Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: A message from Giratina88 inc.
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Oshawott: Hello folks. As you may have noticed, we haven't come out with anything in a while. Usually we are able to get episodes in, but we haven't been able to make anything recently. Well folks, this is because our writing staff went on stri-

Please standby

Oshawott: Ahem! The OFFICIAL reason is because the Pokemon world and planet Zebes have been hit by a nuclear strike force.
Vulpix: We don't know much, but what we DO know is that the damage is catastrophic. It will be impossible to make new "Oshawott" episodes until we clean up the nuclear poisons.
Oshawott: Luckily, due to the swift progress by our decontamination department, the area should be free of nuclear poison in-
Snivy: Hey you two. Just thought I let you know that the decontamination workers went on strike. Hope this won't affect you too much.
Oshawott: ...5 months.
Snivy: Yeah...this could be a problem.
Vulpix: How can we get them working again!?!
Snivy: Well, according to this letter, the workers are demanding safer working conditions...
An awkward silence ensues due to the sheer irony of the situation
Oshawott: Excuse me for a moment while I go knock some sense into them. Now...where did I put my mini gun...
Snivy: Um...while Oshawott goes to massacre the workers union, let's check in with The Samus and Pikachu show and see how they are doing. What's the situation look like, Pikachu?
Pikachu: Hello Snivy. We aren't quite sure the extent of the damage yet.
Vulpix: Why is that?
Pikachu: Well, most of what we do occurs under the surface of planet Zebes, so until we go up there we can't be sure what happened.
Vulpix: Do you think the nuclear strike will cause production delays?
Ridley: It depends what part of Crateria the strike force attacked.
Chilla: If the missiles hit the other side of the planet, then we probably won't have delays.
Samus: However, if the nukes hit near the wrecked ship, then we will encounter problems. The wrecked ship is where part of the next season will take place, and if it has taken damage we will need to repair and decontaminate it.
Snivy: Thank you for the information Samus. I've also heard reports that you guys have launched a counter strike at a fan fic that you strongly believe has attack us.
Chilla: Correct.
Snivy: Okay, now tell me, which fan fic did you hit?
Chilla: ...
Samus: Um...well...
Phantoon: Gulp...
Vulpix: Well? Which fan fic was attacked?
Ridley: ... Jen: Sighted at Sinoh...
Yet another awkward silence ensues as Vulpix and Snivy try to take this in
Snivy: You...attacked...THAT!?! WHY!!!
Draygon: Because...we have found them...harboring...
Pikachu: Because Kalas Rey owes me $20 and still hasn't payed me back!
Samus: Damn it Pikachu! You gave it away!
Draygon: I was THIS close to coming up with a cover story!
Vulpix: Will you just shut up! You can't just strike a Kalas Rey fan fic like that! Kalas Rey's fan fics are multi-billion dollar stories! Lauching an attack on it would lead to a full scale retaliation and a law suit!
Ridley: Calm down! Kalas Rey's stories are pretty realistic, so there is no way that the characters would suspect a nuclear strike.
Snivy: Are you crazy? How could ANY fan fic have characters that out of touch with-
Meanwhile in Jen: Sighted at Sinoh
Chris: Okay, which one of you chowder-heads divided by zero?
Aipom: It was Cascoon!
Bronzor: Aipom, your the only one here with hands!
Aipom: Oh yes, blame the monkey why don't you?
Cascoon: mmmph!
Bronzor: Plus, Cascoon, can't even MOVE, so he couldn't have done it.
Aipom: Well I couldn't have done it either. I don't even OWN a calculator!
Chris: Never mind...I'll go find some other opinions.
L: Me think it was Kira!
Chris: Shut up L.
Meanwhile back at the PLOT
Snivy: Point taken.
Oshawott: I'm baaahaack! Did I miss anything?
Vulpix: Sigh...I'll tell you later...lets just end the announcement.
Oshawott: Thanks for listening folks! We'll try to get new episodes in soon!
Snivy: Till next time!
So...you explained the lack of new comics with a new comic. You're awesome.
thank you sir...
Guess who is annoyed? You get three chances, first two don't count. I JUST started that story, and what happens? It gets not only framed, but hit. Thanks a lot
Jesus Christ, it was only a joke. I didn't mean to offend you at all.
Dude, I know you didn't really hit my fan fic. I was playing along. In fact, I think I'll play some more before chapter 1
Wow...well you were good. I can never tell whether people are joking or not so I'm sorry if I thought you were serious.
Oh no, it is I who should be sorry, as I have sent a very angry, very strong Charizard to beat you guys up. Have funBig Grin
...perhaps we should bring in the reinforcements
Hello folks. As you may know, Oshawott's world and planet Zebes have been hit by a nuclear strike force. Whats even worse is that the nincompoops from Samus and Pikachu decided it would be a good idea to launch a nuclear strike at Jen: Sighted at Sinoh. The results were...well...you should see for yourself.

