Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: Pokemon: Rise of Team Arcania
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In a collapsed cave, in a mountainous region in Hoenn, a recked lab rested, with a pod beeping. It opened, and a strange creature came out.
"Now, at last, I will have my revenge!" A man said.

At Team Rockets base, Giovanni was working on his computer when an email popped up.
"What is this? Who was able to hack into my system?" Giovanni exclaimed. He opened it and read the contents.

In the base of Team Aqua, leader Archie recieved the same email.

As did Saturos(Cyrus went into his own little world), leader of Team Galactic. Two days later, they made their way to the cave, now free of rubble, and went in, each with two of their top members. The came to a room with three seats and a giant stage. Taking their seats, a man stepped onto the stage, along with a strange creature. It had the head of a Tangrowth, the mouth of a Haunter, the horn of a Heracross, the upper torso was that of an Arbok, the lower torso was that of a Nidoking, nine Raichu tails, and two Beedrill stingers instead of legs. It had four arms, two Graveler, two Machamp, and it appeared to be hovering.
"Wait, I know you! 16 years ago to this day, you went on the air and ordered the grand champion to surrender!" Giovanni said.
"I'm pleased you remember my action." He said.
"But wait, you were destroyed! The champ was interviewed and said Gallade destroyed you, how did you survive?" Archie asked.
"I had cloned multiple copies of this creature, is it so hard to believe I cloned myself? That is my name actually, Clone." Clone said.
"What is the meaning of calling us here?" Saturos asked.
"Ah, so quick to get to the point I see. Very well, as you recall, my plan 16 years ago was foiled by that accursed boy, as this video shows." Clone said. He clicked a button and a screen lowered, and showed his suppossed ultimate being getting blown to smitheriens by Chris' team. He clicked the button again, and the screen rose.
"My mistake was underestimating the champion. This time, however, my time for revenge has come at last! 11 years ago to this day, he had a daughter, with the exact same power he has. Also, she is perfectly pure, with all the power I need. I f I get ahold of her, I can manipulate her to become the ultimate dark trainer this world has ever seen!" Clone said.
"And you need our help right?" Giovanni said, catching on.
"What do we get out of it?" Archie asked.
"I don't plan on keeping her to myself, provided you help me get her, that is. She will become the most devastating power, and all ours! She will also be able to convert the pokemon she is bonded with to become as evil and powerful as she is. That means, if I know Chris, his daughter has bonded with his pokemon. We will have control of the most powerful pokemon and dark trainer ever! We will become unstoppable, provided you help me. What do you say?" Clone said. They looked at each other, then all nodded in agreement.
"From this day forward, we shall be known as Team Arcania!" Clone said.
A movie of suspence, drama, and many things I've been known for, await those who dare to read this movie...script?

In a collapsed cave, in a mountainous region in Hoenn, a recked lab rested, with a pod beeping. It opened, and a strange creature came out.
"Now, at last, I will have my revenge!" A man said.

At Team Rockets base, Giovanni was working on his computer when an email popped up.
"What is this? Who was able to hack into my system?" Giovanni exclaimed. He opened it and read the contents.

In the base of Team Aqua, leader Archie recieved the same email.

