While trying to do as much I can in my Soul Silver, I was amazed when I found out that there are alot more things to do in the Pokeathlon than just those that are required to get the star. Searching the internet I found out that propably noone cares
Do you play enough Pokeathlon? If so, we can make a Ranking List to see who has the best records in the forum.
I used to play a lot,especially the speed trial,before my hg fell in the toilet.It really has a lot of things apart of points,and it is very fun.
I still lack a few records for reaching the final ranking, but indeed the game was a nice addition, much better than the contests actually.
There are A LOT things to do. Each record that gives you a Metal has at least one sub-objective (usually a more difficult High-Score) that gives you golden crowns. Furthermore Flags are set in each different room when you surpass a trial (for example do 5000 dashes). Trying to achieve everything is actually very addictive.
Pokeathlon was the best. Competitions suck... I used to play a lot and I had quite the records.
I have reached the final room (a golden room with no other door so I assume that's the last one) that has statues of my pokemon
. I really like pokeathlon and was collecting points for rare candy, apricorns and other usufull staff.
The hardest (for medals) game for me is the Pennant Capture.Man, it really makes me mad when Rattata hits me and i get stuck near an obstacle!
Yeah. It's really annoying when the opponent hits on you and your Poke stays where it was being confused. In the Pennant Capture it's ok, but in the other competition (the one you have to run and there are some Metagross-like obstacles and rocks that slow you down), where I know it is an easy win for me, I get mad when other
slower Pokemon get in my way and don't let me run the way I like... But I guess these are the additions that make Pokeathlon not boring.
Edit: Two days ago was the first time I competed in Pokeathlon.
That game is really easy.I just learn each time the stage by heart so I know what's coming.My favourite game is the one that you smash the stones.Quick tapping, 2nd hand ready on the upper left corner of the touch screen for switch and perfect switch after the deck of 10 stones is gone while waiting for the next one.
A stupid game and you'll agree is the one that you have to make your pokemon jump and collect those balls.They always jump on each other and get confused...
I am trying to collect all the golden crowns. The only thing that seems impossible is the Peanut Capture. (To check your golden crowns check your statue in the final room).
i have a record in every event appart from pennent capture 2 points off record
i have 2 meddalist pokemon (furret and amphros)