Legendary Pokémon

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I said I didn't want to do them anymore. I said I wouldn't write anymore movies.
I lied
glad you lied Toungue Toungue Toungue ...
In Unova's top prison, N rests on his bed, thinking once againof his failed attempt. The battle keeps running through his mind like a broken projector, always repeating the same scene over and over again;
"Pokemon are not slaves, they are my friends." Chris said. N stared at the cieling, thinking over what he said.
"Lies, it has to be all lies!" N suddenly shouted.
"Hey, quiet down in there." A guard said. N made no response, but simply went back to staring at the cieling, continuing to think. An hour later, the cell doors opened.
"N, get up. You've got visitors." The guard said. N made no movement, but the guard chose to ignore it. Two men in dark coats entered.
"Lord N, your two friends are outside, waiting for the order." One of them whispered.
"You've pleased me greatly. Tell them to release me as soon as possible." N quietly responded. They nodded, then left. A few minutes later, a giant explosion rocked the prison violently. Nearly every guard rushed to the source, and gasped. A huge hole was in the back of N's empty cell.
"Call the chief! We must catch him!" A guard yelled. N was already too far away, though, for then to catch him. On Reshiram's back, N talked to the two members of Team Plasma on the back of Zekrom.
"Has our special project been finished yet?" N asked.
"Yes my lord, it is done. We only needed to get you free so that you may be there in person to witness your dream come true." A plasma grunt said.
"This is the end of things as we know it. Finally, I will see my dream come true, and finally rid the world of pokemon suffering!" N yelled victoriously.

It took them several hours, but they finally reached the lab. N, along with his two plasma members, dismounted and hurried into the lab, to see Getsis and the other sages waiting for him.
"It is ready, my lord N." Getsis said. N went up to the machine, eager anticipation on his face.
"Once this machine turns on, Pokemon will free themselves from their trainers. They will attack their trainers, ending the trainer-pokemon relation permanently." N said.
"Let us release our pokemon first, less we be affected by the ray as well." Getsis said. He, along with the members of Team Plasma released their pokemon and broke the pokeballs.
"Good. Now, to end this terrible nightmare once and for all." N said. He pushed the button, and a giant ray shot into the sky.
"Now, all we have to do is wait until it reaches high enough altitude, then it shall explode, sending out our message to pokemon everywhere, and letting them free themselves and attack their trainers. This will be a world-wide miracle, and we shall be free of this once and for all!" N said.

