Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: Pokemon Motivational Posters
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As the title says it's a thread about Pokemon Motivational Posters that you either made or found on internet. For the time being here are all the Pokemon Motivational Posters I have made till now (some of them in greek):

[Image: dbf8cd127984344.jpg] [Image: aa9912127984346.jpg] [Image: dc27de127984349.jpg] [Image: 54073e127984352.jpg] [Image: 4e26e2127984353.jpg] [Image: a324fd127984362.jpg] [Image: 422077127984363.jpg] [Image: 9f8566127984365.jpg] [Image: 79c909127984368.jpg] [Image: baee34127984371.jpg] [Image: 73769c127984374.jpg] [Image: 1b8427127984376.jpg] [Image: 0005ec127984377.jpg] [Image: 4ea623127984379.jpg] [Image: 19a44c127984380.jpg]

Since the picture limit in every post is 15 pictures here are the rest of them:
[Image: 23bca4127984383.jpg]
Since the picture limit per post is 15 here are the rest of them:
[Image: 7c0d36127984972.jpg] [Image: 23bca4127984974.jpg]
[Image: 33vbtqh.jpg]

Άλλη μια που μοιάζει να ισχύει αρκετά για μένα τον τελευταίο καιρό...

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