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PROLOGUE<---(This is my 1st fan fic so plz rate my prologue thanks Toungue)

Blizzard a trainer who likes to use water-ice pokemons and want to beat all the champions of all regions...His journey began when he was 20 years old,yea he may started late but due to his smother-mother icy.Now he is 22 years old and he got 8 badges and he tries find the champion of kanto&johto RED!!His journey to find him starts at mt. silver...
i remember you started it in dunsparces thread.i like fanfics so i'm waiting for the begining
To be honest it sounds like a Pokemon game in a larger scale. You should also work your grammar.

Sorry for being harsh but I'm pointing things out so that you'll improve.
Guess I have competition. Good luck on your story, I eagerly await chapter 1.
EPISODE 1:The road to MT SILVER!

After 2 years of trying to get badges of kanto blizzard finally decided that it was time to face his 1st big challenge,champion of johto & kanto red,one of the biggest trainers that the world ever known but it's time for another trainer to start his journey after collecting 3 badges in 2 years journey in kanto pokemon trainer BLIZZARD...

Blizzard wakes up from his bed with his dream to become the top trainer...
He go downs the stairs in his house in the cerulean cape and has a conservation with his smother mom icy.
"Good morning mom" he says when he see his mom in the kitchen
"Good morning sweetheart" Blizzard mom's answers
"Mom i want to discuss something please sit in the sofa" Blizzard said
"What's the matter honey why you are so anxious?" Mom's said
"Ehmm how can i say it?" Blizzard said
"Speak honey it will make you feel comfortable if you say it" Mom said
"Well after a small journey in kanto and a collection of 3 badges i decided that it's time to go to face my 1st difficult challenge,champion RED! Blizzard said
"No,i can't let you go there" Mom said
"Mom i am 22 years old i am a big man now i can hunt my dream at my own!!" Blizzard said
"But sweet heart if you want to challenge champion RED you have to go at mountain silver,the most dangerous mountain in the world!! Mom said
"I know Mom i have thinked and thinked i have come to this decision please respect it" Blizzard said
"(With a big sigh) Ok honey i can't do anything to stop you but please promise you will not get to trouble in trouble!" Mom said
"Mom i am not a kid anymore for 4 years now i have to say you the same thing?" Blizzard said

As he was packing his stuff blizzard was thinking what he will meet in his journey...
After packing...

"It's time to go Mom"
"Let me kiss before you go"(crying at the same time) Mom said
"Bye Mom" Blizzard said he sa
"Take care honey" Mom said
"Bye" blizzard said as he was heading to route 24

What our hero will meet in his next episode??
To be continued...

I hope you like it,thank you for reading and say some advices Smile
I can say it was good. Although you need some work with your grammar,I see potential.
22 years old and still living with his mother? How sad is that? Sorry, I don't mean to affend, just saying, can't resist. For reasons of why I can't resist, see my signature
I had to make some funny things to the character i created Toungue Also the story will have a lot of funnies moment.By the way next episode title:The big surprise in the way to MT SILVER!
EPISODE 2:The big surprise in the way to MT. SILVER!

...Blizzard continues his journey to the MT silver to meet champion red:
" *sigh* I am tired,let's rest for a while here in cerulean" said to himshelf Blizzard
Suddenly a guy with a red suit passes runnig in front of him he was chased from a boy with a black-yellow cap,red T-shirt,yellow shorts.
"Go quilava use flame wheel" the boy said
"Go magmar use flamethrower" the guy with the red suit said
The flamethrower it was so strong that quilava need to go to a pokemon center.The guy with red suit dissapeared at the same time with his magmar when the quilava was down in the ground.
"NO,BLAZE!! the boy said
Blizzard tried to chase the guy with red suit but he couldn't reach him.
"Your quilava it's heavily damage it needs medical threatment" Blizzard said to the boy
The boy picked up quilava and gone to the pokemon center with Blizzard.
When they reached the pokemon center.
"Damn team magma has returned with leader a crazy person that he says that team aqua and team magmar united they can obtain all legendary pokemons" the boy said
"What those foolish people have returned i thought they were disband after the crysis in hoenn with kyogre battling groudon right?" Blizzard said
"Yes but now they regrouped team magma and they try to find team aqua to make an ultimate organization" the boy said
"This is horrible" Blizzard said
"I know" the boy said
"By the way we haven't introduced ourshelves didn't we?" Blizzard said
"I am Blizzard my dream is to beat the champions of all regions" Blizzard said
"I am Silver nice to meet you" Silver said
"Ok i learnt that team magma regrouped and tries to approach team aqua but why you were chasing this team magma grunt?" Blizzard said
"I was chasing because they stole my silver wing necklace,this necklace it's so important to me in family Silver every father he gives it to his son" Silver said
"Wow what an important object!!" Blizzard said
"So now where are you heading Silver?" Blizzard said
" I have a suspect that the hideout of team magma it's at blackthorn city so i will have to pass from pokemon league reception and after do the circle of Johto" Silver said
"Why don't you come with me to pokemon league reception,my destination is MT SILVER? Blizzard said
"Hmm why not but first let's test your skills in battle,as you said your dream is to beat the champions of all regions. Silver said
"Ok we will use 1 pokemon because your quilava is healing at the time"
"Go larvitar" said Silver
"Go poliwhirl" said Blizzard
"Use rock slide larvitar" said Silver
"Use hypnosis poliwhirl" said Blizzard
"Avoid it larvitar by hiding in the building" said Silver
"Use bigger microwaves of hypnosis so he can't hide" said Blizzard
The move succesfully hitted the target larvitar is sleeping.
"Wake up larvitar come on it's not time for a nap" said Silver
"You want to wake up larvitar let me help you poliwhirl use wake-up slap" said Blizzard
"Very funny but you did help me to wake up larvitar,now larvitar use crunch" said Silver
Now larvitar was biting the head of poliwhirl and poliwhirl was running in panic with larvitar in his head.
"Come on poliwhirl focus on ypur target use brick break" said Blizzard
"Too late now larvitar use dark pulse" Silver said
Poliwhirl fainted after larvitar using dark pulse so near him.
"That was a good battle but i have to become better and better if i want to beat champion red." said Blizzard
"Yes that's right but don't be anxious if you have trust on your pokemon everything will happen as you wish" Silver said
"Here is yout pokemon fully healed" he disturbed the conservation of the 2 young trainers nurse joy said
"Thank you nurse joy"
"Take care ^^" nurse joy said
"Let's continue we have a long way to pokemon league reception" said Blizzard
"Yea come let's go through MT moon." said Silver
Blizzard followed Silver to MT moon as their journey of those 2 trainers was continuing...

