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I put alot of effort into this...but I guess I should appeal to more audiences. Still I think its great.
next episode comes tomorrow! Dont worry it will only be one part unlike the first episode.
Episode 2: The plot finally comes
[align=left]Narrator: So what your saying is that at the end of each episode I will get a watermellon as long as I do this job?
Giratina88: Yes exactly.
Narrator: Okay. Last time on Pokemon GX the plot was almost found but then some dragon thingy arived and ruined it and we have no plot what so ever. Well today we finally find a plot and the show will now be sort of like a naruto rip off. We join our hero's as they are in the pokeforces main building being assigned missions.
Chikorita: So can someone explain to use why some portal just happend to appear in the middle of the training field and you guys act like not much happend?
Wigglytuff: Actually, we should have told you guys this earlier but...this area is very prone to extra dimentional portals.
Charmander: Now you tell us!
Wigglytuff: Well the reason we didn't tell you earlier is because the writing staff didn't think of it at the time.
Chimchar: Wait we have writers?
Wigglytuff: Its shocking but we do...
Charmander: Well the writing staff must suck.
Wigglytuff: Well the person who came up with this story was one of their best people, and Im afraid to say that Im not even joking...
Shinx: We need better writers.
Buneary: Honestly I think we only have one writer.
Wigglytuff: Exactly...moving right along this area is prone to sudden appearances of extra-dimensional portals. Some portals take us to safe areas like other nintendo areas. Other portals are made by evil dark creatures called the Ing. The Ing make these portals so they can come into our world and spread their evil. We have specially trained pokeforces members deal with closing portals. Occasionally some super dangerous portal opens. Those kinds can lead to holy, unstable, and/or evil places such as the hall of origin, distortion world, youtube, Ohio, North Korea, and anything made by 4kids. Those places are sealed off far below the ground where they cant do any harm. By the way the only holy place on that list would be the hall of origin. Now if there are no questions I will assign missions.
Chatot: Okay then here are the mission assignments. Team Silver you will be assigned with tracking down a creature known as Zoroark. He is a very dangerous pokemon with the ability to transform into any kind of pokemon. Team Omega will be assigned with the mission of investigating the region of Volcarian. There are reports of Ing activity in that area and we need them dead before they spread their evil to other places. Finally, Team 4 Star will be assigned with the mission of...
Squirtle: yes...?
Chatot: Escorting some diplomat to his homeland.
Squirtle: Derp...
Chikorita: Somehow this mission doesn't seem as simple as it sounds...
Chimchar: Wait what now?
Shinx: Ugh...another chance to drown my sorrows...
Wigglytuff: You will meet up with your group leaders in half an hour. Untill then just socialize.
*As soon as Wigglytuff and Chatot leave the room a huge amount of conversation starts. Squirtle decides to talk to Buneary since he has nothing better to do*
Squirtle: I've noticed there are like so few of us...if we pokeforces are needed so badly why do they only have a dozen of us?
Buneary: Oh...well actually they find new recruits every day. They get teleported out of their cartrage and into this world.
Squirtle: And another thing...you look like a very familiar pokemon. Have I seen you somewhere before?
Buneary: Actually we were on the same Soul Silver cartrage together. I was part of your team for a time.
Squirtle: That explains alot...even back then you liked me...
Buneary: um...hehe...well I guess so...
Squirtle: But what happend to you?
Buneary: Well after a week or so Spongebob decided to trade me because I contracted pokerus. He traded it to Charlie the Unicorn for a shiny starmie.
Squirtle: Oh...I remember that Starmie. It looked like a Deoxys kind of...
Bonsly: Buneary! Is it time for my cameo yet?
Buneary: Shut up! Im trying to make lo-I mean talk to Squirtle...yeah...
Squirtle: Well this is getting aquward...
*Squirtle goes on to talk to his team mates. After 30 minutes their mentors arive to lead them on their missions*
Gardevour: Lets head out Team Omega!
Bonsly: Screen time!
Croagunk: Guess again!
Dusknior: Show them no mercy Team Silver!
Charmander: Like I care...
Sneasal: More bloodshed!
Seviper: Honestly does anyone else see that all of this is an obvious rip off of Naruto?
Dunsknior: SSSHHHHHHHHHHH!!! The audiance isnt supposed to know that!
Seviper: Oh...
*The other 2 teams leave and then Pikachu walks in with an Eevee*
Pikachu: Okay guys this is the Diplomat. His name is Veekun. We need to escort him to the country of China safely.
Veekun: Oh great...my life is in the hands of a bunch of starters...woopdy doo...
Pikachu: Put a cork in it!
Shinx: Not like it really matters...
Chikorita: Cant we all just get along
Shinx: Wait a second...China...what knd of world is this?!?