As did Saturos(Cyrus went into his own little world), leader of Team Galactic. Two days later, they made their way to the cave, now free of rubble, and went in, each with two of their top members. The came to a room with three seats and a giant stage. Taking their seats, a man stepped onto the stage, along with a strange creature. It had the head of a Tangrowth, the mouth of a Haunter, the horn of a Heracross, the upper torso was that of an Arbok, the lower torso was that of a Nidoking, nine Raichu tails, and two Beedrill stingers instead of legs. It had four arms, two Graveler, two Machamp, and it appeared to be hovering.
"Wait, I know you! 16 years ago to this day, you went on the air and ordered the grand champion to surrender!" Giovanni said.
"I'm pleased you remember my action." He said.
"But wait, you were destroyed! The champ was interviewed and said Gallade destroyed you, how did you survive?" Archie asked.
"I had cloned multiple copies of this creature, is it so hard to believe I cloned myself? That is my name actually, Clone." Clone said.
"What is the meaning of calling us here?" Saturos asked.
"Ah, so quick to get to the point I see. Very well, as you recall, my plan 16 years ago was foiled by that accursed boy, as this video shows." Clone said. He clicked a button and a screen lowered, and showed his suppossed ultimate being getting blown to smitheriens by Chris' team. He clicked the button again, and the screen rose.
"My mistake was underestimating the champion. This time, however, my time for revenge has come at last! 11 years ago to this day, he had a daughter, with the exact same power he has. Also, she is perfectly pure, with all the power I need. I f I get ahold of her, I can manipulate her to become the ultimate dark trainer this world has ever seen!" Clone said.
"And you need our help right?" Giovanni said, catching on.
"What do we get out of it?" Archie asked.
"I don't plan on keeping her to myself, provided you help me get her, that is. She will become the most devastating power, and all ours! She will also be able to convert the pokemon she is bonded with to become as evil and powerful as she is. That means, if I know Chris, his daughter has bonded with his pokemon. We will have control of the most powerful pokemon and dark trainer ever! We will become unstoppable, provided you help me. What do you say?" Clone said. They looked at each other, then all nodded in agreement.
"From this day forward, we shall be known as Team Arcania!" Clone said.

