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here will be a rangers story.the 2 next posters will be in the story.sing up[lol]
part 1 To the havanha academy
Tai[me]:Huh good morning my room.
mam:Tai,it is 10 o'clock.
Tai:Oh,yes i forgot i won the lotto and now i can go to get my styler.
so Tai went and took his styler from pro.Max....
Max:Now you have your own styler.Do you know how to catch pokemons?
Tai:Of course.
Max:So catch this simama[5th genetion pokemon].
Tai:Capture on!Haaaaaaaaaaa.
Max:It used tackle.Ij your styler lose all his energy you will...you know what.
Max:Where did you found that magby?
Tai:My dad gave it to me.Capture Complete.
Max:So you are a good pokemon ranger.
Tai:Now i will start my own journey right?
Max:No,you need to go to the havanha academy to learn some things.
Tai:How will i get there?
Max:Take this.
Tai:What's this?
Max:It's the han ticket,you can treavel to havanha academy with this.
so,tai left to the havanha academy and...
Tai:This ship is great!
???:So you are a ranger.
Tai:How are you.
Fat:I am Fat.
Tai:Ha ,ha,ha funny name.
Fat:So lets have a battle.
Tai:I dont think that rangers can fight.
Fat:They can.
Fat:I have 3 pokemons here.I will let them and the one who will catch the most is the winner.Got it?
Tai:Got it.
Fat:So go starly,tailo and bidoof!
Tai:Capture on on starly!
will tai will or will he lose?you will learn it in the next episoed.
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part 2 The big explosion

Tai:Ha,I captured the starly!
Fat:And i the tailo!
Tai:Yes,i won.
Fat:So,you are good.
Tai:Buy-buy bidoof.
Fat:Don't ever get in my way.
Tai:Are you crazy?
when the ship arrived.....
Tai:Yes,I am in the havanha island!
so tai found the acedemy and went in the class....
Mrs:Today guys we will learn how to catch pokemons.Can someone catch this bidoof?
mrs:Okk,do it.
so tai cauth the bidoof and the guys trained.
that night......
Tai:Boys do you want to scare the girls?
all the boys:Yes!!!
so boys made a monster and they wore it.but in the girls's room...
all the girls wanted to scare the boys so they did the same.when they got out of their rooms....
boys:Ahhh a manster.
girls:Ahhh a monster.
tai:We scared becouse you scared us becous we scared you.
so all the childs went to their bed.

that was the part 1 of episoed 2
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come on gyis[if you want sing up]
episoed 2 part 2

the net morning......
mrs:Today,guys we will learn about pokemon assist.Does someone know about them?
mrs:Tell me your name.
Kris:I am Kris.
mrs:So tell us.
Kris:The pokemon assist isn't like the assist in the football.If you put a pokemon in your styler the pokemon will use its power to capture the other.
mrs:Great Kris.
after 1 hour lesson....
mrs:Ok kids,you can go to the lesson of abilites.
when all the lessons finished...
Tai:5 lessons,what a mess.
Kris:The lossers must do lessons.
Tai:I didn't talked to you.
the other day...
mrs:Ok kids today we will learn about stylers and their level.So,guys let me check how many level are your stylers.
she saw all of them but....
mrs:Tai,level x?I can't explain it but......its impossible.You have the light styler.Kids you can go out te lesson is over.
so all the kids went out with the same question.but tai captured pokemon ang got more and more level.
Tai:Still level X.Ok i will go to buy some things.
so tai arrived at the mart.....
Tai:Hey,I will take this movie.X-men3 and giratina and the sky warrior.
so,tai bought his things and he came back.the other day...............
Tai:What silly thing is stoping my sleep.
Kris:Just some bad guys put a bomb in our school.
Tai:Only for this......WHAT
so,all the kids went out from the school and that time......
Tai:No,our school.
everybody:Who is there.
bad grunt[bg]:Look,I put this bomb in your school.But if you want to be alive 2 of you must come here.
all the students made one step back exept Kris and Tai.
bg:So,you 2 will come here.
mrs:But they are just kids.
bg:I don't care.
Kris:Tai,are you ready?
Tai:You bet.
tai and kris:1...2....3...punch him!
so tai and kris started to punch him with all of their power.
bg:No,i will leave now but we will met again.
everybody:Be sure.
that night...
mrs:All kids will go back to their homes.i hope you to be the best raingers.Exept you tai and kris.
tai and kris:Why?
mrs:You need to go the mangester city.
mrs:Becouse there is the rangers base.
kris:Ok,see ya.
mrs:But,stay together you tow.

so,one more episode end
did you liked it?
lots of tiepoes. i wanna sign up.
Pokèpartnersability: glares to paralyze target for 3 seconds.
ok,tommorow the next part
(11-10-2010 07:22 PM)staraptor Wrote: [ -> ]X-men3
my fave movie!!!
btw,i'm in

Why am I not surprised LuXray?
(11-10-2010 09:53 PM)KALAS REY Wrote: [ -> ]Why am I not surprised LuXray?

because Furry rules!!!!Toungue
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdQ8P0G3j...re=related this is the starter song..

part 3 The end of Kris.

tai:Oh,Finnaly i am in mangester city.
kris:Today is the big match.
tai:Which match?
kris:Panathinakos vs Mangester city.
tai:Oh,yeh.Mangercity is going to win.
so the 2 children went to see the match.
after the match...
tai:Yes,pao lost 0:7 from mangester city.
the other day they went to profesor's lab but nobody answerd... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GeCCnVD2654 here this song[read and listen]
so,tai read the history of this city and he found that every 3 months a dialga is coming here and eat everyone in the city.so,he told it to kris and......
kris:I know.It has already eatten govow and ronaldo.
tai:What is ronaldo doing here?
kris:I don't know.
so the tow kids started to run out the city and then they heard a scream and then nothing.
kris:I will go to see what is going on ther.
but kris didn't heard him.after a while someeone shouted[[TAI,HELP]and then nothing.Tai where so sceard but then someone tolld him
???:Don't be afraid.Take your styler and fight.
when tai looked saw nothing but he told to his self
Tai:I can do it.
so he picked up hias styler,he took a breath and he sout
then dialge got out and it tried to eat him but someone mad3e something..
tai looked and he saw a boy.
Tai:His face looks familiar.Hey,he is Sirk.The champion of captured pokemon.
Sirk:Pokemon assist.Giratina go.
then he captured dialga
Sirk:Who are you?
Tai:I am Tai.
Sirk:Ok.Do you want to travel together?
Tai:Yes.Can I have an autograph?
the other day all the people were in the town....
Tai:So,today we will go to the lad.

kris is dead.YEA
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kris is dead.YEA
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i didnt mean it
next part in 2 days
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