"Chris, could you do me a favor and get the groceries while you're out?" Alena asked.
"Sure, I was headed into town anyways. Anyone want to come with?" Chris asked. Purrloin went up and rubbed against Chris's leg.
"You're the only one then, eh? Alright, I'm off. Be back soon guys." Chris said. He left, Purrloin at his heels, when he heard a loud explosion. He looked up, and saw the remains of a red dust scatter all over the sky, blanketing it wide enough to cover just about all of Johto.
"Oh this can't be good." Chris said. When the dust hit the ground, the only thing Chris was waiting for any effects it may have on him. When nothing happened, he sighed in relief.
"Okay, I'm fine. How are you Purrloin?" Chris asked. Purrloin didn't answer, nor even move.
"Purrloin, you okay?" Chris asked. Purrloin whipped around to face him, an evil black glow in her eyes.
"Not good." Chris said. Purrloin jumped up and slashed Chris with Night Slash, but didn't get a clear shot and only scratched his arm. It still hurt. Chris clutched his arm, then ran as he saw Purrloin was about to attack again.
"Stop! What is wrong with you?!?" Chris yelled. His only responce was another attempt to hurt him with Night Slash. Chris avoided Purrloin as he ran back home, trying to get snap some sense into her all the while. Chris reached his house, but as he opened the door, he heard screaming from Alena. He burst into the house, and was dumbstruck at seeing her own pokemon attack her.
"Alena!" Chris shouted. He did his best to rescue her, managing to get her out of harms way temporarily.
"Why are you all doing this? What did I do?" Alena asked.
"Save your breath. It seems like all the pokemon are being controlled inot attacking us." Chris said. A thought entered his head, and he went from struggling to find a way out, to afraid. Very, very, very afraid.
"Alena?" Chris asked, terrified at that moment.
"Yes?" Alena asked. She had never, ever seen nor even heard him scared at all. To hear such fear in his voice, Alena was close to loosing it.
"Don't panic, but if what I've just said is true...where are my pokemon?" Chris asked. Alena knew why he was afraid now, and she couldn't blame him.
"...will we be able to get out of here?" Alena asked.
"I don't know Alena, I don't know." Chris said. Looking to his right, he saw a window, and immediately thought out his escape plan.
"When I saw go, I want you to follow me, got it?" Chris asked.
"Got it." Alena said, fear in her voice plain as day.
"Go!" Chris yelled, charging at the window. He put his arms over his face to protect it against the glass, and broke through it with no harm, Alena right behind him.
"Come on, we have to go!" Chris said quickly. He grabbed Alena's wrist and ran as fast as he could, nearly dragging her behind.
"Chris, remember when you asked where your pokemon were?" Alena asked.
"Yeah, and you never answered." Chris said.
"They went out just after you did." Alena said.
"But that's not possible. Gyarados can't move on land, and wasn't in the pool." Chris said.
"Well, after you left, a cloud of red dust came down through the roof and onto the pokemon. I wasn't sure if what I was seeing was real, because I saw your pokemon, what's the word, transform?" Alena said.
"I was afraid of that. Alena, if they have transformed, we're in even more trouble than I thought." Chris said.
"Not all of them transformed though, just the older ones." Alena said.
"I know. The Unova pokemon can't transform." Chris said.
"Chris, what do you know that I don't?" Alena asked.
"I'll explain later...if I live long enough." Chris said. Alena gulped. Chris kept running for an hour until he had to stop.
"I-can't-have to-catch my-breath." Chris panted.
"I can't balme you. Thanks for saving me." Alena said. Chris nodded, thn hunched against a tree as he tried to catch his breath. They were in a forest, and the sun was starting to set.
"So, now what?" Alena asked.
"We go find Jen. We can't let her alone with pokemon as strong as hers." Chris said, finally getting his breath.
"Jen! I can't believe I forgot about my own daughter! Wait, but how can we? The ships won't be running with this pokemon revolution going on." Alena said.
"I'm still working on that." Chris said.
You'd better think faster then, otherwise you'll get killed Chris jumped up, both fear and determination on his face.
"What is it?" Alena asked.
"Alena, get behind that tree. No matter what happens to me, you have to find a way to save Jen, alright?" Chris asked, taking a fighting pose.
"What do you mean? What's going on?" Alena asked.
"Gallade's here." Chris said.
That's Shadow Gallade Gallade said, coming into view.
I take it you're out to get me, just like Purrloin tried to? Chris asked. Gallade prepared an Aura Sphere, which Chris took as a yes.
DUCK! Gallade shouted. Chris, on instinct, trusted him and ducked, and the Aura Sphere struck Bisharp just as he was about to use Night Slash. Chris turned around, staring at the now fainted Bisharp.
Wait, I thought-
Are you just going to stand there, or are you going to follow me? The others split up to try to find you, but some went after the Unova pokemon to try to stop them from hurting you. I followed Bisharp, and was successful in not only stopping him, but finding both you and Alena. Come on, I know where Leafeon and Glaceon are. Gallade said.
Don't you mean Thorn Leafeon and Crystal Glaceon? Chris asked.
I guess I had that coming, huh? Gallade asked.
Oh yeah, big time. Chris said.

