Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: Oshawott's nap song (parody of leather pants). A 3 part story.
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One day in the land of Japan an Oshawott and his friends Snivy and Vulpix were very, very, very bored. So bored, in fact, that they gathered together to find something to do.
"I know!" cried Vulpix, who was quite good at coming up with things fast,
"we should steal Mewtini's leather pants!" This of course got an awkward look from Snivy, and a bored look from Oshawott. All Oshawott wanted to do was take a nap.
"Um...Vulpix," responded Snivy, "what would we even gain from doing that?"
"Don't you know? Mewtini's pants are the source of his awesomeness!" said Vulpix. She was also good at proving her point very quickly, even if it made no fucking sense to anyone else around her.
"I honestly don't care...I think you guys will gain more if you let me take a nap and leave me in peace." replied Oshawott rather unenthusiastically.
"And just WHAT will the rest of us gain from that?" asked Snivy.
"Here's one: you'll live longer." Oshawott stated while pulling out his trademark RPG. Oshawott was known for always sleeping with an RPG so that whenever someone woke him, he would shoot him or her with the RPG. Just seeing the weapon made Snivy be quiet.
"Point taken." he put quickly. Vulpix, however, was not easy to shut up.
"Screw that RPG. I want to do a song about leather pants. And I'm sure that Oshy here agrees with me, right Oshy?" Vulpix was attempting to charm Oshawott with her cuteness, which she often does. Vulpix then proceeded to squeeze Oshawott a little, just for affect.
"Uh...um..." said Oshawott, who's face was turning read with embarrasment.
"Pretty pleeeeeeeeeease?" she cooed. Vulpix changed her position so that her body was against Oshawott's chest with her arms wrapped around him.
"You will agree with me, won't you Oshy?" Before Oshawott could say anything, he heard a loud thonk, and saw Vulpix fall to the ground.
"No cheating, Vulpix." said Snivy, who had whacked Vulpix over the head.
"Sorry..." said Vulpix rather weakly. Vulpix wasn't sorry at all, she in fact loved doing that to Oshawott, partially because he was kinda easy to manipulate, but mostly because Vulpix had a crush on Oshawott in the first place.
"Anyways," Snivy began, "what I am MOST concerned with is the fact that this voice acter is voicing Vulpix as well as us!"
"And thats a problem...because?" asked Oshawott, still a bit traumatized from what happened earlier.
"It means that there is a guy doing a girls voice!" yelled Snivy, "Which obviously means HE'S GAY!!!"
"I still want to do a song about me taking a nap." said Oshawott, obviously not caring about the other oppinions being given.
"We need a method of deciding." said Snivy.
"I got one!" yelled Vulpix, who clearly wanted everyone to know that she could come up with ideas faster.
"No!" shouted Oshawott, who already knew what she was going to try, "You are NOT going to charm me into shooting Snivy, agreeing with you, and being your boyfriend!"
"Derp..." she said weakly.
"Maybe we can do rock paper sissors for it?" suggested Oshawott. Everyone seemed fine with that.
"Rock!" yelled Vulpix.
"Paper!" yelled Snivy.
"Sissors!" cried Oshawott. And they cast their hands. Oshawott and Vulpix got a rock, while Snivy got paper.
"Paper beats rock!" said Snivy, "Which means I-"
"Oh really?" said Oshawott, who Snivy noticed was holding a VERY large boulder.
"Touche." Snivy put quickly.
"Alright," said Oshawott, "lets do our song about me taking a nap!"
"I guess I had nothing better to do today." Snivy reluctantly admitted.

Part 2 is the actual song. I hope you enjoyed Part 1!
The fanfic is funny and interesting but a bit difficult to read. You could change lines every time someone speaks.
If I did that I would be too much like the other fan fics
(19-03-2011 03:40 PM)Giratina88 Wrote: [ -> ]If I did that I would be too much like the other fan fics

You don't need to make blocks of texts to be original. This way it is almost unreadable. Please change it.
thar we go...blocks o text
Okay...here's the song! I have color coded it so you know who is singing. Sing this in the tone of bad romance...because leather pants is a parody of it.
Vulpix's lines appear in red
Oshawott's lines will be in blue
Snivy's lines will be in green
Pink is unison
Italicized is used for talking parts

Ooohoooho ooooh oh oh oh oh ooh ooh ooh!
I'm gonna take a nap!
Ooohoooho ooooh oh oh oh ooh ooh ooh

This song feels like crap...

Ha ha ha ha ha!
Fwaha ha ha ha ha!
Gra gra fla fla fla!

Your singing really sucks

Blah blah blah blah blah!
Za za wa wa wa!
I'm saying random words.
Hey look there's 20 bucks!

I'm getting ready.
Snivy's fluffing my bed.
And if you wake me
you'll be shot in the head

With my RPG!

Thats spelled R-P
It rhymes with cheese!
It does?

I ate some cookies
Then I sharpened my mace.

I love invading his
Personal space!

She's scaring me...
Me me me!

I hate these
bees bees bees!
They're stinging me!

First I come on the left!
And I'm on the right...
I'm gonna nap
I'll take an effing nap!

I don't care about leather pants and cheese!
All I want is to take a nap!


I'm gonna go shoot Oshawott
If he doesn't stop his crappy song!

Stop fucking up my song
Or I will stab you many times!

I'm gonna join another fan fic
If we don't more animation budget!

Blarg blarg flarg flarg flarg!
Flarg narg blarg flarg blarg!
I like purple zebras!

That wasn't on the script!

My final form is
Stronger than a bear!

I'm stripping Oshawott
Of his underwear!

Because he's hot!
Hot hot hot!
He is really sexy!

Vulpix that doesn't rhyme-

I play Mario and
Pokemon all the time.

Zelda is okay.
Ooh I love Metroid Prime!
Made by
Nin ten do!

We love the
Nin ten do!
We love Nintendo!

I'm looking quite cheeky!
And I'm looking sneaky!
This stuff is so
Off script it's freaky.

I don't care about leather pants and cheese!
All I want is to take a nap!


I'm making him feel violated
By putting my body on his!

What is wrong with you?
Get the hell off me!

The way things are going
He'll soon loose his virginity.

Jar jar blar blar blar
flar flar mar mar mar
this is what I'm saying
low animation budget

Words words words words words
More more more more words
I am saying words
This song is really bad

More random animation
About as low as they will make em

I need to take a spit
This song is ending up like shit
Making more random stuff
Is Oshawott eating pillow fluff?
To make this song go down the crappa
Here's a guest appearance by Ghost Nappa!

I'm gonna shoot the guy
who came up with this song

I'd like to help you
kick that guy in the dong

Je parle dans
une langue bizarre.
Attendez une seconde

Why am I speaking french!

Why is he speaking french?

Bohemian rapsody!

Give me a freaking nap!

I don't care about leather pants and cheese!
All I want is to take a nap!


That does it if he doesn't stop
I'm gonna call in the air force!

Did someone say leather pants?
Never fucking mind.

this is how you sing the song
:I <------- My face while reading it
I don't get it...
1: remember that kids come here
2: fire in love with water? Id argue, but according to terraplant, a diglett can fly a plane so what do I know?
3:.....why leather pants?
4: I'll take Snivy if he was serious
5: RPG=role playing game
RPG = Rocket Propelled Grenade
Liked the song

What I don't get is the link in the end
Its the tone you sing it in...so people don't get confused.
lolol I usally dont laugh at stuff but this was hilarious!!!
No offense, but I do not like Lady Gaga!
Who likes Lady Gaga? This as just a parody of a parody of a Lady Gaga song!
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