Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: Arcania Region Adventure!
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Hang in there Dunsparce, I'll fit you in the story somehow!
There is no correlation between Grey from my FanFic (Grey's Kanto Adventure) and this Grey. I just like the name.
Well, I've been working on and off with GKA, so I thought I'd make this to hold you guys off until Chapter Six comes out.
P.S. I lied. Grey from Kanto is Grey from Arcania. Smile

Andrew: Good battle, Grey! I'll win against you soon!

Grey: Soon? How about tomorrow? You're a natural-born battler, kid! Although, I think I've seen you before...

Andrew: Really? Hold on, let me heal my Pokemon. Be right back!

Andrew walked to the Poke Center, thinking about how he would train Turty, and which Gyms he should challenge first. As Nurse Joy was healing his Pokemon, he ran into Tai.

Tai: What are you doing here?

Andrew: I lost against Grey. Why are you still here? You healed your Pokemon around ten minutes ago!

Tai: Er... I gotta go. See you later.

Andrew (thinking): That's strange, Tai seemed kind of... sad? Afraid? Was he about to cry? What happened to his Tepig?

As Andrew thought about Tai, he didn't notice Nurse Joy telling him that his Pokemon were healed.
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