In Sinnoh, a huge explosion followed by red dust scattering around the entire region had just taken place.
"What is happening?" Gold asked. As the red dust hit them and their pokeballs, their pokemon popped out by themselves.
"Hey, I didn't do that." Crystal said. Their pokemon looked at them, a dark glow in their eyes.
"I don't like the look of that." Jen said.
"Neither do I." Penny said.
Argh! My head! Jolteon said.
It feels like something is trying to take me over! Umbreon said. The pain in their heads grew and grew, until, in an explosion of power, they were transformed into Blitz Jolteon and Blaze Umbreon. Jolteon had electric blue fur, with wire of blue energy moving as if they were alive. Umbreon's rings went from gold to blood red.
Ahh, much better Jolteon said.
Jolteon! Why did we transform? I didn't do it[i/] Umbreon said.
[i]Wait, we what? Oh, that's why I feel so strong right now
Jolteon said.
"Jen! What's up with those two?!?" Penny asked.
"Long story. Besides, we have more important things to worry about at the moment!" Jen said, pointing at the pokemon. They were each preparing their attacks. Their targets, their trainers, they knew it.
"Serafina, stop!" Crystal said.
"Crystal, get back!" Gold said.
"I know my own pokemon, and they would never attack me." Crystal said. She was proved wrong when she was struck by Thunderbolt.
"Okay, ouch!" Crystal said.
"You'll get far worse if you don't get back!" Keshia said. Cinder was getting a huge Flamethrower prepared, building up power until it was strong enough to take them all out at once.
"Get down!" Jen yelled. Just before he could fire, a band of electricity wrapped around his throat.
I don't think I like the thought of Jen melting, do you Umbreon? Jolteon asked.
No, no I don't. How about we demonstrate how much we don't like the idea? Umbreon asked. Jolteon lifted Cinder, then hurled him at the other pokemon, trapping them temporarily under him.
You guys might want to run Umbreon said.
But what about you guys? Jen asked.
We'll be fine. We were trained by the best you know Jolteon said.
Dad! He might be in trouble too! Jen said.
Don't worry, if we could brake free of whatever this is, then so can the others Umbreon said.
Have some faith in them. Now run! Jolteon said. Jen nodded, then ran, the others following her.

To be continued...when I feel like an ending will come to me. For now, enjoy this and feel the suspence
Back in Unova, N was watching the tv, seeing how his experiment was going.

"It is a pokemon revolution in every region as pokemon are breaking out of their trainer's pokeballs and then attacking them mercilessly. Not even the Elite Four were safe from their own pokemon as they too were attacked. Many people have gone to the Grand Champion for help, but it was there that the greatest fear had been realized. When desperate people, along with police and reporters approached the house, it was discovered to be torn to shreds, and empty of all pokemon and people. Some have feared the worst about our beloved Chris, but others remain hopeful that he wasn't betrayed. The pokemon pandemonium has spread across the world, and only those who aren't trainers have escaped the pain. Wild pokemon appear to unaffected, as they are acting completely normal, despite trained pokemon betraying their trainers. Either every single trainer in the world has offended their pokemon harshly at the exact same time, or something or someone has done someting trueley terrible."

"Wrong. What I have done is terrific!" N said.
"My lord N, it appears that your enemy, Chris, is no longer with us." Getsis said.
"It appears so. We have finally done it. Now, it is time for me to start my reign as ruler of this chaotic world. I will restore the balance, and put an end to trainers, battles, and all else." N said.
"I will have the helicopters ready in a matter of seconds my lord." Getsis said.
"No need. I will take my friends. They are needed for me to cement power in my posistion." N said. Getsis bowed, then N left. He got on Zekrom, and flew with Reshiram to start their rule in the regions, starting with Kanto, then working their way back to Unova.

I've never, even in my worst nightmares, ever thought I'd see you afraid, and of me no less Gallade said.
Sorry, I had a bad encounter with Purrloin, then Alena's pokemon attaked her, and I grew paranoid at that time. Plus, nearly half of my team is out to get me Chris said.
True, but I've known you for, what, nearly twenty two years? Gallade asked,
Sorry, but I just grew scared out of protecting Alena, and paranoia gripped me Chris said.
I guess you can't be blamed too much. After all, I didn't exactly help matters by refusing to answer and preparing an Aura Sphere while facing you Gallade admitted.
My point exactly. Now, where are my other friends? Chris asked,
Either searching for you or trying to cut off the ones that are after you. Leafeon and Glaceon paired up to find you, Charizard went to get Zebstrika, Gyarados went to get Musharna and Lilligant, and I, as you know, went after Bisharp Gallade explained.
Why did Gyarados go after two? Why didn't Leafeon or Glaceon take one of them? Chris asked.
After knowing those two for so long, you really have to ask why they didn't like the idea of seprating? Gallade asked.
Fair enough. Anyway, I think that Charizard would have caught up to Zebstrika by now, probably already won too Chris said.
Probably. You know how he gets, especially in that form. Plus, he was NOT happy when he learned what the others had in mind about you Gallade said.
Poor Zebstrika, I knew him well Chris said.
He's not going to kill him...at least, I think he won't. Look, Leafeon and Glaceon are over there Gallade said. Chris, followed by a very reluctant Alena, rushed towards the two.
Chris! They both cheered. Chris bent down and hugged them both, being careful of their thorns and crystals.
Alena too? Gallade, you are an over-achievor Glaceon said.
Jealous? Gallade taunted.
You wish Leafeon said, going over to her. Alena backed away slowly, still afraid of them.
"Alena, it's alright. Only my Unova pokemon want to kill me." Chris said.
"How reasuring." Alena remarked. Nonetheless, she bent down and petted Leafeon, growing more and more comfortable by the second.
"So, where are the others?" Alena asked.
"Fighting those who wish to kill me. These two stayed back to try to find me." Chris said, indicating Leafeon and Glaceon.
"I always knew they were sweethearts." Alena said.
Which is why she backed away thinking I was going to kill her Leafeon said.
Cut her some slack. Had Gallade not told me what was going on, I would have done the exact same thing Chris said.
Really? You'd be afraid? Of us?!? Glaceon asked.
Let me just say, Chris does not look good when afraid, especially when he was afraid of me Gallade said.
Wow, never thought I'd live long enough to hear Chris was afraid. You never get scared Leafeon said.
Next topic. Where's Gyarados? I need to get to Jen. Umbreon and Jolteon are sure to have transformed too, but they might not last too long against all of Jen's pokemon plus the pokemon of her friends Chris said.
Gyarados went this way, follow me Leafeon said. She lead the way, followed by Chris, Gallade, Glaceon and Alena. Gyarados was their last hope of getting to Jen, and they needed to find him quickly.

