Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: Should Pikachu evolve?
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Should he?

I think yes
Well,i believe the same
why?Because pikachu fails in appearence and generally in all
No because he's Pikachu. He's the the second most famous rat worldwide. Mickey is the first. I think it's better to leave Pikachu as is. He's a cutie, I could squeze him all day long. And, of course, he can benefit from the Light Ball if you use him in the Competitive Battles.
Picachu phails....so....Yes it MUST evolve...Raichu is better...
I agree with HeroOfTime because a Pikachu can use Light Ball,which is really helpful.So it's a better sweeper than Raichu.Pikachu is a little sl;ower than Raichu,but it has way greater Attack stats.
But remember, the anime doesn't always have to have the same stats for each pokemon tha the games do. 
Oh,I didn't get that we were talking about Ash' Pikachu.Well,I think he should evolve.People must have stopped adore Pikachu.
Pikachu is awesome but now if you think back, there has only been one Raichu in the anime. Maybe two. Raichu is also so much faster and stronger. *hands pikachu a thunder stone*
Pikachu is the anime series' mascot. It would be just plain ridiculous to alter the main character. He wouldn't be as cute as before. And of course the anime would be lead to a disaster. No way! We love Pikachu.
Pikachu can learn speed attacks,but raichu can't.I vote for pikachu!
(28-03-2010 09:36 PM)herooftime Wrote: [ -> ]Pikachu is the anime series' mascot. It would be just plain ridiculous to alter the main character. He wouldn't be as cute as before. And of course the anime would be lead to a disaster. No way! We love Pikachu.

Wrong. Ash is the main character, not Pikachu. Plus, Pikachu has needed to get stronger for a while now. :/
it doesn't have to do with the stats but with the appearance, everybody are use to pikachu. like herooftime said pikachu is the maskot of the anime, if not of the whole franchise
I vote Pikachu.Pikachu is sweet,small and is a maskot of Pokemon!!!
Of course it should evolve.Raichu has MUCH better stats.Confused
My opinon is YES
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