Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: Sharked Mew, or not...
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I've been to a friend to trade some pokés.
Made a nice trade on a Blastoise, as he wanted to restart his game.
He also traded me his mew as he didn't want to lose it when restarting.
Now I'd like to ask you guys, is this mew sharked?

I've got a flash kit, so I grabed the save from my FireRed and made a little promo with it on the computer.
This way I can show you the mew:

He claims to have got it from a japanese friend (yes, he has some).
And as it has a bold name, I guess he wasn't lieing.
If you don't know what I mean by bold name, see this.

Friendly Greetings,
Xeno - the Shiny Porygon²
Unfortunately "Met in a trade" probably suggests that it is sharked. See if you can trade it to an Emerald and check the Location it was caught in. It should read Faraway Island.
Oké, as Arty2 suggested:
Looks oké to me?...

Sorry for the bad quality, but you can still read all texts.

Friendly Greetings,
Xeno - the Shiny Porygon²
Hm that's either a well sharked one or simply a legal Mew. I'd say it's a legal Mew since no one would bother that much to fake a wild Mew Wink
i got my mew from my pen-pal in japan. he came over one year.
how do you use game shark i need help
It would be better if you didn't use Gameshark at all.Noone would like to play with you and your game will propably be destroyed.
also it really costs the earth.oh and cheating for wining is for losers.do it yourself man.i got a mew via the mew glitch and i am teh roxorz
Just tell me guys
go buy one from your local pirate,ffs.
and by pirate i mean the person/shopkeeper who copies ps2 games etc
you mean that you pay?????no,way
Ok.First of all you have to buy this silly machine ok?So you need to pay.After that you have to enter some codes.We don't know them because we never used it.That's all.Don't ask again...
and if you do we we will have to make you learn the hard way that spamming is not allowed here,except if you do it legitimately
Why do you use the Gameshark anyway? It's a real danger for your game...
Yeah, you can use AR j/k ;p
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