Oshawott: Hello people. Thanks to the retards at Samus and Pikachu, Kalas Rey industries have launched a far stronger nuclear assault on both sets.
Pikachu: Well...at least it can't get any worse than this.
Chilla: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!! There's a hoard of dragon type pokemon attacking us!
Pikachu: Strike that. It just got worse.
Vulpix: What are you talking about!?!
Pikachu: I'm not sure. Whats going on up there Chilla?
Chilla: The strike force sent by Kalas Rey included an entire ARMY of fully evolved dragon types! And there leader is-
Before Chill can finish her sentence, a giant, black Charizard bursts through into Norfair with Kalas Rey riding on its back. The rest of the dragons follow it.
Snivy: That thing?
Ridley: Yep...hope on my back Samus!
Samus: Right!
Samus gets on Ridley's back just as the dragons pour in and smash into the walls, making the chamber nearly shatter to pieces.
Kalas Rey: Okay dragons, destroy all you see! Leave nothing on this planet alive!!!
Samus: Die pokemons! Die!!!!!!!!!!
Ridley: Space pirates! CHAAAARRRRRRGE!!!
The dragons and Zebesians charge into each other and a ferocious battle ensues. The dragon pokemon are very powerful, but the Zebesians have numbers. Everytime the dragons kill a Zebesian, more take its place.
Vulpix: Okay folks, it looks like an all out war. Its dragons versus Zebesians! Pokemon versus Metroid!
Snivy: And while we are in the middle, lets cut to a commercial!
Oshawott: What the fu-

Brought to you by: Space Australia
Its like Australia, in Space! Visit Space Australia today, and we'll through another space shrimp on the space barbie for you!

Oshawott: Welcome back folks. The battle is still going on. Lets take a look.
The battle between dragon pokemon and Zebesians is tremendous. The dragon pokemon have upped there attack and speed stats to the point of invincibility, while the Zebesians now number in the millions, swarming the walls and constantly dieing.
Snivy: It still looks like the dragon pokemon are winning thi-OH! One of them is going down!
The dragons are still holding there own except for one, a Garchomp. Seeing the injured Garchomp, the millions of Zebesians swarm its body, eating the dragon alive. After about 15 seconds, the Zebesians get back in the fight, leaving only the Garchomp's skeleton.
Oshawott: Thats just incredible folks. It proves that with enough numbers, these dragons CAN be beaten.
Vulpix: You think that's interesting? We should see the fight between Samus and Kalas Rey!
As another dragon goes down, the battle between Samus flying on Ridley and Kalas Rey flying on Charizard is even more dramatic.
Kalas Rey: Arg...fire attacks aren't working! Okay Charizard! Use dragon pulse!
Charizard: Roaaaaaaaar!
Charizard unleashes a brilliant purple hurricane from its mouth, basting Samus and Ridley with full force.
Samus: Now why can't you do an attack like that?
Ridley: Blame the producers! But I have something better.
Samus: And what would that be?
Ridley: Just watch. Raaar! Aura blast!
Ridley fires a large blue vortex from his mouth. The blast collides with the dragon pulse, creating an incredible collision blast of red and green.
Oshawott: The battle is reaching its peak! Who will win? Who will lose? Where is my paycheck? Fine out, next time!
You can blame Kalas Rey for that Toungue
This is gonna be very interesting...
Since when do Samus and Ridley work together? They hate each other!
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