Legendary Pokémon

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Like all the other good things, this will be posted in 2011, but early in the year. For now, settle for this sneak peek at what's to come.

"Giovanni, lift move this aside for me." Saturos said.
"Fine. Rhydon, make yourself useful." Giovanni said. Rhydon came out and smashed the boulder blocking their way.
"Now then, it shouldn't be much farther." Archie said.
"That girl, she wanted us to find her king's tomb, right?" Saturos asked.
"Yeah, but I'm not sure why. A body is just a body, and this one has to have decomposed after all these years." Giovanni said.
"Let's not question her, less we end up like Clone." Archie said.
"Agreed. Look, there it is!" Saturos said. They ran to the tomb and Rhydon opened it. They were both surprised and scared to see a man, royally dressed, in his forties it looked like, stare at them.
"Maybe she was onto something." Saturos whispered.
"Come on, let's get this thing and get out of here." Giovanni said. Just as they were about to grab the body, it grabbed their hands with a firm grip.
"Do not touch me." He said.
"W-w-who are you?" Archie asked, panic stricken.
"I am the Dark Trainer's king, Razah. Who are you?" Razah asked.
"W-we were sent to get you by a dark trainer we resurrected. She called herself, umm, Rezel, was it?" Saturos asked.
"Rezel? Are you sure about that?" Razah asked.
"Yeah, why?" Giovanni asked.
"You resurrected the queen of dark trainers. Seems you could be useful after all. Come, I may have use for you three." Razah said.
What the heck? Is that a reference to my Dark Trainer? If so, I don't have a problem with that.
"Giovanni, move this aside for me." Saturos said.
"Fine. Rhydon, make yourself useful." Giovanni said. Rhydon came out and smashed the boulder blocking their way.
"Now then, it shouldn't be much farther." Archie said.
"That girl, she wanted us to find her king's tomb, right?" Saturos asked.
"Yeah, but I'm not sure why. A body is just a body, and this one has to have decomposed after all these years." Giovanni said.
"Let's not question her, less we end up like Clone."Archie said.
"Agreed. Look, there it is!" Saturos said. They ran to the tomb and Rhydon opened it. They were both surprised and scared to see a man, royally dressed, in his forties it looked like, stare at them.
"Maybe she was onto something." Saturos whispered.
"Come on, let's get this thing and get out of here." Giovanni said. Just as they were about to grab the body, it grabbed their hands with a firm grip.
"Do not touch me." He said.
"W-w-who are you?" Archie asked, panic stricken.
"I am the Dark Trainer's king, Razah. Who are you?" Razah asked.
"W-we were sent to get you by a dark trainer we resurrected. She called herself, umm, Rezel, was it?" Saturos asked.
"Rezel? Are you sure about that?" Razah asked.
"Yeah, why?" Giovanni asked.
"You resurrected the queen of dark trainers. Seems you could be useful after all. Come, I may have use for you three." Razah said.

In the Hoenn region, the group travels toward their next gym match, not knowing the danger they are about to encounter.
"Jen, how long is it going to take for us to get there?" Crystal asked.
"I don't know, just have to keep walking I guess." Jen answered. Eevee was fast asleep in her arms, curled up into a ball.
"Eevee sure likes to sleep in your arms, huh Jen?" Keshia said.
"Jealous?" Jen asked.
"Maybe a little, but she is bound to get heavy after a while." Keshia said.
"I'm starting to get hungry. Want to stop here for lunch?" Gold asked.
"Finally someone mentions it!" Keshia groaned. After finding a good spot, the group let out their pokemon and started to work on getting lunch started. After gentle persuation, Eevee was woken up, and continued to follow Jen around as she got fire wood.
"I remembered something. I was thinking about the match against your dad and that whiner, and I remembered that his pokemon can transform into stronger versions of them selves, right? So he was holding a lot back. If only everyone knew, then people would know not to under estimate him." Gold said.
"Dad doesn't want it to get out, and I think I know why. If everyone knew he was that strong, no one would ever challenge him again, and what fun would that be?" Jen said.
"True, but still, think of what it would be like." Gold said.
"Boring for him, thats what. Now could you help me with some of this wood?" Jen asked. After finally setting the fire and cooking lunch for them and the pokemon, the group packed up and, just as they were about to leave, they saw a trainer coming their way.
"Good afternoon." Jen greeted.
"No it's not." He said gravely.
"Why?" Keshia asked.
"Didn't you hear? The tomb of the dark trainer king was opened, and now there isn't anything in it! The legens said he would rise again, but no one believed them, until today. I, like many other trainers, are stopping our journey for a while." He said, then ran off.
"Did...did he say "dark trainer king"?" Crystal asked, concerned.
"It's probably nothing, maybe just some stupid rumor, right Jen? Jen?" Gold asked. Jen was frozen, an exprression of worry and slight panic had been made clear on her face.

