Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: orre 3rd story
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woman announcer. Blink
Not the one who did the news stories for the ONBS right? Her name was Ancha, not Tia, just saying.
hmmmm. maybe i should use her....
Would make sense. By the way, here is part one edited:
"Now that we know you are all here I am pleased to introduce sirK." Said the woman.
"Pleased to meet you all. Thank you Danielle for the introduction." said sirK. The room was silent for a moment untill Tai started to speak.
"Ok now we have all met each other. May I ask why we are here now?" Exclaimed Tai.
"That was a good question. You are all at an age where you can begin your own pokemon adventure. I have prepared some of the most desired pokemon that are used as "starters" for your journey. To your left you will see 4 sets of each starter from every region. Choose wisely." sirK kindly said.
"I will take one of the cyndaquils." Garet and Tai said at the same time.
"Well I will just have to nickname mine. Hmmmmm... Nova will be its name." said Garet.
"I will take a Mudkip please. It's nickname shall be Jack." said Cystal.
"I will have a Bulbasaur please! It's name will be Devil" said SweetDevil.
"Now all of you go tothe new battle grove that is located south of Mt. Battle". With that said, the 4 trainers set off on a journey.
(19-10-2010 03:09 PM)KALAS REY Wrote: [ -> ]Would make sense. By the way, here is part one edited:
"Now that we know you are all here I am pleased to introduce sirK." Said the woman.
"Pleased to meet you all. Thank you Danielle for the introduction." said sirK. The room was silent for a moment untill Tai started to speak.
"Ok now we have all met each other. May I ask why we are here now?" Exclaimed Tai.
"That was a good question. You are all at an age where you can begin your own pokemon adventure. I have prepared some of the most desired pokemon that are used as "starters" for your journey. To your left you will see 4 sets of each starter from every region. Choose wisely." sirK kindly said.
"I will take one of the cyndaquils." Garet and Tai said at the same time.
"Well I will just have to nickname mine. Hmmmmm... Nova will be its name." said Garet.
"I will take a Mudkip please. It's nickname shall be Jack." said Cystal.
"I will have a Bulbasaur please! It's name will be Devil" said SweetDevil.
"Now all of you go tothe new battle grove that is located south of Mt. Battle". With that said, the 4 trainers set off on a journey.

thanks for advice but ill try to fix my own mistakes...
me wanna be part o storee
Run out of inspiration? It's been awhile since you've posted a chapter
Story restart sorry i fail so oftn but eh ill dust my self off and give it another try Toungue

my name in the fan fic is sirK and I am the leader of a group that helps supress the "Enigma." A dangerous group of pokemon poachers that heard of all the wild pokemon reappearing in orre. Now to the story!

Lizzy: hun I'm bored. Lets go get something to eat. How about something like burgers?

sirK: sure a burger sound real good right about now.

So sirK and Lizzy (his girl freind) head to the nearest restraunt for burgers when...

???: hey you with tha girl and tha pokeballs on ya' belt! I challange you to a battl'!

sirK: as long as afterward you leave us be.

???: fine. But if i win this 'ere battl' i get all you pokeEuros. By the by my name is Millerd!

sirK: well that is nice to know let us battle before my food gets cold and my lady lonley..
Mystery man millerd would like to battle!
sirK sent out gallade!
Millerd sent out sableye!
Sableye used fake out!
Galade flinched! Gallade has gained one stage extra speed!
Gallade was swapped for flygon!
Flygon used dragon claw! Critical hit!
Sableye lost 100% health!
Mystery man millerd lost!
millerd: heh heh just as boss man thought. Well c'ya. Youll be a majour disturance in our poaching. So just for your own safety stay away from our plans and youll be safe.

Millerd then vanishes into a dust cloud kick up by a truck and i return to luch confused by what just happened... To be continued!
Mystery man millerd would like to battle!
sirK sent out gallade!
Millerd sent out sableye!
Sableye used fake out!
Galade flinched! Gallade has gained one stage extra speed!
Gallade was swapped for flygon!
Flygon used dragon claw! Critical hit!
Sableye lost 100% health!
Mystery man millerd lost!

Wait, if Sableye lost all health, how did Millerd lose? And another thing, why did you write the battle scene according to game style?
i dunno probably because i have been playing the games latley.
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