mudkip x17
More soon...
What would you like for the pcp?
Have you got a bulbasaur or a treecko?
Yeah, sure. Lots of 'em. But you want one of them, right?
right.FC and nick on signature.(The hg one)
Wait. If you'd like both, then you can give me one more Pokemon. Maybe you want agree. Tell me the additional Pokemon you are going to offer (it's not necessary, I can give you both for pcp if you don't want to gimme another one as well). I may not have a Treecko ready by now. I can prepare it for another time. I will pm you when I'm ready. Would you like to teach them a Breed Move if I could?
New pokemon offered!
I offer:
most of the starters
michina arceus
10th aniversary lugia(it has not good attacks)
Got a Chikorita, Totodile or Squirtle ? I want Totodile/Chikorita the most.
I have squirtle.What do you give?
Tell me what you offer and I will tell you which one I want
Lol just kidding. xD
No seriously this is what im offering:
-Impish Skarmory
I can infect them with Pokerus too. And let them hold EV increasing items. (Any item you want, just say it.)
I want the skarmory.Inflict it with pokerus and also,if you can,add the EV item that increases speed.[/i]
what do you want for the michina arceus?