Legendary Pokémon

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Ok leave my story out of this okay just you and me
Gallade: That was an easy one. So what's our next target?
Houndoom: I dunno. We'll just kill something on our way.
Gallade: Huh? Who said this?
Houndoom: Why don't you tell this in front of us?

Suddenly they heard a sound from the top of a tree,followed by a figure jumping in front of them.

Gallade: Oh,it's Shiftry.
Houndoom: What do you want?
Shiftry: The boss sent me to supervise you,and I'm glad he did. Do you realise how lame your plan is? Killing random pokemon pokemon isn't going to get you anywhere!
Gallade:So what "plan" do you suggest,smartass?
Shiftry: I don't know,maybe killing important pokemon whose death will matter and will actually HELPING the guild?
Houndoom: Even though I don't want to admit it,he has a point. So who should we kill?
Shiftry: Beats me. Go ask the boss. I'd like to stay with you and chat,but I have to kill the leader of Team Herbalists. They just keep reviving pokemon that the weaker members of our guild fail to murder.
Gallade: Arceus I hate this guy. Alright,let's head back to the guild.

As the team was heading to the Gengar's room,they saw the second in command,his younger brother Haunter.

Haunter: Hm? What do you want?
Gallade: We want to see guildmaster Gengar.
Haunter: He's sleeping right now. He had a hard day. What do you want?
Houndoom: Well,when he sent us out he just said "go and kill pokemon". Should we be killing important targets? We're assasins after all!
Haunter: Hmmm,let me check the guild's blacklist.

Haunter opened a large black book with the words "Assassin's Guild blacklist" in the front page.

Haunter: Hmmmmmmmm....... ok. Here we are. You must go and kill the leader of team Celestial,Gochiruzeru. Her team is a major threat as it has stopped many of our assaults.

Gallade and Houndoom: Got it.

Having recieved their mission,the duo headed for team Celestial's base. At the entrance there were two KaDabras guarding it. Gallade and Houndoom were hiding in a bush,planning their attack.

Gallade: We must find a way to take them down without being noticed.
Houndoom: I have an idea. I'll stay here and you will go on that tree over there. I'll make some sound here,so that one of them will come to check what's going on. You will then jump on the other one and slice him in half.
Gallade: Sounds like a plan.

Deciding to carry out the plan,Houndoom stomped a pile of leaves,making some noice and Gallade jumped quickly to the top of a nearby tree.

Kadabra 1: I think I heard something.
Kadabra 2: I'll go check. Keep your guard.

The 2nd Kadabra went close to the bush.

Houndoom: CRUNCH!

Houndoom's jaws made contact with Kadabra,followed by him being sliced in half. The 1st Kadabra then noticed Houndoom.

Kadabra 1: Wh...wh..who are you and what do you want? Stay still or I'll fire a Focus Blast on you!
Gallade: You can't focus without a head! LEAF BLADE!,said Gallade as he jumped from the tree to attack. As a result,Kadabra's head was launched about 10 meters away.

Houndoom: I guess they're dead. Let's get rid of the corpses now. Yay! Dinner time!
Gallade: There's no time for a meal. Someone might come here and see us.
Houndoom: But I'm hungry!
Gallade: You're always hungry. Besides,if you keep eating everything we come across,you'll become fat and sluggish. I've heard Absol doesn't like fat and sluggish girls.
Houndoom: Wh...what are you talking about? Absol is just a friend! Nothing else! Not at all!
Gallade: Of cource he is. Anyway,let's get going.

A few moments later the team was in a dark corridor that lead to Team Celestial's main hall. They could hear a female voice.

Gallade(whispering): It must be Gochiruzeru.
Houndoom: I think you're right. Be quiet now or they'll hear us.
Gallade: Okay. I'll try to see what's happening. Watch my back.

So Gallade went a litle closer and he could see several psychic and dark pokemon sitting around a table.A Rankurusu,a Weavile,a Spiritomb standed out from the crowd among with the leader of the team,Gochiruzeru.

Gochiruzeru: Everybody listen carefully. Even though members of the Assassin's Guild are killing everyone out there,our job as a rescue team cannot stop. To increase their chances of survival,the lower rank teams will go on missions on pairs. Spiritomb,assemble your team. You are going to assist me,Rankurusu and Weavile on the attack on the Assassin's Guild headquarters.

Gallade: I think we've heard enough.
Houndoom: You're right. We now have to wait for the prefect moment...
Weavile: Hey! Who's there?
Spiritomb: Huh?
Rankurusu: I know these two! They are members of the Assassin's Guild!
Gallade: Well,It seems that you found us. But this is not going to save you!
Weavile: You're not leaving alive!
Houndoom: You're too hot-tempered for an Ice pokemon! Someone has to teach you a lesson about respect!
Gochiruzeru: Enought trashtalking! Everybody,attack!

After those words,dozens of Psychic and Dark attacks among with some Fight and Dark ones were launched at Gallade and Houndoom.