"Jen?" Keshia asked, concerned.
"What?" Jen asked, shaking her head.
"You kind of looked scared there." Keshia said.
"No, it's nothing. Come on, lets go get our next gym badge. I'm fine, really." Jen added, seeing the look on their faces. Never the less, they let the matter drop and continued to Maville.

"Hurry it up!" Razah chastized.
"We're going as fast as we can!" Saturos said.
"Why are we going this way? The girl is in Hoenn." Giovanni said.
"The time will come when I reunite with Rezel. But for now, I think I'll make some use of the vermin running around here." Razah said.
"What do you mean by that?" Archie asked.
"Watch." Razah replied, pointing to a trainer. Razah jumped the trainer and zapped him with dark energy. In the blink of an eye, the trainer became cloacked in a black aura, with a wicked smirk on his face.
"Come." Razah said. The new dark trainer nodded and followed him.
"Wow." Giovanni said, awe-struck, but not in a good way.
"Let's go. Best we not keep him waiting, or we'll end up like him." Archie said, gesturing to the dark trainer.

Upon arriving to Maville, the group headed towards the pokemon center, only to find a large crowd grouped together around the tv.
"What is going on?" Jen asked.
"Look." Keshia said, pointing to the screen.

"This is an emergency warning. Trainers from all over are disappearing everywhere. Extreme caution is advised, as the police are doing everything in their power to find the missing trainers and stop whoever is responsible. Until the trainers are found, all pokemon competitions are canceled, and all gyms are to closed down until further notice."

"Think it has anything to do with the tomb opening?"
"It has to!"
"Why is this happening now?" All around, panic-stricken trainers were chatting, concerned and scared about the missing trainers.
"I can't believe the gyms are closed!" Jen complained.
"What do we do now?" Keshia asked.
"I don't know. Do we just go home?" Gold asked.
"I don't think we can. You can, Gold, but the rest of us would have to travel via boat, and I doubt any are running." Jen said.
"Well we can't just do nothing!" Crystal said.
"Look, let's just eat supper and I'll sleep on it, okay?" Jen said. So, after eating, the group headed to bed, though no one in the center slept easy that night.

"Here it is, Maville city." Razah said.
"Why are we here?" Archie asked.
"Because Rezel is here. I can feel it. Now then, I do believe it is time to have my new servants bring me my queen." Razah said. At once, three dark trainers marched up, and went to find Rezel in the city.
"Now, while they do that, I do think you have been holding out on me. Are there any secrets you're holding I should be aware of?" Razah asked.
"No, none come to mind." Giovanni said.
"We've told you all we know. After we brought Rezel back, she destroyed Clone, then sent us off on the mission to find and resurrect you." Saturos said.
"Is that all? What about the girl herself?" Razah asked.
"What do you mean?" Archie asked.
"I mean what is the girl herself like? I want details." Razah said.
"I don't understand, why would you want details? She has been turned into your queen, so why do you want to know about her former self?" Archie asked.
"Idiot!" Razah snapped.
"What?" Archie asked, fear clear in his voice.
"If Rezel was still here, this city would be gone! She has somehow been turned back into the girl you used, so tell me about the girl!" Razah shouted.
"We don't klnow much about her, honest. But, we do know that she is the daughter of the strongest trainer anywhere. Grand champion Chris." Giovanni said.
"And that's all you know?" Razah asked. They nodded.
"Fine then. Tell me about this champion."