Waking up, Jen looked around, not seeing anyone.
"Hello?" Jen asked, getting out of the bed. She wondered out of the room, and saw a world of pure chaos. Lava streaked the roads, buildings were ruined, dead bodies decorated the sidewalks, and the only living being she saw was herself, floating in the sky, laughing maniacly. Only, that Jen's eyes were not a friendly shade of pinkish blue, but pure black. Jen tried to run back to the pokemon center, but it dissapeared, and everything went black. Keshia, Gold, and Crystal appeared around her.
"What is going on here?" Jen asked. One by one, they soon fell into the darkness, screaming in terror, and Jen jerked upright, finding herself once again in an empty pokemon center bedroom.
"I really hope that was just a dream." Jen said, slowly getting up and dressed. She cautiously exited the room and entered the lobby, and jumped half a mile when Keshia, Gold, and Crystal shouted "Surprise!"
"What is this about?" Jen asked.
"You really don't know? I know how to react when my friend sdon't remember my birthday, but how do you react when they don't even remember their own?" Crystal asked.
"My...birthday?" Jen asked.
"Yep. Keshia set up this whole thing." Gold said.
"Thanks Keshia." Jen said.
"Don't mention it. Now, open your presents and blow out the candles so we can eat this cake!" Keshia said.
"Cake for breakfast?" Jen asked.
"Sure, why not?" Crystal said. Jen opened her presents and recieved: a Pokegear, a Poketch, and a Luxury pokeball.
"Wow, thanks you guys!" Jen said.
"You can thank us by blowing out those candles. That cake is making me drool!" Keshia said. Jen closed her eyes and wished in her mind that her nightmare would never come true, then blew out the candles.
"Yes, now lets dig in!" Keshia said. They devowered the entire cake, with help from the pokemon, because it was big enough for all of them, then set off for Olivine city.
"Oh yeah, Jen. I've decided to name my new Vulpix Sonia." Crystal said.
"Cute name." Jen said.
"Yeah, it really suits her." Keshia said.
"I really need guy friends." Gold muttered to himself.They walked for about two hours before they stopped to rest. Out of nowhere, a dozen members of team rocket appeared and swarmed them. Golbat and Raticate were distracting Umbreon and Jolteon long enough for two to get by and grab Jen.
"Let me go!" Jen screamed.
"Not a chance girly. The boss wants to see you." He said. Umbreon smacked him with a Shadow ball, and Jen wiggled free of his grip.
"We fight as one everybody!" Jen said, releasing everyone. The others did the same, and soon the playing field was evened out. The Golbat were dropping like flies from the combined efforts of Jolteon and Manetric, and the Raticate didn't stand a chance against the might of a Charizard, let alone one with backup. The team Rocket pokemon were all fainted within seconds, and they were forced to retreat, shouting "We'll be back, count on it!"
"Why did we just get ambushed?" Crystal asked.
"No idea, but why did they want to capture Jen?" Gold asked.
"I don't know, but lets try and get to Olivine city as quickly as possible. We'll report this to officer Jenny, then we can go from there." Jen said, a little shaken up.
Jen, are you alright? Umbreon asked.
Yes, why would you ask? You saved me from being taken, and I'm grateful for that, but lets go Jen said. They gathered their stuff and se off at a quiickened pace for Olivine city. Around dusk, they were running at the city coming into view. About a mile outside the city, three dozen team Aqua members ambushed them, along with three dozen team Galactic members.
"Uh-oh. How can we fight these guys off? And we were so close." Jen said.
"Gam eon everyone!" Crystal said. "Well, we might as well go down fighting." The others let out all their pokemon as well, and a fierce battle persued. Skarmory and Crawdaunt were fighting the pokemon, and were winning out of sheer numbers.
"Meteor wing, Wild vine, Demonic ice, Storm balst, and SonicAero!" Jen said. Merging their element moves, they managed to fend off all the pokemon at once, and knock them out, with assisstance from Lightning Blitz and Midnight Rain.
"We didn't account for them being this strong, fall back for now!" A head peon said.
"Now, lets go quickly before we get ambushed again, huh?" Jen said. The others nodded and followed her into the city, and to the police station.
"Officer Jenny! We need help!" Jen said frantically.
"Okay, just slow down, and calmly tell me what happened." Jenny said. Jen adn the others told Jenny what happened, and she was completly taken by surprise.
"Why would all three of them want to capture you Jen? What is it that makes you special? Do you have something that they want?" Jenny asked.
"I don't know!" Jen said, holding her head.
"Look, you've obviously had a rough day, so why don't you head to the pokemon center to get some sleep, and I'll send some guards there to keep you safe, okay?" Jenny said. Jen nodded and left with the others, Jolteon and Umbreon lagging behind.
You don't think he has come back, do you? Jolteon asked.
Impossible! Gallade obliterated him Umbreon said.
Yeah, but Chris survived our elemental burst, so maybe he survived Gallade. I think we should tell Jen what she maybe up against Jolteon said.
No! We all promised to keep that a secret and never tell her. Besides, if he has come back, we would be fighting his creatures instead of goons, right? Umbreon said.
Well...yeah, you're right. 16 years and I'm still paranoid about it. How sad is that? Jolteon said with a slight grin. That night, Jen couldn't sleep. Looking out the window, she saw plenty of police guards, but she was still worried.
Don't worry Jen, we're here Umbreon said.
I know, but I am a little scared of going back to sleep after the nightmare last night Jen said. She then vividly described the nightmare, which even scared Umbreon.
Yikes. I'd be scared to sleep too after that, but it was only a bad dream Umbreon said.
I hope so Jen said. She went to the bed, and slept uneasily. Around four in the morning, Jen felt a hand cover her mouth, and felt ropes binding her.
UMBREON! Jen shouted as loud as she could. Umbreon jerked upright, saw the team Rocket member, and shot him with a Shadow ball. Jen was cut free by Jolteon's spikes, and Jen woke the others up.
"Dang. The boss did say this wouldn't be easy." He said. Then he managed to escape through a secret hole in the floor.
"Sorry we didn't help Jen, but he was slippery!" Keshia said.
"It's okay, but I need to have a talk with the police out there." Jen said, starting to get dressed.
"Uh, Jen? There aren't any police out there." Gold said.
"What?!?" Jen said outraged. She went to the window, and saw that all the police had dissapeared.
"I'm going to go to talk with officer Jenny." Jen said, angry.
"Jen, wait. I'll go with you." Crystal said. They left the center, Gold and Keshia staying behind. The next thing Jen and Crystal knew, a lot of strange creatures appeared around them.
"This can't be good." Crystal said.
You have no idea Jolteon said. Drawing upon an old power long since dormant, his spiky fur turned electric blue, with long wires moving as if they were alive.
Idiot! We promised never to transform again no matter who our opponents were! Umbreon chastised.
True, but we never thought we'd have to fight these guys again, now did we? Blitz Jolteon said.
...fine, but just remember, I'm not the one who broke our promise, and I really don't like this Umbreon said. He too drew upon a sleeping reserve of power and transformed into Blaze Umbreon, his rings going from a bright gold to a blood red.
"Jen, what exactly is your dad's training program?" Crystal asked, frightened.
"I don't know, but I don"t care, for now, as long as we get out of this alive." Jen said. A mighty Shadow ball blasted THROUGH many of those creatures, and Jolteon, too fast to see, zapped all of them seperatly with a Thunderbolt. The creatures fled, leaving nothing behind. Umbreon and Jolteon turned back to normal, turning to see Jen tapping her foot and an expression on her face that said "Well, I'm waiting."
Its a long story Jen, but right now we need to get to Chris and contact the others Umbreon said. They ran back to the center and to a phone.
"Dad, thank goodness!" Jen said.
"I'm glad to see you too." Chris said.
"Umbreon and Jolteon have something to tell you. Here. I'll translate. They say that he has come back, and we need Draco Charizard and the others here now. Dad, what are you not telling me?" Jen asked. Chris had an expression of pure fear and regret on his face, then hung up.
"Okay, now tell me what is going on now!" Jen said.
"I'd like to know as well." Crystal said.
"Us too." Keshia said. Through Jen, Umbreon said "Well, its a long story, but here it goes..." Umbreon told the story of the events 16 years ago, how Chris was captured, how the creatures stole blood from all the legendary pokemon, and how Chris helped save the whole world from a disaster.
"Wow, my dad is a hero?" Jen said.
One of the greatest Jolteon said.
"Why wouldn't he tell his own daughter about that though? If I'd done that, I'd brag it to the whole stinkin world!" Keshia said.
Chris regarded that whole thing as one big nightmare that we barely escaped from alive, and didn't want to relive it ever again Umbreon said, and Jen repeated it.
"Well, put that way, I understand." Keshia said.
"And I never thought I'd have to relive it ever again." Chris said. The group turned around and saw Chris entering the center.
"Daddy, why is he coming after me?" Jen asked.
"I don't know, but he won't if I have anything to say about it." Chris said.
"Well, I don't recall asking you." Said a voice. Behind them, they saw Giovanni, Archie, Saturos, and Clone walking in with five creatures.
"You won't be taking my daughter!" Chris said aggressivley.
"Oh yes, we will!" Clone said. A creature teleported next to Jen, grabbed her, and teleported away with her.
"NO!" Chris shouted. The remaining creatures teleported away, except for Clone, who remained long enough to say "If you want her back, you know where I live." Laughing maniacly, he teleported away.

