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Full Version: Perfect teammates. [OU RMT]
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So i decided to make another OU team after playing UU for a while, and this one is actually the first successful OU balanced team i've ever created (With some help.), So i decided to post it here for further improvements.

The Lead:
Aerodactyl @ Focus Sash
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 Def
Nature: Jolly
- Rock Slide
- Earthquake
- Stealth Rock
- Taunt

Aerodactyl is a natural lead, acceptable attack, very high speed and access to Stealth Rock and Taunt make it superior, Rock Slide gives it a reliable STAB. The only reason I'm using Rock Slide over Stone Edge is that the 30% chance of flinching helped me A LOT. Earthquake is used for more coverage.

This lead, however, has some troubles shutting down certain leads, like Bronzong, it always gets me and all i can do is Taunt + SR, but leads such as Azelf are easily taken care of, as they usually predict a Taunt and go for Psychic or Grass Knot first, so i go for Rock Slide to get the 2HKO.

Set-up sweeper #1
Dragonite @ Life Orb
Nature: Jolly
252 Atk / 4 HP / 252 Spe
- Dragon Dance
- ExtremeSpeed
- Outrage
- Earthquake

Pretty self-explanatory. Dragon Dance Dragonite is just pure plain badassery. ExtremeSpeed is used for weakened revenge-killers like Flygon who think they can take me down. Outrage is the strongest attack on this moveset and it's also the strongest STAB on Dragonite, it can take care of weakened Swampert who switch in on an Earthquake or an ExtremeSpeed, it also can deal a nice amount of damage to Scizor (2HKO's) and other Steel types who switch-in.
Earthquake OHKO's all versions of Heatran and is used for Dragon + Ground coverage which is resisted by a few. And it also helps me against Tyranitar and take it down before it kills me with Stone Edge.

Jirachi @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Serene Grace
Nature: Jolly
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 HP
- Iron Head
- Ice Punch
- ThunderPunch
- Fire Punch

My revenge-killer, saved me from many dangerous sweepers before, such as Gyarados who can dig holes in my team after a Dragon Dance, it also revenges Lucario with Fire Punch, Dragonite and Flygon with Ice Punch, and flinch Pokemon to death.

ThunderPunch is mainly used over Trick to take care of Gyarados who sets up on my Suicune, Iron Head takes down anything, even those who resist it, Fire Punch can revenge Scizor and opposite Jirachi while also 2HKOing Forretress.

Jolly is used to tie with opposite +Spe Scarfed Flygon and outspeed Scarfed Flygon with a neutral speed nature.

Special Sweeper:
Gengar @ Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 HP
Nature: Timid
- Substitute
- Shadow Ball
- Focus Blast
- Pain Split

The awesome SubSplit Gengar, taking care of Blissey and Snorlax with the combination of Substitute + Pain Split + Focus Blast, it can also 2HKO most Pokemon who don't resist Shadow Ball, and can sweep teams behind a Sub.

Substitute can save me from status-inducing Pokemon, mainly Celebi who loves going around teams, causing switches and Thunder Waving the shit outta anything.

Pain Split was used to take care of Blissey who usually if not always switches in on Gengar, taking out more than 50% of Blissey's health after a Pain Split.

Focus Blast takes care of Heatran who is also a common switch-in, it fails me sometimes though due to it's goddamn 70 accuracy, but it usually works.

Set-up sweeper #2
Tyranitar @ Lum Berry
Ability: Sandstream
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 HP
Nature: Jolly
- Taunt
- Dragon Dance
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake

Wtf ? Taunt on Tyranitar ? This must be some sort of a gimmick!

No, it's not. This Tyranitar can wreck stall teams after taking care of Bronzong and Breloom, it can Taunt Skarmory and setting up on it's weak Brave Bird and Drill Peck, prevents Blissey from statusing my team, and prevents Forretress who thinks it can set-up on me.

Tyranitar also makes perfect synergy with Gengar. Gengar can take out what Tyranitar can't, and Tyranitar can take out what Gengar can't.

