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Full Version: diabetes type1 the undermentioned
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when i got diognosed with dibetes type1 i had quistions because i had only heard of typ two. I posted this to help get the info out. Diabetes type is when an organ called the pancreas shuts down or does'nt produce enough insulin. Isulin processes sugars into enrgy for muscle and other purposes. Most of the time people like me only find out they have diabetes when they get ketoacidoses. This is when ktone build up and if there a enough they cause alot ALOT of pain. It did for me anyway. And to treat diabetes their is artificial insulin. The two most common are novolog and lantus. Novolog is fast acting insulin that is taken 15 minutes before dinner and breaks up the carbs consumed.(carb-sugars contained in food)lantus is insulin taken often at night. It is slower acting and meant to slowly contain a good blood glucose level.(blood glucose-the amount of sugars contained in the blood.) if you wnat to learn more or have diabetes type1 and want to talk please post or be annonamous and pm me and i will post the answer
It's good to see someone who suffers helping other people out in some way. Really. I think that you might feel somewhat "uncomfortable" discussing this matter, but -oh well!- that's great. People can be afraid of telling their health problems to others. It is even more unussual to see them supporting others. Kudos, from me Dunsparce! Smile

I hope it's going to be a useful thread, but on the other hand I don't. You get it.
thanx hero of time and im not one of those people who is to shy to talk about anything
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