"What are you going to do with me?" Jen asked, frightened. She was tied up and blind folded, sitting on a hard stone floor.
"We're going to make you what you were destined to be. A dark trainer with immense power!" Clone said.
"Wh-what is a dark trainer?" Jen asked, afraid she wasn't going to like the answer.
"A dark trainer is one long since extinct, until today. They rulled the land, using their power to destroy all those who defied them, and controlled all pokemon, destroying any that wouldn't join them willingly. They were taken out, having beaten each other into extinction, and for many eons, they were never heard of again until they were regarded as a mere myth. It is not easy to make a dark trainer, but not impossible. A dark trainer has the ability to merge their souls with pokemon, and feed dark energy onto them, making any pokemon evil. You, my dear, have just such ability to become a dark trainer, and only need some small, yet very painful tweeking." Clone said. He snapped his fingers, and many wires came down and rapped around Jen, shocking her with black energy. She screamed out in pain, only to have the others laugh at her, celebrating their victory. The last thing that flashed before her eyes was the nightmare she had, then she passed out, her body still screaming in agony.

"Wow its hot up here. Are you sure his hide out would be this close to a volcano?" Gold asked.
"Yes, I remember it clearly." Chris said. Hearing something, he stopped in his tracks and listened. He heard a faint screaming, and he recognized it as Jen's voice.
"JEN!" Chris shouted, running as fast as he could. The others followed him and came to the cave lab Clone uses as his base.

