Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: Oshawott's gender crisis.
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I've been thinking of making a new fan fic that involves an Oshawott who loves taking naps. This particular Oshawott, also HATES to be woken from his/her naps and will usually shoot the offender with an RPG. Needless to say, this is a very violent Oshawott indeed. Another part of Oshawott's personality is that s/he will try everything in his/her power to keep people from disturbing his/her naps. For example, s/he might place land mines around the area to kill all offenders for him/her. However, before I can run this fan fic...I need to decide on what Oshawott's gender will be, because depending on whether is a boy or a girl, it can make the story line VERY different. So I wanna ask you, should this Oshawott be a boy or a girl?
Mmale most definantlyy
I guess it will have to be male then...
the guy who voted unisex will be Oshawott's first victim
I voted for male.

I just believe that making a lazy character should be easier if you work on a male and that;s the way it usually is. I couldn;t imagine a girl being that violent as it would seem rough, not funny/hilarious and accepted by everyone.
Also, because of boys' lazy and absolute nature, it's easier to come up with good lines/ scenes and situations.
I suppose so...I thought it would work better for female because it would be a surprise to the males to find a girl skewering people with drills...but maybe the male type thing works better.
unisex just because you wrote:dont vote it
THIS JUST IN! Giratina is counting all of the unisex votes to the female area!
looks like male is winning by one
I vote Male. Wink
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