Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: Character auditions for Samus and Pikachu
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For my fanfic to continue I will need some more characters. So I am holing an audition right here! If someone wants a character from their fanfic to be in my story please post below why you think your character should be in it and how it would make it better. I am only accepting 3 characters so apply now. You can submit more than one character from your fanfic but I will only choose one from each fanfic. There is also a time limit for my patience, which is 7 days. After 7 days auditions will be closed and I will choose the winners so send in your character now!
This is an idea:

Samus: YAY! Roundy!
Dark Trainer: Is she always like that?
Pikachu: Unfortunatly, yes.
Mewtwo: Jeez Laweez! She is insane!

Give an opinion Giratina88.
...I'm thinking Dark Trainer WONT be on Samus' side.
Here is some sample dialouge:

Pikachu: A pokemon trainer? Sided with the Space Pirates?
Dark Trainer: That's right. At first, I fought back, but then I was shown the error of my ways. The Pirates upgraded my pokemon to make them unbeatable! Can you imagine? My pokemon used to be so weak, but now...now they are the ultimate pokemon!
Chilla: Of course! The Pirates said something about there being 2 super powerful pokemon who didn't fail the experiment. This trainer might have those 2.
Dark Trainer: I do. Why don't I show the ones who will kill you? After we are done with you we will take your bodies back to the Pirates so they can find some use for your organs. Or not. Pokemon do not need organs, or blood...all it does is weaken them.
Chilla: What are you saying?
Dark Trainer: I'm saying that only machines can be perfect. Therefor my pokemons organs have been replaced with metal and wires. They are invincible. If you were wise you would fuse your bodies with the computers...then you would be less imperfect.
Pikachu: You sick bastard...thats no way to treat pokemon!
Dark Trainer: Not supprising...considering you are a pokemon. But that doesn't really matter...because your about to die!!! Go! Mewthree and Metacario!

Good huh?
Apart from the names of the pokemon,the dialogue was epicly awesome.
Whats wrong with Mewthree? He is a mechanically enhanced version of mewtwo.
Umm....that's not the type of person the Dark Trainer is. He deeply loves Pokemon.
Then again, it is your comedy.
Your forgeting that this show can be full of supprises...you'll see...
Like I said, it's your comedy. So, it's your call.
Yes...but there may be a reason why Dark Trainer isn't the person he used to be...just saying...
Iif you could find another character that fit the personalityy, tthat would be awesomee
But if the real dark trainer loves pokemon...why doesn't this one?
Ii don't understand that sentancee
I really don't know how to explain it better...
Mmaybe it's just youu :P
don't test me...I'm kinda pushed to my mind's limits...
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