Jen had stopped screaming, and the cables released her. Jen fell to the floor on her knees, her head hanging.
"Arise my dark trainer, for it is we who have freed you from that pure hearted girlish prison." Clone said.Jen rose her head, revealing her eyes had changed from a friendly pinkish blue to pitch black.
"And I appreciate that. However..." Jen said. Her voice had changed from pleasant to venemous. She lifted her hand, which sparked with black energy, and pointed it at Clone.
"Wh-what are you doing?" Clone asked.
"I thank you for freeing me, but your method was far from pleasant, therefore, you must be punished. You shall pay the ultimate price infact." Dark Jen said. Energy shot from her hand and electricuted Clone. Within seconds, he exploded, leaving nothing left.
"Any objections?" D Jen asked. The others shook their heads.
"Good, so we all know who is in charge here, right?" D Jen asked. They nodded, frightened looks on their faces, all thinking the same thing: What have we created?

Running down the hallway, Chris and his team, all transformed, were frantically searching for Jen, until the came to the last door at the end of the hall.
Its always at the end, isn't it? Draco Charizard commented. The burst into the room, and gasped in unison when the saw her.
"Hello father." D Jen said, a cruel smile on her face. She looked at Chris' team, and, through their bond, poured dark energy into them. Charizard and the others cringed in pain, and severed their bonds immediatly. D Jen looked like she had just been slapped in the face.
"I didn't see that coming, but it matters not. Do as I say minions!" She said, releasing all her pokemon.
New battle phrase? I have to say, I don- Luxio stopped when she saw D Jen, and backed away from her, as did the others.
"If I can't have your pokemon, I'll just use my own." D Jen said. She then poured dark energy into her pokemon, who were shocked terribly by the energy. One by one, they severed their bonds, leaving her all alone.
"Traitors! I gave you a chance to survive, and now you shall all die along with that foolish scientist!" D Jen yelled in rage.
"I have an idea, but man is it risky. If it's dark energy that turned her into this, then it's light energy that will change her back!" Chris said.
An Elemental Burst attack? Do you really want to risk it? Gallade asked.
"I doubt Jen would want to live her life like this anyway. I figure either we set her free, or we let her go." Chris said grimly. Focusing on their element moves, they combined them into a giant orb of energy, sparkling, and shot a beam of light energy at D Jen. Seeing this, she shot a beam of dark energy from her hands and countered the blast.
"Impossible!" Chris exclaimed.
"You need more power, but how?" Crystal asked. Jen's team went over to Chris and nodded.
"Right! How could I forget that my daughter is just like me? Okay, you focus on you element moves, and tranfer that power to my team." Chris said. They nodded, and closed their eyes. The beam of light energy exploded with new found power, and easily broke through D Jen's blast, and shot her, enclosing her in the light. An ear splitting venemous screech filled the air while the light energy was working on Jen. Slowly, her eyes went from pitch black to the orriginal shad of friendly pinkish blue. Jen fell to her knees, and held her head in her hands, her eyes closed.
"Jen, are you okay?" Chris asked, his hands on her shoulders. For a moment, Jen didn't say anything, and Chris was close to assuming the worst when she lifted her head and shivered.
"I never knew, being bonded my whole life, that it would be this cold without them. Can I reform our bonds please?" Jen asked. Sighing with relief, they nodded and Jen bonded her soul and re-established her bonds.
"Much better. Now, how about we get back to Johto, huh? We still have to get our fifth badge you know." Jen said. Smiling, Chris understood that she never wanted to remember this expirience, just as he decided long ago about his adventure, and left with Keshia, Gold, and Crystal. For the next few hours, they were happily enjoying the sea around them on the boat ride back, as well as the peace. As for Giovanni and the others, well while she was still a dark trainer, Jen had sent them off on a mission. What was it you may ask? Well, you'll find that out later.
yay,yay,yay!!!!!!!!but i wanna know about the mission!
Is there some reference to the Dark Trainer here? I really wouldn't mind if he made an appearance, if possible, 'cause I've run out of ideas!
you have? how a bout me and someone else try making sprite set movies?
fantastic.nothing else
when will you post the next part
it doesn't have next part!!!!it was a movie
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