Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: Essential Pokemon-related Fonts
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Reproduced with permission by Poryhack from ProjectPokemon

Poryhack Wrote:An old friend of mine recently asked me to identify the font used for the word "VERSION" on the english logo's of DPPt and several other pokemon games. I'd never had a need to do this but I was a little surprised I hadn't. After spending a considerable amount of time tracking it down I had the idea for this thread.

Below you'll find my collection of fonts related to the Pokemon video-games. Click the image to download it and use it for your own purposes. Feel free to post an example image of a font that isn't here and I will do my best to track it down. If you happen to have a font that is missing I'd be glad to add it here.

[Image: pokemonsolidfont.png][Image: pokemonhollowfont.png]
You don't deserve to be called a pokemon fan if you don't already have this, but it is here nonetheless. By Neale Davidson (waaay back in 2000!).

[Image: pocketmonstersfont.png]
This one is similar to the above, but I think more true to the official logo. The only downside is that there is not a distinct upper and lowercase set of letters. By DarkAngelX.

[Image: unownfont.png]

This is just too cool. It was actually released by Nintendo of America itself; when and where I do not know.

[Image: annonfont.png]
Similar to the above, but I think this unofficial version is more suitable to writing on ancient walls and such. By Pokemon Paranoia?

[Image: pokemondpptfont.png]

The font used in your favorite games! This was intended for use in Pokemod but I'm sure all of you could find a use for it. Made into computer font by kazumi... I think... Also see DarkAngelX's Pokemon Script Collection.

[Image: futuraextrabold.png]
As used on the word VERSION in several of the main series games. By Edwin Shaar, based on Futura by Paul Renner.

[Image: microgrammaboldextendedfont.png]
Also used on the word VERSION; this time in the new HeartGold and SoulSilver games. By Aldo Novarese and Alessandro Butti.

You can also download all of the above fonts in a .zip archive.

[Image: gillsans.png]
Gill Sans: The official font used in the Pokemon Trading Card Game cards. Designed by designed by Eric Gill in 1926.
Found in FakeCard.
The unown™ font is very good!!!I can now write messages with the unown alphabet Smile!!!
This is just tooooooo cool!! I love being able to type and make it look like Unown! Soooo awesome!
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