!"

"No this is a fake, of course it's real!!", I yelled back. As soon as I quieted them down I heard footsteps; they were coming up the stairs. I pushed Sam and Tanner behind me and jumped into the open stair well and released a burst of firepower in no specific direction. I heard a sound that resembled a collapse very much and walked down the stairs. I saw what seemed to be a dead body but my heart plummetted down to my stomach as Tanner came running down, tripped and was shot by the man who was, apparently, still alive.

In fury I released a series of bullets and ran upstairs and dragged Sam and Tanner (recently shot) downstairs past the man and charged out of the house. Once outside we caught our breath, ran, and caught our breath again.

I immediately had my dad drive him to the hospital for care where he stayed for the next two weeks. After an operation to remove the bullet he had not been awake for a week but woke in the second. All the while, I had to stay with Sam to make sure no one else was hurt. At the beginning of the third I visited him.

"What happened?" a classic movie phrase, but he meant it.

"You were shot, that's what!!" I barked back and stormed off to let him sit in his wall of shame.

Finnaly we came to my house after Tanner was released from the hospital earlier that day where I had my remaining friends stay for the night. Tanner was going to have my dad's bed, Sam was to have the upstairs floor which was my room and I was going to keep watch. All night long the only thing I did was sit with my eyes closed because I couldn't see anything and listened for sounds.

A couple time I heard sounds but both were safe. The first was my dad coming to give me a bottled Starbucks frapp'ecino. I downed it quickly and listened. The second was my dog panting. However, there was a third: I sat for a while until suddenly a blackbird fell from a tree, dead. I picked it up and noticed something: on the beak of the bird was the German word "Kristalnacht", a tactic Germans had used in World War 2 meaning "Night of Broken Glass".

"No!!" I screeched. Recognizing the imminent danger I ran towards the house.
As I opened the door a bloodcurling sound came from upstairs. I heard broken glass and a yelp. I sprinted up the stairs and let my trigger finger do the thinking. I let a few shots go before deciding to charge and tackle the criminal. But instead I found Sam on the ground with some other kid, a little older then me.

He looked terrified, in fact I knew he was terrified. But how had he gotten in? He surely wasn't the criminal! He was tiny for pete's sake!!

"What's your name kid?" I asked commandingly.

"J-Justin," he stammered. I looked over and over at him, each time seeing a regular kid in jammies.

"Come," I said. I had a complete interview with Sam. She said he had simply appeared from outside, coming through a broken glass window, resolving the "Kristallnacht" aspect of the night. However, none of that fully explained the night!! Justin said he just woke up in here and now we have to figure out what just happened!!

For the rest of the night I lent my gun to Tanner after giving him a quick run-through of how to use it so that he could guard while I rested for the first time in days. This was not the summer I had planned. I had imagined parks and bikes and Cameron at my side...but no, I have to use my gun to kill!! To kill...wait a minute, I had killed the man at Tanner's house earlier that day, yet someone sent Justin in here...I think. It was obvious now: we were being targeted by a whole group of people.

I woke in the morning and went on with my normal routine of eating cereal, watching TV, and laughing. Only I forgot I was in the middle of a battle right now until Sam came out, punched me to shut me up, and turned the TV from "Gunsmoke," (which was an all too fitting title for the time), to Spongebob, and proceeded to fall asleep on the futon. I had told Justin to come to us if he found anything strange.

"Where was Tanner?" I thought. "Maybe he fell asleep outside," I continued. I walked outside and saw him slouched over on the steps. "Yep, sleeping," I thought that until I turned him around and saw a bloodied torso and face, a knife driven through his heart. I collapsed and started to cry. Sam came running out, saw Tanner, and collapsed right by me. We sat there for what seemed to be years in only a matter of seconds, mourning our friend. Eventually my mom, Tanner's dad, and Sam's mom came over to the scene and sorted everything out.

When the ambulance came to pick him up, all I knew was that the ambulance wasn't going to he able to do anything and that he was already dead.

When I was getting dressed for Cameron's funeral I added some stuff my sports coat: a bulletproof vest from my dad (Former CIA) a holster inside my coat by my heart. I had to be attend a funeral, and another funeral after that, without getting any of us two killed either time.

As we were driving in the car, I was looking out the window. And you can guess by now probably, there was a hooded figure in the same coat, with the same height as the last guy we fought.

"Give me your phone mom!" I said. She put her hands in her purse and her phone fumbled out. I dialed Sam's number, tapping my fingers while saying to my mom,

"Pull over here," and pointed at an open lot.

"Hello?" Sam had picked up the phone.

"Sam?! You have to turn around!! Meet me at the interse-" as I tried to finish my words a bullet crashed through the car's window. It just missed my face as well as my mom's. I looked out the window and saw a man, a smirk spread across his his with a gun in hand.

Out came my gun as I jumped out of the car and started shooting. The figure jumped behind a parked car as I continued to shoot. I looked towards the street where Sam's car was pulling up and tried to motion them to go away but in that time that I wasn't shooting, the man had come upon me and forced me to the ground, a gun at the back of my head.

There I sat, waiting for my cerebellum to be infused with a bullet. But instead, the bullet was pointed towards my mother. My mother was shot and at that point I knew nothing but rage.

"No!!!" I screeched. I pushed up with my knees and I felt as the back of my heels make contact with something. I seized the moment to grab the gun, still trained at my mother, jumped onto the hood of a parked car, and shot. I didn't stop until it was raining blood.

I jumped down and uncovered the head of my enemy. My heart plummeted...it was Cameron's dad.

"How had this happened?!! How was this even possible?!! The father of one of my friends who had treated me like his own, attacked me?!!, my brain was searching over and over for answers. Even by my standards that's crazy!!

I walked, crying, over to my mother...only this time she wasn't going to be able to comfort me.

C&C Please!! PM me to be in the story!!
Ηey,ASL when will you post the third chapter?
Dunno. I don't have a lot of free time.
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