ill trade any hoeen starter of your choice with any berry of you choice for these pokemon
update they are ready and i will give them for any poke i just need to get a ds to put em on
Remember? I told you that I would give you some.
no i am giving the starters not askin for them
I know, but I don't want any starters in return.
.................well is there a berrey you want?
Enigma! Just kidding I already have 6 of those... Not really, I give out pokemon a lot; just gave out a SS Grodon even though I have HG.
I would like a mudkip. Any berry will do. My friend is getting trecko and im getting torchic so all ill need then is a mudkip. You said you'll trade any pokemon for the starters right?
Fc-3353 0119 8814
Nonoononononnoo Mr.Dun is trading the starters for a bunch of legendaries that I can offer.l can breed you a starter though if you want and my offer still stands Mr.Dun.