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post your pokemon epic fails facepalm moments and other moments of pokemon dissapointments here
I'll fill this place up eventually.

#1/#2 Today,
I saw a level 100 mew on the GTS all the person wanted was a rotom, any. I have one but in the oven form so it couldent trade so I looked for one on the GTS. The best deal was for a kyoger so I did and eventually, I was trding and then the blue screen of death appered saying that there was a problem due to high traphic and then it disconnected me, when I got back, it was gone. That's happened to me 3 times today... *sobs*
wll i finaly got two bars of internet then i got in gts to look for celebi btw offering ho-oh
In the bug catching contest I catch a SHINY pinsor, but still lose.
2 years ago while on emerald battle frontier,during the 7th turn in battle factory i could switch a pokemon with a shiny Koffing.A few days later,while trying to find the blue panel in the dark battle pyramid i ran into a shiny Gulpin.Of course i couldnt catch/get them Sad
Oh, that must suck, that's why I have half phobia of the battle fronter.
I still am kinda able to predict when I'll get a shiny,about every 120 hours (I have a lot of spare time). By the way do you want the pinsor? It's soooo ugly I want to get rid of it. Now I have exactly a half-box full of shinies.
OMFG half box.....Nevermind a moment of an epic fail for me is when i "killed" a shiny Rayquaza cause i thought: "NO!!!I DONT WANT THAT!!HACK!!!"
and then i checked the pokedex and realised that it was shiny...faqing Saphirre!My cousin almost killed me cause it was his game not mine xP
[Image: Legendary_Failure_by_Lumfan247.jpg]
Hahahahah... Does anyone remember the trainer tower on 7 island in firered? I spent like all my supplies (revives and potions) there and saw a shiny Seaking and a shiny Venusaur and after a bunch of Lv100 pokemon later, I get...

A metal coat.

Shiny Venusaur ?


the best grass type i tropius from my veiw but i was goin thru the elite four yesterday and i was fighten loriele and all my move misse and i only use a move if it has 60 or higher accuracy and i was usen my lvl hundred aggron with 400 dfc stat and lost it sucks cuz it took forever for her to finally beat me
when i went to snowpoint to win my 7th badge i saw a pink sneasel.i let it to 1hp but i had not pokeballs.what a mess
In my firered when i reached the Lavender tower(it was a rainy day and i was sitting near the fireplace) when i found a shiny Cubone.I didn't know what that was so i fled.
But 2 years later i caught a shiny unown :)
in emeral version i was fighting the pike queen for the first time and all i had was fire types so when i got to her milotic i kept losing
Ι beat A SHINY poochiena!:9 In emerald. I used low kick on it because i didn't know its type!
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