Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: Latest layout discussion
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So, what are your thoughts about our latest design?
Any suggestions/requests you have?
Any bugs that you noticed under your browser?
Looks great and works fine in Firefox. But I think overall the colors are a bit dry.. I have a thing for juicy, flavorfull colors like orange. Toungue
The menu in the main page is kind of dark and hard to read.
I would suggest not giving a green underline in the 'latest news/links' box, it doesn't fit there...
And why is it that the underlines are only shown when my cursor is on the paragraph?...
That last thing seems to be showing up on more and more pages, maybe a line-height could fix it?

Friendly Greetings,
Xeno - the Shiny Porygon²
Underline on hover is actually intentional. It doesn't clutter the page and keeps integrity at safe when not needed, but when a user actually pays attention to some part of the page and hovers it with their cursor, the links reveal themselves in their true glory Wink
That's rarely seen on any common sites, but I can assure you that I am not the only one to put that idea on test Wink
I still believe it doesn't fit in at the "latest news from the web/latest pocket links" block...
Maybe I'll just throw a userstylesheet over it Wink

Ohw, and I just thought of the following; might add a new function to the Control Panel for us to pick what random pokémo images we want?
I saw you changed them to the shinies in this new layout.
I myself would prefer the normal coloured.

Friendly Greetings,
Xeno - the Shiny Porygon²

( No hurry, as I already made them normal coloured trough Greasemonkey ^,~ )
Yeah that could be easily done, I also need to convert the older layouts. Oh well, I have plenty of thinsg to do during my vacation free time Big Grin
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