You aren't going ANYWHERE! Jolteon declared. Cinder grinned.
You think you can stop us all? Cinder asked.
Maybe, maybe not. Remember, we were trained by the best Umbreon said.
I don't care. You're outnumbered, and outgunned Cinder taunted. Jolteon was the one to grin this time. With no effort visible, he slapped Cinder across the face with one of the wires of electricity.
That does it. This is your last chance; move, or be destroyed Cinder said.
Bite me They responded together. Cinder roared, then let loose a Flamethrower. Umbreon took it, not taking a lot of damage, then retaliated with Shadow Ball. Serafina blocked it with Flash Armor, grinning as it did nothing against her electric armor.
This might be harder than we thought Jolteon said.
No duh Umbreon said. Another Flamethrower, joined by Flareon and Arcinine and assisted by Sonia's Heat Wave came forth. It did a lot more that time, but Umbreon managed to take it.
That had a lot more kick to it Umbreon said.
Then lets stop holding back and give them something that has even more kick Jolteon said. Umbreon grinned. The sky rushed from noon to midnight, while storm clouds gathered overhead.
This is going to hurt Cinder determined.
Big time Umbreon said. Black and purple cannons shot beams of dark energy from every angle at them, while they were pinned in place by bolts of lightning. Jolteon fired is blast, and, when it came into contact with Night Pulse, a huge explosion erupted. They were all thrown back by the force of the blast, but Umbreon and Jolteon managed to survive with little more than moderate damage.
Okay, ouch! Jolteon said.
I know, but they got the worst of it. Come on, they're down for now but who knows how long before they get back up Umbreon said. Jolteon nodded, then followed as Umbreon ran to find Jen and the others.
Hopefully, we've saved them for now Umbreon said.
Yeah, hopefully Jolteon said.

At Celadon city, amonst the mass chaos, Reshiram and Zekrom touched down in the square. All the pokemon stopped their attacks to look, as did the trainers.
"People of Kanto, you may be wondering why your own pokemon are attacking you without mercy. The reason is quite simple; they are rebelling against you. Under my rule, however, I will put an end to that. I will end this chaos and put this world inot the long needed era of peace. Now, submit to my rule, or keep living amonst the hatred of your very own pokemon!" N said. One by one, the each bowed, to which N was pleased to find. He moved onto each of the cities in Kanto, and the results were the same until he had all of Kanto under his rule. N flew to Johto on Reshiram, a victorious laughter in the air.

To be continued...again. Sorry, the ending keeps escaping me
(30-03-2011 10:00 PM)KALAS REY Wrote: [ -> ]"I know my own pokemon, and they would never attack me." Crystal said. She was proved wrong when she was struck by Thunderbolt.
"Okay, ouch!" Crystal said.
not fair Dodgy
Dude,don't end this now!You can keep writing it in chapters untill the ending comes to you!Also,make this happening in the same time with Sinnoh Jen,each one having effects on the other.
It sure is a nice story,but it seems to have no continuity from the games. N and Ghetsis are way out of character. Also when did N get in prison? And got both legendaries?
Oshawott: Leave it to Kalas Rey to f*** up a character's personality.
Chilla: I thought that applied only to Giratina88?
Oshawott: It applies to everyone, but especially Chris Columbus.
(03-04-2011 11:22 PM)Terraplant Wrote: [ -> ]It sure is a nice story,but it seems to have no continuity from the games. N and Ghetsis are way out of character. Also when did N get in prison? And got both legendaries?