At the pokemon center, Gallade was pacing infront of the door, hovering between changing into Shadow Gallade or not.
I don't know if this is about the dark trainer stuff, but I can't be too careful about this Gallade thought to himself. He was so lost in thought that it took him a while to see three trainers approach the center, and even longer to realize what kind of trainers they were. Alarmed, Gallade rushed out of the center and bolted to right in front of them, Leaf Blade at the ready.
"Please." One of them scoffed. He sent out a Houndoom, also powered by a dark aura.
"Houndoom, get rid of this weakling with Flamethrower." He said. Before Houndoom could even blink, Gallade lashed out with a Leaf Blade, fainting it before any of them knew what had happened.
"What the-"
"Speedy one, aren't you?"
"Never the less, we must get Rezel for King Razah."
"How do we get past this Gallade?"
"We are dark trainers, we control any pokemon we want, so let's control this one." The other two nodded in agreement, and shot Gallade with dark electric-like energy. For a few minutes, Galalde simply stood there, not phased in the slightest by the energy, which disheartened the drak trainers. A few more minutes later, and when Gallade still didn't show any signs of weakness, the dark trainers fled, frustrated and scared.
If that was the best the dark trainers have to offer, I've got nothing to worry about Gallade said.

"So, this champion sounds like quite a worthy addition to my army. Ah, here come my dark trainers, sooner than expected." Razah said, pleased. His pleasure disappeared when he saw they were empty handed. Then rage filled him when they told him they were stopped by one pokemon.
"You worthless idiots!" Razah yelled.
"But it just wouldn't go down!"
"It was out of this world powerful!"
"We tried to control it, but it was useless."
"Just like you three!" Razah shouted.
"King, I think the Gallade they speak of is the very same one used by the champion." Giovanni said.
"You don't say?" Razah said, his rage calmed a bit by this.
"Anyways, if you want something doen right, do it yourself." Razah marched down to Maville, straight to the pokemon center.