Squirte: The kind of world where instead of Obama we have a shiny Charzard
Narrator: And thus an epic journy begins
Episode 3: The Cylon References

Narrator: When we last left off Team 4 Star was assigned its first real mission. The mission is to escort a Diplomat named Veekun back to his homeland in China. But first we will go to a off topic cutscene.
*Screen switches to a dense forest where little light comes through*
Narrator: Last time we saw Celebi she had turned against Togetic and released a horrifying creature: Mewtwo. However now she is lost soewhere in Siberia and is rather low on health as a number of unidentified mechanoid beings keep attacking her.
Celebi: God damn it! No wonder nobody lives in Siberia. Why is Togetic Castle located in such a wasteland? Why couldn't it have been on some nice tropical island in the Bahammas? Well I better find my way out as soon as I-
*Suddenly a mechanoid being comes out of the shadows*
Celebi: Oh crap another Cylonion!
*This being, a Cylonion, is a purely machine pokemon. Its head looks a bit like that of Zoroark only it has no mouth and instead of normal eyes it has that red strip thingy a Cylon has that it sees trough. Its body also has the basic shape of Zoroark with the exception of super sharp claws that seem to be moving at light speed*8
Cylonion: Bzzart. Target found. Pepare to be shreaded to a pool of blood.
Celebi: pant...pant...guess I have no choice but to kill this thing.
*Celebi and the Cylonion charge at each other. The special wild battle music from pokemon black and white plays. A huge fight ensues with Celebi barely managing to destroy the creature. The music then stops playing*
Celebi: gahhu...gahhu...glad...thats over with...
*Right after she says this a entire squad of Cylnions surround her*
Celebi: Me and my bbbbbbbbiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiggggggg f***ing mouth...
Cylonions: Target found. You will die. Initiating radiation cannons...
Celebi: Well Im done for...HELP!
Random Cylonion: Its hopeless. Nobody can save you. Calculating chances of survival for you at 0%.
Celebi: Well thats really negative.
Random Cylonion: Negativity...ahh...does not compute...
Other random Cylonion: Enough. Kill the bioform.
All Cylonions: Cannons firing in 10...9...8...7
*Celebi decides to curl up in fear since she doesnt have the strength to run*
All Cylnions: ...4...3...2...1
*Scene switches over to the some road out side of whatever town the main characters where in*
Narrator: Meanwhile at some random road.
Squirtle: Well that was an interesting scene. So...how are we supposed to get to china without any real technology?
Shinx: Hell if I know. Im more concerned about the dead guy we left at the gate.
Chikorita: Screw it if he wanted lemonade so badly he should have gotten up and used his own damn legs!
Squirtle: Well someone has a temper-
Chikorita: I DONT WANNA HEAR IT!!!
Chimchar: How many weeks have we been traveling...
Squirtle: About 40 minutes now will you stop whining
Chimchar: BUT IM HUNGRY!
Chikorita: Shut up if anyone is suffering here its me!
*The group gets into some huge fight about a bunch of random things. Pikachu and Veekun look on*
Veekun: My god these have to be the most annoying body guards ever.
Pikachu: And this is on a good day.
*The arguments in Team 4 Star get even worse and soon they stop and start attaking each other*
*Just after this sentence annoying orange makes an appearance*
Annoying Orange: I beg to differ! Nehahahahahahahahaha!
Shinx: Oh god no...
Annoying Orange: Hey! Another emo person! Your like that emo clown Jigsaw! Are you 2 related? Nehahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
*Screen shifts to the forests of Siberia where Celebi is under attack*
Narrator: Meanwhile back in Siberia...or wherever this place is...
All Cylonions: Firing in 5...4...3...2...
*Just before the Cylonions fire their radiation cannons one of the Cylonions is thrust aside by an unknown force*
Random Cylonion: WTF. Does not compute. Does not compute.
*3 more of them are shattered to bits in an instant. The rest of them back away*
Random Cylonion: We surrender. Also does not compute.
???: I'd rather kill all of you.
Other Random Cyonion: Okay that computes.
*The rest of the Cylonions are pulled apart and twisted untill they are no more than hunks of metal*
Celebi: What was that?
*The mist clears and Celebi stares at her savior in astonishment. The pokemon who saved her was none other than Mewtwo*
Celebi: You...saved me...
Mewtwo: Well next time you will be more careful. Had I not been their at that moment you would be reduced to an acid puddle right about now.
Celebi: But why...did you save me?
Mewtwo: Well...you are my creator...I figure thats the least I could do for you...
Celebi: Well we are both on the run from Team Togetic and we share a common enemy so why dont we team up?
Mewtwo: I guess that could work out...for now.
Narrator: And thus these 2 villians have now joined forces to form there own group. We would turn back to Team 4 Star but we dont want to encounter annoying orange again so we are just going to end the episode. Laters!
