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βλεπει κανεις απο το forum naruto?
Ωπ , ειδα οτι κανενας δεν εχει απαντησει εδω. xD

Εγώ προσωπικά αγοράζω τους τόμους manga από Anubis. Είμαι στον 8 και ομολογώ ότι δεν με έχει εντυπωσιάσει και πολύ. Σε θέμα χαρακτήρων είναι αρκετά χαμηλά (εκτός από κάποιους λίγους) ε και γενικά δεν είναι κανα masterpiece...even Bleach seems better...θα το συνεχίσω πάντως...Toungue
Sorry to the fans out there, but this is probably the worst anime I've ever seen.

Almost all episodes are completely filler, and are also repetitive, between every episode and another is like 4 to 5 filler episodes, their basically making up episodes for more money. The plot is basically "i'm naruto and i will be the greatest ninja evarrrrrr" and then a bad guy appears, after 30 filler episodes, repeat that, and you get an anime called "Naruto."

The same goes for Bleach, btw, but Bleach imo is more mature

Basically any anime with over 50-60 episodes just sucks, because every main story will take like 30-35 episodes max, and Naruto has what, 400 episodes ? [I just made up that number, i stopped at like episode #70-80 or something, and didn't watch them all, but also watch some random episodes sometimes.]
naruto ftw!!! [img] http://www.media.photobucket.com/image/n...Naruto.jpg [/img] me = epic fail ><
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