Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: What would you do if this happened?
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Imagine a crossover of two different worlds: Pokemon vs. Yu-gi-oh

What match would you like to see?
i would prefer pokmon i like yu-gi-oh but thers no way to interact with the creatures
Think about this idea: Pokemon vs. Mortal Kombat

A scary crossover, right?
Just imagine: Mewtwo vs. Scorpion or something
wow that ould be a great crossover. Although i think scyther would do better having blades for arms
How 'bout this: Pokemon vs. Naruto

I can see Sasuke facing a Sneasel.
pokemon would probably win due to the fact that most naruto attacks require hand signs and pokemon attack faster without hnd signs
How about Pokemon vs. Sonic

I know it can be done in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, but I'd love to see Mewtwo against Shadow. Or Pikachu vs. Tails. How's that?
the best would be Skarmory vs Sonic
The Skarmory will fly while Sonic is doing...whatever

Imagine Dragonball vs Marvel universe
The ultimate crossover:Gogeta Super Saiyan 4 vs Wolverine!!!
edit:Gogeta is a fusion of Goku and Vegeta
well,imagine this:my brother vs everything u said before!!!epic!!!i can imagine him aftrer being knocked out!!!lol!!!
Imagine skorp vs Chuck Norris.That old bump would not stand a chance against skorp.Big Grin
....Yeah right skorp....Chuck Norris would reap you Toungue
Imagine Kabamaru vs Sasuke
imagine real life pokemon crossover. LuXrays luxray would shock while they were training
(01-07-2010 12:40 PM)dark_lugia Wrote: [ -> ]....Yeah right skorp....Chuck Norris would klasei you a mantrotoixo Toungue

Thanks.Imagine Death vs God.Death says he can reap(not stolen,i use the verb he used) him too.He also says he is as old as God or maybe older.
It would be an interesting fight between good and evil.Brrr...
God,supposedelly,is the creator of all,including the angels.As we all know Lucifer and some others created evil cause of their "rebellion" Toungue
Imagine:Phantom Duck VS Spiderman Big Grin
Yeah but Death is a horseman of the apocalypse.I must stop supernatural...
Phantom duck ftw!!!His awesome 313 will beat spiderman for sure Toungue.
How about Donald Duck vs Mitsotakis?
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