1: I know Getsis isn't like that, but I thought I got N perfectly
2: My story, my rules. You can't argue with that
Okay, I think this is the last part, but I'm just making it up as I go along so no promises

For the next week, N travelled on Reshiram and Zekrom to the regions and, one by one, they fell to his rule. Jen, Keshia, Crystal, Gold and Penny have been running and hiding from their own pokemon with only Blaze Umbreon and Blitz Jolteon as protection.

"Our new ruler N has decreed that he will solve this problem once and for all." Was all anyone ever heard on the news, along with "Though officials are trying to break from their numerous needs, to search, the Grand Champion has still not been found." The news isn't all bleak, though. Chris has reunited with all of his team, and, after a thrashing, even his Unova team has snapped out of it to rejoin Chris. Currently, he and Alena are riding on Fang Gyarados to Sinnoh, already in sight of land.
What a week, eh buddy? Chris asked.
What a week indeed. Umbreon and Jolteon will be happy to see us...if we find them Gyarados said.
We'll find them, don't worry Chris said.
Worry? Me? Never Gyarados said.
Sure, never Chris said.
"Chris?" Alena asked.
"I know you can speak to your pokemon mentally, but how far exactly can you communicate with them?" Alena asked. Chris took a minute to think, not ever considering that aspect of his gift before.
"Not sure. I think I can talk to them pretty far apart, but how far I don't know." Chris said.
"Do you think you could talk to Umbreon and Jolteon from here?" Alena asked.
"Err...probably not, but I'll try." Chris said. He concentrated for a moment, then tried to speak to them mentally. After a while, however, he gave up.
"No, sorry." Chris said.
"I didn't think so." Alena sighed.
"I know you're worried about Jen. I am too, but I know, like you should too, that my pokemon are the toughest you'll ever come across, and they can protect Jen and her friends from any danger." Chris said. Alena nodded, though didn't look too convinced.
Just incase, I think I'd better hurry Gyarados said.
Good idea Chris said.

