Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: "THE"ultimate fan fic(hopefully)
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intro-------------------------------------------------------------- brother look out! I closed my eyes to the horror i knew was inescapeable. A slash of warm luqid hit me and i knew the second it did that i had lost all that mattered to me in this world.......my brother. He had no chance against the syther. The sound of his flesh being easily sliced had paralyzed me. Zaktor. The scyther who killed my brother. Walked up amd said "let that be a lesson to you little ralts if you come onto my territory again it will be your neck next." the killer walking away laughing cleaned his blades as he left. I ran to my brothers dead body and prayed that he be at peace and i used his blood to make a blood oath to avenge him and the other pokemon that fell to zaktor._post if you want more and please rate this do not add on this is an independent fan fic
Hmmm... give us some insight. Tell us more about the incident! Add some detail in the next chapters to render the plot crystal-clear to us.
It could be one hell of a horror best-seller book one day ;P
i will indeed do that but i want two more repies so i know its worth while
Well,its not something we have already seen until now and it trully is goona be good i think. Wink Horror Fic on construction!
exactly and if one more person posts that they want to here the whole story it will be written in full.
Well, dunsparce, I am that someone! I want to see more! The intro is very emotional. What's the name of the Ralts that wasn't killed?
ok that makes enough responses i will now start writing the whole story @mystery.55 all in good time my freind.
part1-boudry issues----------------------
This story is based in an un discovered relm of pokemon. The regions name is hindasia. and all is not joyus and happy like the rest of the pokemon world. This reagion held much violenence and death. Many pokemon struggled to evovle once then there parents left them. the only safe place was the phsychic type territory were all the inhabitants lived civilized lives. This story will be from a young raltz's point of veiw his name is nailer. Now bgins the story.
Kenneth:Nailer!Kamen! Both of you calm down right now.
Cheryl:Listen to your father both of you! Now Mr.Miller what were you saying?
Mr.Miller: i was saying the perfect house for your price range is near the edge of town. will the work for you?
Kenneth:It will for me what about you honey?
Cheryl:Yes it will work for me to. Here the down payment and first months mortgage.
Mr.Miller:Ok you are good to move in now enjoy the home.
So the family moved into the home and rested a couple of minutes until the door bell rang.
Nailer:I will get it.
Tony: hello welcome to the neighbourhood. I see that you are as well raltz evolutions. Well this is my wife valerie, my son skorpix, and my daughter dakota.
Nailer: hey scorpix you wanna play with me and kamen at the pond over there?
skorpix: sure why not.
the three went over to the pond and saw some shiney objects in the water they all tried using their phsychic powers to lift the objects but they couldn't. then Nailer had an idea.
Nailer: Here ill tie this rope around myself asnd get thos things then you two pull me up.
Ok! the two exclaimed. nailer dove down and grabbed them then got tugged up and instead of seein his brother and new freind Gary he saw his parents both giving him a look of anger. (conversion from script style to first person)"Nailer what were you thinking! you could have been killed!" Nailers parents exlaimed. "I only wanted to get these." Nailer showed his parents the three shining objects. "Nailer these are shiney stones they make you evolve into a gallade from kirlia."kenneth told nailer."Now go inside and go to to bed it is getting late.". Nailer did as he was told and went to bed. he awoke the next morning to a bitter smell."smells like mothers making some more dlicous berry stew."nailer said. He went down stairs and sat next to his father who was eating his breakfast. Nailer saw some camo bags next to him."Father are you going to war? if so when will you return?" nailer asked.nailer father sighed"yes son i am going to war and I do not know when I will return. just be brave and responsible while I am gone. you are the man of the house now so you will have to fix problems when they occur." after saying this nailers father finished his meal and head outside and boarded a large truck carring others like my father. i watched as the truck left the saftey of the barrier. I kept watching as they went further and futher out. Then I turned around to go inside and that when i heard a loud explosion. I turned hoping that it was not the truck but my hopes were denied. I lost my breath at the sight of debris and blood on the road. i wanted to run twards it but my mother stopped me but not my brother.
"Gotcha! don't run off like that kid you can't pass that barrier yet!" yelled tony. Me and my brother sat in our rooms mourning at the loss of our father. "kamen we have to get stronger and kill who ever kill father." i said. "Nailer! we were raised better than to talk like that. but if i can't stop you i will help put that person behind bars." said my brother. After this we used our allowences to sign up for battle training. "tommorow kamen we start the effort to stop thise criminals.".
