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intro: welcome to pokemon dungeon.this is a fan fic on three pokemon freinds and the organization they joined called the pokemon dungeon keepers. the three freind were hindakuu a dunsparce. crystal a shinX.and tai a starly. these three freinds heard of the organization and joined. this organzation was formed to stop a band of pokemon who intend on expanding the sinnoh under ground the groups name was the sindasians and they would soon spread their attacks on the pokemon world starting with sinnoh. so sinnoh drillers will do their best to stop the sindasians so get ready for a fantastijourney through the pokemon worlds under ground in an effort to save the world and find tresures.(please enjoy my fan fic only comment do not add on i will do that later on in part one)
May I suggest finishing a fanfic first rather than opening yet another?
It's better that the readers get something complete to read instead of a dozen of introductions.
I think you should aim for quality over quantity in this case.
i will evolve right?
wel arty2 its kinda hard because no one has posted anything that they wanted there character to do
PART 1 The Dungeon Saviors------------------------
dunsparce,crystal, and tai were all on their way to heart home when the bumped into each other near my.coronet they had all aquinted and become freinds. so when they took the rest of the short trip to heart home they saw near the edges of the the pokemon park where trainers stroll with there pokemon. they snuck in and reached the meeting place.
Leaderarticuno:welcome new recruits to the dungeon saviors. first we willl check if all members are here.dunsparce.
shinX:here!and all me crystal.
L.a:very well than Starly.
starly:here and call me tai.
L.a:fine. now that we know every one is here i will begin the meeting by tellin you who we are and what we do. we are the dungeon saviors and we help to keep the sindasians under control.we do this by stoping them from tunneling up into the streets of innocent towns and takin them over.I will now assign each of you a job. dunsparce you are the group leader.crystal you are in charge of repowering any machine that is in need of power and healing any pokemon in need good or bad.tai you are in charge of mining and items. now that you know what u will be doin i present you with you badges of approval on dungeon saviors have these.these will give you a boost in power and speed. so now go under ground and stop those sindasians!
tai: wait i cant use any thing to dig so i cant get under ground
L.a: well than here take this its an explorer kit it'll get u under ground so have fun.
veryyyyyyyyy good!
nice story
Part three A NEW FREIND---------
and so their journey begins. after a while they reached the under ground tunnels. and just as tai had reached the under ground the group spoted someone burying somthing. as soon as they were in range of seeing the stranger they found out the it was a houndor!! as soon as it saw them it fled. the team chased him but as soon as they almost caught up to him dunsparce and crystal fell in to the pitfall trap. tai being a bird pokemon flew over and caught up to the houndor.when dunsparce and crystal finnaly got out of the pitfall they found the scene of a fight. tai was the obvios winner but was still bashed up pretty good. then the team used a revive and some potions to restore him and interogate him.
crystal:there all better now can we get youre name?
houndor:my name is jetfire thanks for healing me.
crystal:you're welcome
dunsparce:now are you a member of the sindasians?
j.f:no i am not.in fact i thought you guys were. thats why i set that trap when i saw you comming. then that starly attacked me.
tai:sorry about that and my name is tai nice to meet you.
j.f:nice to meet you too.
crystal:why are you down here anyways?
j.f:to help stop the hindasians from wreaking havoc on the world.
duns:are you a dungeon savior?if so do you have proof
j.f:yes.here this is my badge(the very left badge in part 2s pic)
jetfire had showed his badge and that i was offical.the team was suprised and then dunsparce asked a question.
duns:will yopu join our team jet fire?
j.f:yes i will join your team i can help find traps and hidden objects.
so the houndor joined there team and the freinds continued their adventure through sinnoh underground. their next mission a search for sindasians.


dang kris you really have no life @Ll huh(im kris's brother so dont count this as abuse
i want to post the next part but its long but interesting would anyone read itr if i posted it?i dont want to waste my time typing if no ones gonna read it.
i want to read it
part 4 a valuble find--------------- the next day after the group had finished there breakfast they began their search for the sindasians. the group had started out with much confidence that day. than after many hours of searching they final stated to talk and gripe at each other. duns:aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh were are they today this is getting relly boring and im not exactly a pokemon that likes to move. tai: well your not the only one who has complaints im a flying type under ground theres not much room down here. crystal:well i dont think its to bad dow here i guess since theres no sign of the sindasians we may as well dig for tresure. so tai if you would kindly bring out the explorers kit for us. tai:ok. wait a sec there only two picks and two mallets. duns: thats ok ill just use my tail to dig up tresure so you two take the mallets and picks. jetfire: you guys sure do like to talk i think ill just use my claws to dig up stuff. and so the group dug for about half an hour un til tai came along an indent in the wall. he called over the rest of the group. tai:hey guys come here i think i found somthing! when all were around tai tried breaking through with his pick and mallet but is was no good tai: maybe it needs drilled duns. duns: well ive never used my tail like that before but i guess ill try. so duns started drilling and after about 10 minutes he broke through and they found there was a secret base there. they looked around and found out that this was one af the sindasians meeting spots! and after closer in spection they found out that the sindasians were plotting to destroy twin leaf town!
[/font]What can I say? GENIUS!!!!Big Grin
part6 first encounter- and so the freinds headed for twinleaf town were the sinasians plotted to destroy everything. As soon as the three arrrived in twinleaf town they had seen two bidoof leading ome bronzors. They were attacking the support beams! Duns:we have to stop them now! But before the group could do any thing part ofthe ground collapseed and with it a tree. And fainlty they could here a voice ????:darn! We missed the town by about a mile lets go hurry! Duns:jet fire crystal help me dig this up. Me and crystal will dig up the dirt while jf uses a fire attack to burn down the tree.(it took them only five minutes to dig and burn the tree after that the caught up with the sindasians just under twinleaf and began there battle) duns: ill take the bidoof whil you two take the bronzor. After that duns used rage attack after the bidoof attack several times so his rage was built up so much he knoked them out while jf and crytal combined thunder bolt and flame thrower to were the fire followe the electicity while it passed fom one metal body of a bronzor to the next defeating all 20 of them..... To be continued
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