Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: Fanfic Index
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This is an index thread for the growing amount of fanfics, that will hopefully help newcomers get an overall look on each writer's work.

Only fanfic writers shall post in this forum, and each one of them is allowed to make a single post, using the template. The writers are solely responsible for maintaining their index post.

Only post in this thread if you have contributed fanfics to this forum, and if so, just once, using the following example:

Active Fics
Completed Fics

Abandoned Fics
I have multiple ones, so let me see if I got this straight
Active fics:
Johto Jen: Goin' Hoenn- chapters 1-7
Eon Chris-chapters 1-2
Rescuers Unite- Sequel to Rescue Teammeets Exploration Team

Completed fics: Chris's Tale-chapters 1-20
Jen's Travels-chapters 1-21
Johto Jen-chapters 1-20
Rescue Teammeets Exploration Team-chapters 1-25
Pokemon: Rise of Team Arcania-1 long post(movie-like event)

Abandoned fics:
Hm I think I should put stuff here as well...

Active fan fics

Dormant fan fics (not completed but no new episodes for the time being)
The Samus and Pikachu Show

One shot fan fics (i.e. holiday specials)
Samus and Pikachu: Valentine's Day Special

Completed fan fics

Abandon fan fics
Pokemon GX
Sorry for not posting here before!

Active Fics:
- Pokemon Midori version - episodes 1 - 92
Active Fanfics:
Grey's Kanto Adventure

Abandoned Fanfics:
Arcania Region Adventure
Reference URL's