Lum Berry is mainly used to set-up on Blissey and Rotom before Taunting them, giving me an extra Dragon Dance. I can Taunt Rotom after curing the WoW using the Lum Berry and Taunt Blissey after absorbing the Toxic/Thunder Wave.

Ass-saver and the guy that makes people ragequit:
Suicune@ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Nature: Bold
- Surf
- Calm Mind
- Rest
- Ice Beam

You might wonder, why use Ice Beam over Sleep Talk on a CroCune ? I'll answer with Dragonite, Kingdra and Gyarados who otherwise dig wholes in my team after setting up. And also leaving them open to my own Dragonite's ExtremeSpeed.

Calm Mind is the secret to winning with this guy: It boosts my SpA and SpD making Suicune incredibly hard to take down. Surf is a strong STAB on Suicune and does a nice amount of Damage to Pokemon who don't resist it. Rest is used to recover my HP back and also grab more Calm Minds if possible.
Give the Ev'z of Nite
Yeah, haha. Sorry, forgot to add those.

Ah, the days of Gen III, when Taunt on Tyranitar was almost a staple. Toungue

Other that revenge killing with Jirachi, how do you deal with Scizor? I think that no Pokémon can switch on all 3 of Steel, Bug and Fighting without taking some good damage. Suicune may be able to heal the damage with Rest but still, it can't exactly counter Scizor.
Scizor can't touch Suicune [and Suicune can also set-up on it, and also outspeed non-speed Scizor], Jirachi can revenge-kill, Gengar can set-up on locked Brick Break/Superpower. Scizor isn't really a big threat, the biggest threat to this team is Jolteon, it 2HKO's everything, can't switch into anything, and it also outspeeds most of my team members, the only way i can deal with it is to revenge-kill with Jirachi and/or Dragonite.
I don't think Suicune can take that many CB U-turn, then switch to a counter by Scizor. Especially one without Sleep Talk that has to give away 2 turns every time it uses Rest. And don't forget that your own Sandstorm will nullify your Leftovers, and if the opponent has SR/Spikes, you're taking too much damage just by switching in and out. Gengar cannot switch in on Scizor, you'll have to take the Fighting move first, then switch. Well, at least I wouldn't risk it.

About Jolteon, you could possibly go for a bulkier Tyranitar, EV'd to take 2 Thunderbolts in Sandstorm. Since you're using Taunt, some bulk wouldn't be bad, but I don't know what the exact EPs needed are. Though Specs Jolteon is a late-game sweeper, your Tyranitar will almost never be at full health when it starts spamming Thunderbolt.
Suicune is bulky enough, trust me.

+Max attack Scizor Choice Band vs. my Suicune: 30.7% - 36.4%
Superpower: 34.9% - 41.3%
Brick Break: 22% - 26%
Bug Bite (Technician): 39.4% - 46.3%

Bug Bite [which is rare on CB Scizor] will 3HKO, that's what Scizor can do to my Suicune while i grab a couple Calm Minds to survive any kind of attacks.

And i don't bring out Tyranitar [late-game set-up sweeper] except if i really need it to sponge a Psychic attack or a Fire attack, so i don't cancel my own Leftovers. [like you said]
Some months ago I would insist, but right now I've got no idea what Scizor's common teammates are. Toungue

Before Salamence becoming an uber though, some of the most common cores of offensive teams were Salamence-Magnezone-Scizor and Gyarados-Jolteon-Scizor. My point is that if a CB Scizor uses U-turn on your Suicune switch and then Jolteon/Magnezone comes in, you'll have to switch your Suicune out again to avoid the KO. You can't repeat that forever though. Anyway, as I said, I won't insist, it's not like I have ever used Suicune.
Right now it's Magnezone-Gengar-Tyranitar and Scizor-Heatran-Gyarados [which Suicune can take down Scizor-Heatran-Gyarados itself, Gyarados cant set up DD's forever while i grab a 2HKO/3HKO depending on how many CMs i've got and if it's a bulky Gyarados or an offensive one.], that's what i usually see.

And there are a lot of other defensive cores as well, but i mentioned the most overused offensive cores. Toungue
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