What they will meet in their way to pokemon league reception the 2 young trainers,don't lsoe the next episode,what will happen at MT moon? To be contineud...

Thanks for reading i hope you liked it Smile Post advices,what you like,what you dislike etc
I know your character is 22, but try not to swear, okay? I've made sure to do that, so be aware of that from now on, okay?
Where exatcly i swear????
"Damn team magma has returned with leader a crazy person that he says that team aqua and team magmar united they can obtain all legendary pokemons" the boy said
This is not so heaby swear but nevermind i bet you tell it everyday...but i will try not to put word like this one...
EPISODE 3:What's wrong with the clefairies?

...in last episode we saw Blizzard meet a new trainer chasing team magma because they stole him his silver wing necklace,Blizzard wantred to help him but the grunt got away but they decide to continue their journey together...

"*sigh*In how much hour we will climb this mountain silver?" Blizzard said
"Oh come on don't tell me you are already tired?" Silver said
"Oh my god we are climbin MT moon for 2 days how i am supposed to not be tired?" Blizzard said
"Come on don't become a girl we are almost there,you see the famous stones that the clefairies make circles and some time they evolve to clafable" Silver said
"I don't care about clefairy I CARE ABOUT MY FEET" Blizzard said
"Lazy boy,admire the view of those beatiful stones...hmm where are the clefairies?This place is supposed to be full of clefairies?" Silver said
"Let me make it clear I DON'T CARE ABOUT CLEFAIRY BUT ABOUT MY FEET" Blizzard said
"Pff here is the pokemon centre lazy boy" Silver said
"Yay Smile" Blizzard said

*While they were going in Silver was thinking where are the clefairies*

"Come on Silver let's rest for 1 hour and we can leave" Blizzard said
"1 second, i want to ask about something let me speak to nurse joy" Silver said
"Hi Nurse Joy! Can i make one curious question?" Silver said
"Of course what is it?" Nurse Joy said
"Where are all the clefairies i didn't see them not even a cleffa!" Silver said
"The last week the clefairies are dissapeared,we are searching them but we can't find them.I don't know maybe it was those band of people with red clothes that were doing strange things at clefairies but can't find a clue!" Nurse joy said
"Hmmm intresting" Silver said before he was disturbed from Blizzard...
"Come Silver we have only 1 hour left to go come and take a rest" Blizzard said
"Ok ok i am coming..." Silver said

*After 1 hour of our heroes sleeping*
"*yawns* What a strange dream was that!!" Silver said
"What's wrong" Blizzard said
"I saw in my dream that the clefairies need it help inside a cane with a river" Silver said
"Hmmm the only place that i know with a river inside it's cave is this mountain!" Blizzard said
"What!?This mountain??Maybe the clefairies are trying to communicate with me!!I think we will not climb the back of the mountain but we will take the path from the cave!!" Silver said
"Ok" Blizzard said but Blizzard was thinking this time:Yes no more climbing,my feet are killing me every time we climb!!

*After our heroes entering the cave*

*We will find the river and we will follow it until the exit of the cave and hopefully we will find a clue about the clefairies" Silver said
"Ok" Blizzard said
"You hear that?It's a sound like a water is moving maybe it's the river!" Blizzard said
"Come on hurry up let's follow the sound" Silver said

*After reaching the river*

" *sigh* We reached the river now let's follow it" Blizzard said
"But...what is this noise...?" Blizzard said
"It's a grunt of team magma follow the red clothes!!" Silver said running to the grunt
*6 grunts of team magma appeared after the calling of their mate for help*

The six grunts said:Go!Mightyena Go!Seviper! Go!Zangoose! Go!Luxio! Go!Poliwrath Go!Magmar

Silver said:Go!Poliwhirl! Go!Lombre
Silver said:Go!Quilava! Go!Larvitar!



Thanks for reading...plz leave comments,advices,if you likie it or dislike.(I am trying i know my grammar is bad)

Also tell me if any member wants to involved inside the story plz Smile
(12-10-2010 11:14 PM)alexkafroc Wrote: [ -> ]Also tell me if any member wants to involved inside the story plz Smile

i'm always eager to take part in fanfics so you can count me in
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