Gallade: Time to turn the tides! SPIRITOMB,NOW!
Spiritomb: Finally! Dark Pulse!

A wave of darkness came out of the purple ghost,eradicating all of the attacks and inflicting serious damage to the weakest pokemons in the room.

Spiritomb: I thought you guys would never come.
Houndoom: We had some trouble getting in. Better late than never!
Rankurusu: Traitor! We will show no mercy to you.
Weavile: He seemed suspicious from the beginning.
Gochiruzeru: Your actions shall not be forgiven. You are now an enemy of Team Celestial!
Spiritomb: Oh please! Less talking,more action!
Weavile: You want action? Then take an Ice Punch!

The punch connected with Spiritomb,leaving some ice shards.

Spiritomb: Is that all you got? Shadow Ball!

The Shadow Ball went for Gochiruzeru,but she envaded it.

Gochiruzeru:Good,but not good enough! Psycho Shock!
Spiritomb: That's why I have Mirror Coat!

The attack hit Spiritomb but it was deflected with twice the power towards Rankurusu.

Rankurusu: Urgh!
Gochiruzeru: But how? Your speices cannot learn this move!
Spiritomb: Everything is possible with hard training my little goth!

Gallade: Leave some for me! Night Slash!

Gallade hit Rankurusu with a blade twice as big as normal that contained dark energy.

Rankurusu: R..rollout....

The green blob turned into a ball and rushed towards Houndoom,who envaded it.

Houndoom: Not fast enough honey! Flameth..

Her attack was interupted when she was hit by the rolling Rankurusu. The Rock nature of the attack combined with the power of Rankurusu left her bleeding from her mouth.

Houndoom: Now..It's time..to get..serious. OVERHEAT!!!!

The temperature on the room started to increase rapidly.

Spiritomb: Now we're talkin...hey,this actually hurts.
Rankurusu: Everybody get closer! I'll use Protect!
Weavile: Too...much...heat..can't...breathe...
Gochiruzeru: Weavile!
Rankurusu: It's too late for him!

The temperature returned to normal. Weavile's skin and organs have melted and only his skeleton remained.

Gochiruzeru: It's not over yet! It is now a three vs....two? Where's the other one?
Houndoom: Look....up....argh!

Gallade was hanging from the floor and his blades were extremeley large and charged with psychic energy.Parts of him were on fire,but he didn't seem to care. He looked down with an evil grin.


The green swordman descended on the last members of Team Celestial. The impact was so strong that parts of the floor were sent flying,creating a dust cloud. When the cloud subsided,Gochiruzeru,Rankurusu and Weavile were sliced in pieces and their internal organs were all over the place.

Gallade: Mission....acompliced. Let's go back to the guild. Good job Houndoom!
Spiritomb: It seems that she has fainted. You should carry her.
Gallade: Will you help?
Spiritomb: I'd love to,but I'm just a ghost.
Gallade: How convinient.


This is my first attempt to write fanfiction,so bear that in mind.
Nice chapter my turn
Chapter 3:
After that kill they went back to check in with the boss.
"We killed the leader of team celestial," Gallade said,"whats next?"
"We dicided to make you kill pikachu of Team Ash," Gangar said.
"Sweet can we eat this one Gallade?" Houndoom asked waking up.
"Sure you can if you do all of the work this time," Gallade said.
They left with a smile on their faces. They got to the base and found it was protected by 2 Manetrics.
"Always gaurds," Houndoom complained,"At least this will be simple."
Hondoom launched at Manetric 1 and made it a shishcabob on her horn. The 2 manetric was too scared to call for help. Gallade scliced him in half and laughed in its face.
"I thought I was going to do this kill solo," Houndoom said.
"Cant let you have all the fun," Gallade said
They crept into the base to find a meeting going on with the Pikachu they were to kill in the middle, a magnemite in the left, and a magnezone on the right.
"We cant let this go around and ruin this team," Pikachu said.
"But were very scared and cant get motivated," Magnezone said.
"So what, its not li..." Pikachu got cut off by the sight of Gallade and Houndoom.
"Come on out we see you," Pikachu said.
"You asked for it," Houndoom said.
Gallade cut magnemite in half and smashed magnezone.
"Ahem I was going to do that'" Houndoom complained
"Get over it and kill that Pikachu," Gallade commanded. Houndoom launched at the pikachu but missed.
"You dont seriously think your going to kill me that easily," Pikachu bragged. Then got cut in half by Gallade.
"Lets go back and see which pokemon we kill next," Gallade said.
"Okay," Houndoom said then picked up half of the pikachu ate it then picked up the other half and is carrying it back to base to be eaten.
I see you are improving. Here's some advice:

There's no need to rush.

Read your chapter once again when you're done. This way you can correct some mistakes and add more information.

BTW,do you mind if i rewrite the 1st chapter?
@Terraplant:Very nice. I'm very impressed indeed.
@none: Need more length, like Terraplant
I was rushed by you Kalas Rey
Nonsence! I did no such thing
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