Jen's group, weary from endless running, took shelter in the now ruined Hearthome city. Buildings were smashed and the streets were empty. They took refuge in the Pokemon Center, though there was no one to greet them.
"How...long have...we been...running?" Keshia panted.
"No...idea." Gold gasped, also out of breath.
"I really...wish that....Serafina...was a lot...slower." Crystal panted.
"If I had...a wish, I'd...wish that they...weren't chasing us!" Penny said.
"Same here." Jen said.
"Why aren't...you out of...breath Jen?" Keshia asked.
"I grew up with my dad, that's why. He exercised with his pokemon all the time, and I did too once I was old enough. I've been through worse than this." Jen said.
"Well lucky you...having high...stamina." Keshia said. They took another few minutes to catch their breath, and waited for Umbreon and Jolteon to find them, as their routine had started. After an hour, Jen grew a little worried. Another hour passed by, and at this point Jen was pacing, worry growing by the second.
They're usually back within an hourm so why aren't they back yet? Jen thought to herself. After yet another hour of nothing, everyone was worried at this point.
"I guess we brought this upon ourselves. We shouldn't have trained them so well." Gold said.
"This isn't the best time for jokes Gold." Penny said.
"Better than this tension." Gold said. Finally, after another ten minutes, Umbreon and Jolteon came running very quickly with no signs of stopping.
"There they are!" Keshia said.
"Great, about time." Gold said.
"Cut them some slack! They've been fighting for us all this time." Crystal said.
"Over here!" Penny shouted, stepping out of the building, waving her arms. Umbreon and Jolteon still continued to run full speed, despite seeing them.
"Somethings wrong here." Jen said.
"What do you mean?" Gold asked.
"They won't stop running, that's what." Jen said.
Get out of sight! Quickly, they're right behind us! Jolteon yelled.
"Guys, hide now!" Jen urged. Though they wanted to ask why, they did as Jen told them, and not a moment too soon. The second they were hidden, their pokemon came into sight. Soon, Umbreon and Jolteon were surrounded and were forced to fight. That was one fight that Jen wished she had never seen. It was no regular pokemon battle, as they were in it to kill, while Umbreon and Jolteon were willing to settle for as much damage as possible without killing their opponents. A terrible fight that lasted far too long, and at one point Umbreon got cut badly enough on his side to draw blood.
"What on Earth could have started this?" Jen asked, horrified.
"I don't know, but I don't think I want to find out." Keshia said. They shouldn't have been watching the battle, however, as Cinder saw them out of the corner of his eye. Telling the others, Scizor waisted no time in dashing towards them, breaking through the walls with ease.
"I had to have a Scizor." Gold said. Just before he could attack, though, Scizor was blasted by a Thunderbolt from Jolteon. The distraction costed him, though, for Cinder took the oppurtunity to use Flamethrower, scorching Jolteon's side badly.
Get out of here now! Jolteon said. Jen didn't need to be told twice, and fled with the others behind her. Unlike the other times, however, they were followed by Glaceon and Espeon, and they were gaining on them. Once Glaceon was in close range, she loosed an Ice Beam that nearly got them. Espeon fired a Psybeam that only missed by inches, but Jen new she wouldn't miss by that much again.
"Well, when this is over, at least Espeon will have learned a Psychic move." Jen said. They were chased for quite a while longer, soon reaching a field outside of the city. By this point even Jen was gasping for air, but none of them could afford to slow down as Glaceon and Espeon were still on their tail.
"That's it, I'm done." Keshia said, then fell to her knees as she tried to catch her breath.
"No! You've...got to...keep running!" Jen said.
"I can't...I can't Jen...I just can't." Keshia said. Soon, Gold and Crystal too collapsed, then Penny. Unfortunately, Glaceon and Espeon were almost on top of them. As soon as Glaceon had them in her sights, she let loose an Ice Beam, freezing not only Keshia in place, but the others as well. Glaceon stayed to guard them while Espeon continued to chase her trainer. Jen, having seen them get frozen, looked around frantically for a place to hide, but without luck, and Espeon had nearly caught up to her. Finally, Jen's legs gave out, as did her friends', and she too fell. Before she could get back up, however, Espeon had jumped and landed on top of her. Jen panted hard as Espeon brought her face an inch away from Jens' and charged up a final Psybeam.
So, this is it. Pity Jen thought. Just as Espeon was about to fire, they both heard a loud roar, followed by a deep rumbling and then the rustling of leaves. Espeon was then blasted off of Jen and thrown a good length. Espeon sprang up, then wished she hadn't as Cobalion leapt down from nowhere infront of Jen. She then decided to run, but before she could, Terrakion came out of the ground behind her. Her last hope was the grass, but she soon realized that was out of the question as Virizion calmly walked out of the grass. She was surrounded from all sides, and knew she had little hope of winning.
Finding her breath at last, Jen got up and was both grateful and confused at the sight.
"Wait, could it be? Are you the same Cobalion dad is friends with?" Jen said. Cobalion nodded.
"Thank you, really, thank you. But my friends are frozen just a little ways away and need help." Jen pleaded. Cobalion said something to Terrakion, and immediately he dug under ground. Espeon saw a chance to escape, but Virizion soon blocked her, She still tried to escape though, and broke for the grass. Just before Cobalion or Virizion could stop her, she was knocked back by something hidden in the grass. The temperature grew ice cold just then, and the grass flash froze. Curiousity finally getting the better of her, she bonded her soul with Cobaions'.
What is going on? I'm not ungrateful for your help, but how did you find me Cobalion? Jen asked.
Cobalt. My name is Cobalt. I found you after searching for a long time, and just in time by the looks of things. Now then, I brought along my two best friends who were more than willing to help me after I told them of your dad. Although, we knew we would need more power for our mission, so we went hunting and found a friend that owed us a favor Cobalt said.
Who? Jen asked.
Jen, meet the thrid in the trio of Unova dragon wise. Meet Kyurem Cobalt said. A huge dragon stomped out of the frozen grass, and was not at all happy about something.
He's always a little grouchy, but a very strong ally Cobalt said. Espeon had been knocked out by the sheer force of the attack by Kyurem. After a minute, though, she got back up, but the evil in her eyes was gone. Looking around, very confused and alarmed, the minute she saw Jen, she tried to leap into her arms. Cobalt, however, stepped in her way, and she backed away slowly.
Jen? Who are they and why are they looking at me like that? Make them stop! Espeon said, very afraid. Jen was shocked by the mental message, but mostly happy because she seems to be cured of whatever had made her act that way.
"It's okay guys, she's back to normal." Jen said. Though still cautious, Cobalt got out of the way, and Espeon leapt into Jen's arms, shivering slightly.
I forgot how young she is Jen said.
I guess she came to after getting knocked out Cobalt said.
Yeah, seems so...Cobalt? We have some work to do, but it will be well worht it Jen said.