end of part one please rate and post opinions i hope you enjoyed part one._dunsparce_
Its very nice and i suppose they will evolve into Gallade with the shiny stones Wink
part 2 breifing-
I awoke to the smell of food being prepared. I rushed down stairs for breakfast. Suprisingly it was kamen that was cooking and not mother. I asked kamen where mother was and he told me she was in her room sleeping. We let her sleep because after seeing what she saw yesterday we though she could use a break. "brother, don't we have a training camp to get to?" my brother aked suddenly make me relize that we did. "yes kamen we do. lets hurry.". With that me kamen headed off to the address that they recived. As soon as they arrived they knew it was a military training camp. "nailer i think we have made a mistake.". "no kamen. if we are going to be taught to fight no better to be trained by than the militaty." and with that the two walked in and a metagross introduced him self as veteran jiro junior troop trainer and breifer. "kids you are being trained to fight in the war againts the dark types. this war has astonishingly been going on secretly for 5 years now. more and more civilians are learning of it though. we are training you specificly so you can help stop this war. i will explain more to you after each day of training." The trainer led us to a room with small weights. "Todays exercise is lifting light ob jects and clearing the of your range." so we picked up a small grenade looking object. I heard a click then the object blew up! "hurry up and get them outta there or you'll be blown up!" this was crazy with the pressure of knowing the grenades would blow any moment I accidently hit the wall with one and cracked it. the rest of them i had no problem with moving them from the remotes range. "that'll do for today. you both did good but nailer you need to remember to be confident or you will screw up."
while leving the building we ran into our freind skorpix who was coming out of the room next door. we talked and figured out that we were all traing to go to war. when kamen went home i decided to hang out with skorpix for a while and practice picking up heavier and heavier objects with him. "skorpix. do you think it will be hard. going to war and killing others who just want to defend their own territory?"."nah. they started the war anyway. i have to go home now its getting late see you later.""ok see you later skorpix" and so we went to our houses. "where were you nailer! i was worried sick about you." i told her i was training with skorpix."well just tell me where you are going to be so i don't have to worry as much. now eat your dinner and go to bed."mother said. so i ate my dinner and went to bed anxious for tommorws training.
end part two stay tuned for part three and feel free to post open opinions i want to know what you think
I was expecting something more bloody in this ep but without blood its ok too Wink
Nice fanfic, but you need to post check before sharing it, and the grammar needs some work.

That's all i can say at the moment.
Nice! Very nice. Scorpix is interesting. Although, he needs a little more...attitude.
Ok sorry to confuse all of my readers i will now give you the synopsis I meant to give but forgot to so here it is
Very good but in my opinion you shouldnt reveal the spoiler's spoiler...Now the ones who read it almost know all the story but if it was sudden it would be better
part 3 after basic training----
"I can not believe that we have been going to in for a month now.",said nail to skorpix and kamen. "Well you two are still in basic. You will have to go to where I am now to get ready to evolve. Today is the day you guys get moved up into hand on hand combat training. witch if I may say is hard for a ralts to do." ,said skorpix. "Well I do specialize in attacking and defence but I am far to slow If I had to escape.
" ,said kamen. The trio arrived at the building and were directed to the stage 1 training area. the door was locked. thats when kamen spotted something.
"Hey! look over here. It is a plaque. It reads to get into stage 1 training you must figure out this door and get past it." ,kamen read. "This is why I never got through." ,skorpix said and pointed to a large key. "I have found out the order in witch it needs to turn, but I need help getting the key." ,he said. "Well then we will help!" ,exclaimed the brothers.
They lifted the heavy key with all their power and got it in the key hole. skorpix told everyone the combonation then they entered it. suddenly the door and key dissipated in to thin air. they all walked in. This instructor was delta species hitmonchan.
delta species (Click to View)
The instructor began to speak.
"Welcome to Stage one training! you will be here for one week learning hand on hand combat. You will evolve during this training because we have some enemies for you to fight from the outside. I will be teaching you pyscho cutter to kill them with." ,said the instuctor. He taught the trio to use psycho cutter on gulpin ballons first. They all learned the move in this order Nailer, Skorpix, then Kamen. "alright that is enough for today everyone tomorrow you get to hack and slice some gulpins who have been caught in our sewer systems trying to bring info to the other types." said the instructor. The three started to go home. they all decided to stop by the pond first though.
"I am ready to fight some bad guys already i know it!" ,said kamen. "huh? Whats that in the bushes over there? I am Going to check it out." ,kamen said as he started twards the object. "kamen no!" ,wispered nailer. Just then the scyther poped out from his disguise, "brother look out!" nailer said to late, then he slashed kamens head off! I closed my eyes to the horror i knew was inescapeable. A slash of warm luqid hit me and i knew the second it did that i had lost all that mattered to me in this world.......my brother. He had no chance against the syther. The sound of his flesh being easily sliced had paralyzed me. Zaktor. The scyther who killed my brother. Walked up amd said "let that be a lesson to you little ralts if you come onto my territory again it will be your neck next." the killer walking away laughing cleaned his blades as he left. I ran to my brothers dead body and prayed that he be at peace and i used his blood to make a blood oath to avenge him and the other pokemon that fell to zaktor. Nailer started running to the criminal preparing the psycho cutter attack then he was stopped just before he left the boundry by skorpix. "He will only kill you. You must wait untill we are strong enough to kill him together." said skorpix. His face showing much emotion for his freinds loss.
End part 3 up next
Part 4 the funeral-----
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