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New fanfic!So,this fanfic will take place in the continent of Khorvaire,a fictional place which I made based on my expirience on Dungeons and Dragons.Hope you have fun reading it!Also,I will delete my fanfics on the Greek section because I don't have the time to write them.

Before I begin,I will give information of the countries of Khorvaire:
First of all,just to know Khorvaire had a war something like 10 years ago,which ended after a whole country,Cyre,was covered in dead grey mist which killed all of its inhabitants.
Now about the countries:
Breland:Breland is a large country which is rich in crops and survived the best after the Last War.
Karrnath:Karnnath was the country hit harder the Last war and is trying hard to flourish again
Aundair:A religious country whose men fought hard for it the Last war,governed by a patriarch.
Mror Holds:A dwarven kingdom,part of Cyre not struck by the mist,now indepentent
Lhazaar principalities:A country which people love two things:the sea and money.

The first chapter will come soon!
Chapter I:A dagger in the dark

Verker was sitting in a tavern in the Lhazaar principalities,enjoying his beer.He enjoyed these days.Having a day off from his work in the ships was always good.At that time,he heard a loud scream from one of the tavern visitors.He turned and saw the man on the ground,bleeding from an hole in his chest. He immediately got up,and,being an elf ranger,he got his two longswords from their sheaths in his hands,ready to use them.
A halfling(very short man,like a hobbit)was the murder,still holding a dagger in his hand,stained with blood.
Verker made a long jump and tried to hit him with his swords

-Not so fast! the halfling said

The halfling drew another dagger and threw it to Verker.The dagger hit him in his left shoulder,so strong that he let go of his sword.But,he didn't stop and stabbed the halfling in his throat with his other sword,killing him immediately.

-Guess that was it,Verker said.
He aproached the dead man and carried his corpse to his family.From what he knew,the men was rich and that explained his murder.

Verker would keep searching for the mastermind behind this,no matter the cost

I know it is small,but I am leaving in 5 minutes and I don't have time
Chapter II:The inn fight

After Verker was done with giving the corpse of the man to his family,he went back to the inn where he was staying.

When he got in he heard sounds of swords clashing coming from his room.He drew one of his swords,not being able to drow the other because of his injury.

He rushed in his room and he saw his companion,a half elf rogue named Cerus fighting three humanoid creatures

-Goblins!,Verker said.
-That's right,my friend,Cerus said.Now,can you help me?My short sword is almost broken and I left my hand crossbow in the inn entrance!

Verker joined the fight by throwing his longsword in the eye of one of the goblins and drowing his other longsword to hit one of the goblins.
Cerus jumped between the goblins trying to cut their throats but one of them threw him his spear and he fell on the ground hit in his left leg.
Verker did quick work of one of the goblins stabbing him in his heart but the other escaped.

Verker run to his friend:
-Are you okay Cerus?he asked
I'm fine my friend,he said,standing up and taking the spear off his leg with a pain expression.Let's go after this goblin.

Both of the made a great jump and landed from the second floor to the road.They spotted the goblin and ran after it.

After an hour they had reached outside the city,in the forest.Verker,being an elf,could see great in the darkness and he approached the goblin by its side,suprising it and cutting its legs.

After searchin the corpse,they found a little statue of the one-eyed evil god,Gruumsh.
-Looks like we'll have work to do tomorrow,Verker said.
-Don't we always have?-Cerus said.
Verker grinned and they started going back to the city.
Chapter III:The meeting

That night, Verker was dreaming of how him and Cerus met:

It was a rainy evening in a small village in the Lhazaar Principalities. Cerus was 8 years younger, so he was 10.He and other children of all races were playing in the streets when suddenly 5 ships with blood red sails appeared in the horizon. When they reached the dock, raiders started getting out of the ships.

The citizens of the village got caught off guard, and they didn't resist much. But,in one house, Cerus' parents were fighting the raiders to protect him.But the raiders kept coming. Everything seemed lost, when Verker along with more elves joined the fight to help, sent by the territory's leader. Cerus immediately noticed how good Verker was with his two swords, killing one raider after the other.

When the battle had finished, Cerus asked to go with Verker to train. His parents accepted. Soon, despite the fact that Verker was 10 years older, they became very good friends.

After 5 more years had passed, Cerus learnt that his village had been destroyed and his parents had been killed by another raid. Together with Verker, they decided to avenge his parents’ death.
After a year’s search, they found that a local bandit chief was behind this. They attacked his fort. The battle went off like this:
-We must take down the leader, Verker said.
-Leave it to me! Cerus said.

Cerus rushed over to the leader’s headquarters and, after killing a few soldiers, he found the leader. He unsheathed his short sword and charged. The leader fended off his attack and attempted to strike back but Cerus pulled his hand crossbow and shot an arrow which hit the bandit leader in his heart.

Shortly after that, Cerus and Verker woke up

Guys,if anybody reads this,reply so I know I'm not wasting my time
Chapter IV:The hunting

When the two companions were ready,they set off.Cerus performed a ritual and they were able to find the place where the statue of Gruumsh came from.After an hour's march,they reached a cave near a mountain.From inside a smell of rotted corpses was coming.

-I think this is the place,Verker said
-Really?Cerus said.I never thought that!

Verker grinned and they entered the cave,weapons ready.

The cave was a long tunnel,lit by lanterns.Soon,they entered a long room,ten times the height of a man,lit by torches.From what they could see,there were no other people in the room.

After walking a little more,a hole opened in the middle of the room and warforged came out(warforged are a kind of robot,made for fighting in the Last War).

-Damn!What should we do now?They are too many!,Cerus said.
-It doesn't matter how many they are,we are smarter then they are!,Verker replied

Verker ran over at a large stalgmite,reaching from the ground to the top.He hit it hard with his sword,shattering it in pieces.The ceiling that the stalagmite was keeping in place fell,destoying most of the warforged.The few that remained,however,kept moving towards Verker and Cerus.

-Stay back!,Cerus shouted.I will take them down with my arrows!

Cerus took off his hand crossbow and started firing arrows at rapid succesion.Since his aiming was excellent,he managed to kill more of the warforged.

-My turn now!, Verker shouted
-Have fun,my friend,Cerus said.

After a couple of minutes,They were finished with the warforged and kept moving in the cave.
Chapter V:The zombie attack

The cave kept going downwards,the ceiling and the floor turning more rocky.The two companions were exchausted.They were walking in the cave for almost eight hours,and it appeared they still had a long way to go.

-I think we should camp here and rest for a while,do't you agree?,Verker said.
-OK,but we should keep a lookout,Cerus said.
-I will go first,Verker said.

They found a place not to rocky and set their camp up.Cerus went to sleep in his bedroll abd Verker sat in a rock,n the lookout for any threat.
After four hours had passed,he heard a sound and he smelled something rotten.He woke up Cerus and they got ready.

Soon they saw their enemy;they were two dozens of grey fleshed zombies,movind slowly but steadily onto them.

Verker and Cerus let out a battle cry,because there was no need to remain hiden,not after killing all the warforged.

Zombies were stronger than mortal enemys in one point,you couldn't kill them by cutting their head or piercing their heart(because they didn't have one).But there was a way you could get rid of them.

If you cut their head,they could no longer see and they could only hit blind,attempting to land a hit by pure luck.Then you just tore their arms and legs offf,and there were no longer a threat.

But that was not that easy when there were twenty four of them.But after some effort,they managed to get rid of them,although both Cerus and Verker were bleeding from numerous scratches.

After that,they decided to keep moving,just in case something stronger came on them.

Both of them were curious to see who was behind this
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