Episode 4: Orange go by by
Narrator: Pokemon GX! Acording to wikipedia we dont exist!
*The scene switches to a road in japan where Team 4 star is escorting Veekun the eevee to Asia*
Narrator: Team 4 Star is currently escorting Veekun to Asia. What they dont realize is that thanks to some antagonist forces the mission will be alot more complicated. However the team seems to have their own problems
Chikorita: (hanging from a tree with vine wip) IM A MONKEY!!!
Annoying Orange: Nehahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
Squirtle: Its really gonna depress me if those 2 dont die in a couple of episodes.
Shinx: Welcome to the club.
Chimchar: ...to...much...annoying...gonna...die
Veekun: Ugggggggghhhhhhhhh
Veekun: Guhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Pikachu: Um...are you okay.
*Suddenly Veekun's body lights up in many colors with all the elemental types streaming from his body*
*Veekun blasts Annoying Orange with a very colorful beam of pure energy*
*After the blast is over their is no trace left of Annoying Orange*
Veekun: Yes finally he's gone!
Squirtle: He was only around for like half an episode.
Chimchar: AAAAAAAAAHHH! Do you realize what you've done!?!
Veekun: I killed the most annoying thing on the planet!
Chikorita: You know I think your getting a bi-
Chikorita: Fine. I'll just go somewhere else.
Audience Members: Damn strait you will!
Pikachu: Can we just go to the next scene already this is getting annoying.
Narrator: Meanwhile in some undisclosed location.
*The Scene flips to the inside of some sort of giant device. Wired to it in its core is a cyborg creature called Mewthree. Mewthree is a cyborg which looks like a larger version of mew but not quite as big as Mewtwo. Mewthree's skin is a very deep purple. However most of his body is mechanical*
Mewthree: Ah...that was a good sleep mode.
Computer System: SYSTEM UPDATE.
Mewthree: So. Veekun is trying to make his way to Asia.
Computer: Affermative. He also has some guards with him. I will put up some images.
Mewthree: WTF! He's using a bunch of kids as guards! He's just asking to be killed. Well then...computer! Lets send a squad of Cylonions to intercept them.
Computer: The pikachu seems to be the leader of the squad. Thus he is much more powerful. Perhaps a bigger force should be used?
Mewthree: Fine. Send in 2 squads and some Grox with them. It never hurts to be careful.
Computer: Request has been impute. Sending units.
Mewthree: Its only a matter of time before we reveal ourselves to the world...my machines are far stronger than any pokemon on Earth. The entire planet shall be ours.
*Scene switches to a cave where Mewtwo and Celebi are resting in*
Narrator: Meanwhile in some random cave on the border of China Mewtwo and Celebi are traveling around the planet to humble the other pokemon and rule the world.
Mewtwo: Hey wake up already! God you sleep forever!
Celebi: gurggglll....its 4 in the morning!
Mewtwo: That may be, but on the east coast of america its 4 pm!
Celebi: What does that have to do with anything? We're supposed to conquer China today.
Mewtwo: Shut up. Your logic is annoying me.
Celebi: Well this scene is pointless.
Giratina88: Aw shut up! I put a hell of a lot of money into making this show!
Celebi: Actually your not paying any money at all. NOW JUST CHANGE SCENES!
*Scene switches to the Road that Team 4 Star is traveling on*
Narrator: Meanwhile Team 4 Star is about to be ambushed by an unknown enemy.
Squirtle: With karate Ill kick your ass! Here at titianimate square! Yeah you mother(naughty word) Ill kick you in your (bad word) there yeah yeah!
*The bushes on the side of the road rustle*
Pikachu: What was that?
Veekun: I'll handle this. Come on out and show yourselves!
*At this a squad of Cylonions jump out of the bushes and attack the others*
Chikorita: What are those things!
Veekun: They're my enemies. These beings are called Cylonions. They are super powered mecha pokemon bent on world destruction.
Squirtle: Thats awful! Why would they want to destroy the planet?
Chimchar: Global warming maybe?
Chikorita: that makes no sense!
Shinx: Leave it to chimchar to say something stupid. Look out!
*A battle insues with the Cylonions slashing when ever they can*
Chikorita: Gaah! I've been hit!
*After The Cylonion slashes Chikorita's skin their is a deep purple gash and she falls over and faints*
Squirtle: These things are moving at light speed! How do we stop them?
Pikachu: Well if you weren't such useless nubs then you might be able to do something!
Chimchar: Just focus on grinding them to bits!
*Team 4 Star and the Cylonions continue to battle but no matter how hard they try they cant seem to hit them*
Narrator: Our hero's are now in a fight for their lives as they are too nooby to even land a dent in them. Will this be the end? find out next time!
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