There's no doubt about it. If those were dark trainers, then the rumors about Razah were true. But it doesn't seem he's as strong as everyone says he is, or I'm just really lucky to have been trained so well Gallade thought. He made sure to be more attentive, and saw Razah quickly heading for the center. Gallade sprang up and bolted outside, his Leaf Blade at the ready, poised for an attack.
"So this is the Gallade that gave you three so much trouble?" Razah asked. The three dark trainers nodded.
"You've been a very troublesome pokemon, but I appriciate power, so I'm going to be generous and let you fetch Rezel for me, then I will spare your life." Gallade put on a sincere face of confusion, not knowing who Rezel was.
"The girl in there!" Razah said, his patience quickly running out. Still Gallade had no idea.
"Pink hair and clothes, red ribbon in her hair, daughter of the champion." Giovanni said. Gallade immediately knew who they were talking about, then lashed out with Leaf Blade, knocking them all away.
"Such a foolish choice. Come out my servant." Razah said, holding up a pokeball. Out of it came a Drapion, cloacked in a black aura.
"Cross Poison!" Razah commanded. Gallade leapt up into the air, dodging Cross Poison, and even landing on top of Drapion. He then let loose a vicious Aura Sphere on Drapion's head, sending it into the ground.
"Vicious, just the way all pokemon should be. Pity I must destroy you." Razah said. Before he chose his next pokemon, he saw someone come out of the pokemon center.
"Gallade? What are you doing?" Jen asked.
No! Get back inside now! Gallade warned. Jen tried to run back inside, but Razah had sent out a Tangrowth, and it had a hold of her. Tangrowth whipped it's vine back, pulling Jen along as well.
"So, this is the one who holds my queen." Razah murmured. He out his hand on Jen's shoulder, and zapped her with dark energy. Within seconds, she was once more Rezel, her eyes an acid green. Razah just had time to grin to himself before he was nearly decapitated by an Aura Sphere that missed him by an inch. Alarmed at the power, Razah and Rezel turned to Gallade. Gallade's face was lit up in pure hatred and anger, his body now black where green used to be. Bands of light were on his body as well.
"Shadow Gallade I believe." Rezel said in her venemous voice. Gallade prepared another Aura Sphere, but before he could launch it, Razah zapped him with dark energy, attempting to control him. Gallade shook it off and fired the attack, but Tangrowth jumped in front of it. Had it not, Razah would have been sent flying for miles, just as Tangrowth was.
"You three, go retrieve it while we deal with this one." Rezel said. Three dark trainers started to run to get Tangrowth, but a Focus Blast stopped them in their tracks. The attack was aimed directly in front of them, leaving them scared stiff.
"You imputant little pest!" Razah grunted in anger. Gallade had another Aura Sphere prepared, and stared daggers at him, relaying a message perfectly clear: Return Jen back to normal, or else.
"Don't be so confident." Rezel smirked. She placed a hand on a pokeball and fed energy into it, them moved onto the next one. When she was done with all five, her smirk grew to a wicked smile.
"Do as I say minions!" Rezel said, letting out all of the pokemon. When they came out, Cinder, Tyranitar, Luxio, Lapras, and Venusour were cloaked in dark auras.
"Storm Blast!" Rezel commanded. Luxio summoned storm clouds overhead, and charged herself with the lightning, formed it into a ball, then fired a powerful beam at Gallade.
That one hurt Gallade thought. Just as Luxio's next Storm Blast was being fired, another electric blast interrupted and canceled it out. Gallade, Rezel and Razah turned to see Chris, along with his team fully transformed, plus Pidgeot and Heracross, staring at them.
"I can't leave you alone for very long can I? Chris asked.
"Who are you suppossed to be?" Razah asked.
"That is Grand Champion Chris, also this girl's father." Rezel said.
"Why are you here?" Razah asked.
"I've come to get my daughter back, plus I might as well stop you while I'm at it." Chris said.
"You'll have to get by me first!" Rezel challenged.
"My intentions exactly." Chris said.
"Then it appears as though we have a challenge. What say we make it more interesting?" Razah asked.
"Go on." Chris said.
"When you lose, you will become a dark trainer and serve me." Razah said.
"And when I win, you have to give me my daughter back." Chris said.
"Fine then." Razah said.
"Cinder, go on and win." Rezel said.
"Charizard, let's finish this quickly." Chris said.
I'll beat them in no time at all Charizard said.
"Use Meteor Wing!" Rezel said. Just when Cinder's wings lit up in flames, Charizard fired off a Magma Pulse, striking Cinder in the chest. The fire on Cinder's wings went out, and Charizard finished Cinder off with a Flamethrower.
"Useless. Luxio, go and finish this now!" Rezel said in annoyance. Luxio was blasted away with Flamethrower, and collapsed.
"Lapras!" Rezel shouted. Flamethrower shot her as well, plus Tyranitar and Venusour.
"Why you little-"
"I won, so you have to turn Jen back to normal." Chris said.
"Never!" Razah shouted.
"I knew you'd feel that way. So now, I guess I'll take her back myself." Chris said.
"And how do you expect to do that?" Razah scoffed.
"No...not that again!" Rezel said in a terrified voice.
"Elemental Burst!" Chris said. All the pokemon charged up their elemental moves, and combined them into a giant ball of light that shown brilliantly. Out of it fired a beam of light energy straight at Rezel, who shrieked loudly in pain upon contact.
"Rezel, what is happening?" Razah yelled in confusion. Within seconds, Rezel was no more, and Jen's eyes were once more pinkish blue. Her pokemon were also free of the dark energy, and were looking for revenge.
"Giovanni? Archie? Saturos?" Razah looked around in vain, for they had fled long ago.
"Now then, this time when you go down, stay down!" Chris said. His pokemon formed another elemental burst, combined with Jen's pokemon, and the beam was twice as large, and twice as strong. Razah screamed when the attack struck him, twitching like mad.
"You will all pay for this!" He screamed. When the attack was over, nothing remained of Razah.
"I'm really sick of that guy using me as a shell for Rezel." Jen said.
"It's okay, he's not going to do it again." Chris said softly. Gold, Crystal, and Keshia came running out of the pokemon center.
"Jen, what happened?" Keshia asked.
"Did we miss anything?" Gold asked. Jen and Chris shared a quick glance.
"Nope." Chris said.
"Nothing at all." Jen said.

Probably not as long as my other one, but this one was hard for me to write, due to writers block for this.. Sorry if it's not as eventful as the last one, but people do say the sequel is never as good as the original. This will most likely be my last movie event, due to the amount of time it takes to create it, and the demand of my imagination to keep writing events in it, so I hope you enjoyed this
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