Guess I didn't end it, but at least there will be more to enjoy later. And remember, movie events have no affect on the actual story line
(05-04-2011 09:57 PM)KALAS REY Wrote: [ -> ]"I really...wish that....Serafina...was a lot...slower."

You would if she was chasing you and trying to kill you
Flying over his recently conquered Sinnoh region, N had a smug grin from his success.
"They all deserved this fate, now I have to be the one to clean up their mistakes." N said. He was on Reshiram flying over Jubilfe, when he saw a Gyarados approaching the port.
"Reshiram, Zekrom, head to the port of Jubilfe please. I want to see something." N said. They nodded and did as he said, flying to the port near the town. As he got nearer, he saw that it wasn't a normal Gyarados, but it had to be one. It's features were enhanced and sharpened, giving it a much more dangerous look, adding to the reputation of Gyarados everywhere.
"What in the world is that?" N asked. Reshiram and Zekrom stopped immediately in mid-air, refusing to go any closer.
"Why did you stop? Come on, I have to get a closer look." N said. They still refused to move any closer, and even withdrew a bit. When N was about to ask them again to go closer, he saw two figures on the Gyarados. He squinted his eyes, trying to make them out, then gasped as he saw a woman with pink hair along with Chris.
"No! Impossible! How can this be happening?!? I thought his pokemon would have gotten rid of him by now, not continue to help him destroy my vision!" N said. As Gyarados drew closer, Reshiram and Zekrom flew away, obviously still remembering their last battle.
"Okay, now I get it. I doubt he knows I'm here, so there must be a reason as to why he has come here. Bah, forget it. Not even he can take on the entire world and win." N said.

"Chris, the port is in sight." Alena said.
"Perfect. Gyarados, lets hurry. The sooner we get there, the better." Chris said. With his encouragement, Gyarados made it to the port within the hour. Instead of returning him, Chris allowed Gyarados to follow them on land, seeing as Fang Gyarados didn't need water to survive. Chris then let out the others, then rushed to the city, then to the next, determined to find Jen, while the others followed and helped him look.

Cobalt, where did Terrakion go? Jen asked.
I sent him to go free your friends and to knock out their captor Cobalt said.
I hope he gets back soon Jen said.
Why wait? Come on, lets go. You lead the way Cobalt said. Jen nodded, let down the shacking Espeon, then lead the way as quickly as she could to where the others were. She didn't have to go far, as she didn't make it too far away from them when she fell. When they arrived, they saw shattered ice everywhere, Jen's friends shivering but alive, and a fainted Glaceon next to Terrakion.
"Jen!" Keshia said when she saw her. Jen simply smiled as Keshia ran up to her.
"How did you get away? And why is Espeon here not trying to kill you like before?" Keshai asked, noting the calm pokemon.
Like before? What does she mean? Espeon asked.
It's nothing, don't worry about it Jen said.
If you say so Espeon said.
"After getting knocked out, she came back to her senses, that's why." Jen said.
"Also, is that the same Cobalion who your dad is friends with?" Keshia asked.
"Yep, but he prefers to be called Cobalt." Jen said. Keshia was about to ask something else when she noticed Glaceon rubbing against her leg. Keshia nearly jumped a mile, and got away from Glaceon as fast as she could. Glaceon looked confused and hurt at that.
"Keshia, it's alright, trust me." Jen said, picking up Espeon. Keshia reluctantly walked closer, then extended her hand slowly. When Glaceon didn't try to freeze her again, Keshia relaxed and patted her head.
"Okay, so all we have to do is faint them, and they'll go back to our friends again?" Gold asked.
"Seems so." Jen said.
"That's easier said than done guys." Crystal said.
"Don't worry, we've got these guys to help us, plus Jolteon and Umbreon." Jen said.
"I for one trust Jen. However, if she's wrong and gets us all killed, I'll bug her nonstop." Penny said. Jen grinned.
"Still though, we need a plan if we're going to win." Crystal said.
"I know, and have one." Jen said.
"Of course." Gold said.
"What we have to do is..."

