Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: Short Pokemon Stories by dunsparce
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one day i was just walking to hearthome town from solaceon and the day care man told me he fond my dunsparce with an egg(witch was weird cause i didnt put another with it) so i accepted the egg and went on my way after a while my egg hatched and i was like what in the world it came out as a dunsray it was a normal electrc type had volt tacle eartquake restore and airiel ace its ability was oddly rockhead i was tripping out about this pokemon till it showed its self to actually be latias!!!!!
end story
dunsray???????????????what's that?????????????????
a dunsray is a dunsparce and a luxray combined statsumwould=awesomeness
so one day i turn on my pokemwalker and start walking around then i run all over th city i go to the grcery store to get some sugar free gum the i go to my favourite restruant then i go back home and but the pokemon back on to my game but i relized i didnt but a pokemon on there it was a ghost XO then i crapped my self kuz it killed my totdile and took my gardevoir prisoner[if you didnt relize by now this is a fake story so hope you enjoyed this fan fic]0.o
I cannot use this story because my friend ripped it off of another web site sorry for the inconvenience
i like the mewkapi,it's funny!!!
One day i was just walking from verdenturf to mauvile. just when i was about to get to mauvile the day care man walked up to me and gave me a black egg with bright colored triangles and squares an' stuff. so i took it with much please for i had ot been able to get a pokemon cuz we didnt have a professor in our town to give us one so when i was offered the egg it was next best to one of the starters.After about a month the egg finally hatch and it looked like a togepie but it was really evil looking. ahhhhhhhhhhh OMG the togepi took a steak knife out and stabbed me owwwwwwwwwwwww i guess ill never get it to evolve because it hates everybody
this story i actually wrote but i give cred for this pic and all others to trsrockin.com
thanx it was very hard to make but cam out good
i cannot use this troy i will post diffrent stories later
cred for pic and other pix to trs rokin
"Come on, Eevee, hang in there!" hinduu cried. "You can do this!"
"Looks like your little Eevee is no match for my slick Seviper," sneered hinduu's opponent, a boy a few years older than him. "I think we've poisoned it, Seviper. Poison Tail!"
"Quick Attack, Eevee!"

Both Pokemon's attacks hit at the same instant, and it appeared that Eevee simply vanished. But when hinduu looked closer, he noticed that his Eevee had completely changed form - it was now patterened like Seviper! Eevee's bushy brown tail was replaced with a huge barb, and its skin was now a slick black color, patterened with purple and yellow markings.

"Eevee, are you okay? Do you still want to battle?" hinduu asked. His Pokemon grinned at him, flashing small red fangs. "Okay, then. Give it your all!" The changed Eevee darted forward and slashed Seviper with its new tail. Seviper tottered, and fell on its side.

"Great job, toxeon, whatever you are! You did it!"

Sometimes, when an Eevee is struck with a serious poison condition, the cells of its body will mutate to nullify the poison. As a result, Eevee will take on some of the characteristics of the Pokemon that poisoned it. It is rare for Eevees to evolve in this way, and only those most prone to mutation are able to become Toxeon.

Toxeon have different appearances based on the type of poison that it was attacked with - not all look like Seviper.

EDIT:i am not sure if the story is ripped of or not but credit to trsrokin
"I must say, I'm very impressed," Giovanni's digitally-altered voice said through the video phone. "You are the second team this week to bring me a legendary Ho-oh. Deliver it to my headquarters at once and receive your next assignment."

Shadow and Nightshade, the two Rocket executives, looked at each other grimly. Shadow brushed a strand of long bluish-black hair from her eyes. "We are second best to no team," she said flatly.

Her partner Nightshade nodded ever so slightly. "We need to improve our prize," he replied in the same monotone. "Apparently a normal Ho-oh is unacceptable at this time."

Ho-oh screeched in pain as genetic scientists infused its body with Steel-type DNA. Its once-bright green feathers faded to a dull gray before transforming into knife-like blades. Its eyes blazed with anger as they worked, changing the already-impressive fire Pokemon into something even more fearsome.

Suddenly, as if Ho-oh could take no more, flames erupted from its head and tail. As the scientists watched in fear, Ho-oh burst from its restraints and tore through the lab, destroying everything it could. One of the Rocket minions grabbed a fire extinguisher, and attempted to quench the flames on the altered legendary Pokemon. Ho-oh seemed to smile before its now razor-sharp talons ripped the grunt's limbs from his body. It then burst through a window with its steel wings and took flight. The Rockets have never seen it since.
[credit for this goes to trs rockin]
good fan-fic. All your fanfics are great. But they are a bit small.If you manage to expand them then they wil be really greatWink
i cannot use this story i will write another one sorry
Why don't you combine all mew fan fics in one??
dunno good idea thnx u guys can add on to if u want
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