Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: the prank game
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I fire a bazooka at you, just before it hit you, it stops and pops open saying bang, then it does explode. Your turn
owwwwwwwww that urt i shoot a water gun @ u. You get wet........haha......looks like you peed yourselflawl
Darkrai, Hypnosis then NIGHTMARE!!! You're all trapped in the Dark World! Mwahahahaha!!!!!! There is no escape!
my night mare is full of happy little creatures and pokemon hugging instead of fighting.......HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!
I'm not sure if you've suffered enough or not...that really was torture. I pass. next poster gets a free shot at me
Trap alert!
Nevertheless, I'll use a special attack from Super Mario RPG: Geno Blast!
You're all goin' down!
dusparce poops from a tree and it lands on ebony. Ur cat. Than u have to clean her hahaha! I am evil!
I take the oran berry your picture has
like the lugia....i prank you with
And annoying
otherwise know as spam!
i put glue on your chair and wher you seat,your pants get stuck and now you are the ''chair boy''
i put butter on third step of stairs that you take and you slip fall and break your neck all while i sit back and show my pokemon eggs how it is done
I kidnap your baby dunsparce, and trade it for a piece of pie
how darre you io get my dunspace back and make it use rage
It seems that Geno Blast wasn't enough. So I'll summon Giga Bowser!
Giga Bowser uses his Flame Breath. You suffer from a burn!
I end with my signature move on luXray: Venom Slash.
luXray is poisoned.
i summon my wymsydraco from GPXplus and make it use whatever moves it has Toungue

/[ ]\ <----penguin
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