Chris, having searched through Eterna city quickly, flew on the back of Draco Charizard and was zooming through Sinnoh when anyone else would take days to travel what he did in mear minutes. In his transformed state, Charizard's speed rivaled that of Blitz Jolteon, and he was using every last bit of it. Alena sat behind him, while the others ran, doing all the could to keep pace with Charizard. Within an hour, he arrived at Hearthome, and after getting off Charizard, began to search once more. He soon realized that no one was here, a result that aggravated him.
"Where is she?!?" Chris asked, frustrated.
"We'll find her, don't worry." Alena said.
"I know we'll find her. I'm not worried about the where, I'm worried about the when. I need to know if she's completely safe, regardless of her protection." Chris said. He stopped dead in his tracks as he saw the sun, which was high in the sky, race down and the full moon race up.
"Night Pulse." Chris murmured. He watched closley, waiting for the cannon to shoot. When they did, he rushed towards where they were firing. Upon arrival, Chris saw Jen's pokemon, Cinder, Luxio and Tyranitar, since she left Lapras as well, surrounding Blaze Umbreon and Blitz Jolteon. They weren't looking too good, but they had atleast done considerable damage to the other pokemon, even fainting some. Those who were knocked out included Shuppet, Scizor, Sonia, and Lucky.
Flamethrower Chris said. Charizard blasted Serafina from behind, knocking her out as well. When they turned to see who fired the attack, Jolteon launched a Thunderbolt at Kingler from behind, fainting him, while Umbreon shot a Shadow Ball at Manetric, having the same result. The only ones up were Arcinine, Feuilles, Cinder, Luxio, Tyranitar, Leader, Shadow, Furry, Skarmory, Flareon, Dewgong, and Parasect. A Flamethrower plus a Hyper Beam took out three, while a Thunderbolt and Shadow Ball took out four more. Thorn Leafeon and Crystal Glaceon attacked, taking out another four, until Cinder was the last one left.
"You may as well give up now." Chris said. Cinder snorted, flames rushing out of his nostrils as he did so. Taking that as a no, Charizard launched a Flamethrower at him, but it was blocked and sent back at him by Nova Mirror. His own attack had some kick to it, but Charizard couldn't be farther from done.
"This one could prove annoying." Chris said. The others nodded their agreement.

Rapidly approaching Hearthome, Jen and the others ran, hoping their plan would work. As they entered the city, they heard a loud noise, followed by a surge of heat in the city and then ending with an explosion.
"This could get messy Jen." Keshia said.
"I know, but we don't exactly have a lot of options." Jen said. Keshia nodded, though didn't look any better. Her face changed, however, when they saw what was causing the commotion.
"Mom! Dad!" Jen yelled. Chris and Alena looked away from the battle to see Jen waving at them. Unfortunately, Cinder saw her too. Using the distraction, Cinder launched a Meteor Wing attack at Jen, catching her off guard. Just before it could hit her, quick as a flash, Virizion leapt infront of her and shielded her with Protect. Keshia, Penny, Gold and Crystal looked at the battle's progress, and were relieved to see their pokemon fainted.
"I never thought I'd ever be this happy to see my pokemon were defeated." Gold said.
"Same here." Keshia said. Cinder, still up and trying to hurt Jen, tried his attack again.
He never got the chance.
Kyurem instantly appeared behind him, then blasted him with Glaciate. Cinder was sent hurtling forward, then crashed into a building. After an attempt to get up, Cinder collapsed, fainted.
"It's over!" Keshia cheered.
"I wish." Chris said.
"What do you mean?" Gold asked.
"Return your pokemon then I'll explain." Chris said. They complied, returning their pokemon for a long rest.
"This is far from over, believe you me. The man responsible has to N, and I've seen what he's been up to in all this chaos he made. N has set out to ruling the world, and is close to it." Chris said.
"It's a clever plan. Take the two dominant species of this planet, then pit them against each other while controling the stronger one." Jen said.
"Exactly. I don't know where he is, but I do know he is heading to Unova." Chris said.
"Then let's go." Jen said.
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