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Full Version: opera and opera mini
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i am using opera mini 5.1 with my phon to do alot of my posting. I have used opera for window i forget witch version but if you use oper put your complaint or positive comment on it here. P.s. I know alot about the opeeer browser.
Been using Opera on desktop since version 5 or 6; you had to either buy it or withstand some google ads in the toolbar back then.
Go Opera.
haha i started with opera mini 3.1 than i tried it on computer and i liked it than i learned moe about it. Another btw i started a geo caching group for LP as a ninth bday gift and imma log a whole bunch of them to start it off.
i am using OPERA MOBILE 10 and its very good way better that phones browser but i didn't (yet) do any post from phone here cause the only wifi spot is my own router so its way more easy with google chrome from my pc....
I think that Opera is the Wii's browser and it's very convenient.
Until the DSiWare games begin to appear, Nintendo DSi owners will have to make do with a DSi Shop that stocks only one item. It's a freebie: the Opera-based Nintendo DSi Browser software.

DSi too also have opera...
I maybe download to my pc to see how it goes against firefox and chrome....

And this is a nice test to see how your browser goes so far...
yay gop opera! Mini 5.1 wurks good i know i like
I use Opera in my PC and until now im very satisfied!I dont have any problems even though with the 9.0 version which is the one i use Toungue

Aww...Hafta download the new one soon.
i like opera even though on comp i hafta use internet exporer
Explorer sucks. Use Mozilla or Google Chrome instead.
I would suggest google chrome is way faster than explorer and mozzilla.
hey this is for to talk opera! why not make a thread with more info maybe i willl get it if i am more informed xP. anyway i like operas speed dial feature. i know that on my phone all i do(for example) is press *1 and it brings me to LP instantly.
While most of us may not really care (I, for one, know I don't) here's a cool article for you: http://www.betanews.com/article/Firefox-...1286824681
It compares the performance of the widely-used browsers, judges and rates them based on their speed and overall efficiency, etc. The results don't reeeeaaally surprise me.
well i dont trust chrome cuz i tried its download once and got hit with security suite. a really stuborn virus that my tech geek father had to remove >.<
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