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Two of my favorite games in one story!


Five years have passed since the near-Armageddon of the Realms. Taven defeated Blaze and saved the realms from destruction.
The evil Emperor Shao Kahn and his minions were banished to the Netherrealm for eternity.
Liu Kang and his dead allies were resurrected by the Elder Gods.
It seemed that peace would last forever. But, that wouldn't be the case as two warriors would soon discover...
Chapter 1: The New Merging

The young man awoke. He didn't feel anything different was going to happen. Not today. He was wrong.
The young man, named Blood, was a hylian who has never really gotten into the spirit of adventure, like his cousin Link. Instead, he gazed at the sky in constant thought.
Each day, he asked himself this one question, "Is there a world beyond the Smash World?"
Many thought that Blood was insane. Others were evidently willing to accept him.
Particularly Solid Snake. He was almost always talking about something about Realms, Shokan, and something called Mortal Kombat.
Today, Blood was going to discover the answer to his trivial question. He was walking to Hyrule Castle Town to buy some healing potion. Suddenly, he found himself falling down a hole. When he landed, he dusted himself off. He wasn't surprised at his mistake. Some holes were known to come from nowhere in Hyrule.
When he looked up, he nearly fainted. He had fallen into a hidden shrine. The front wall had a strange symbol. A dragon. The opposite wall was littered with hylian writing that said:
On the day of Independence the new merging will begin. Kombatants and Smashers will unite to face the Four Greatest Evils in Ultimate Mortal Kombat.

Blood blinked, hoping that he was seeing things. But, no. This was real.
"Day of Independence?" He reread. "July 4th. That's tomorrow!"
He jumped out of the hole. He had to find Link!

At that very same moment, in another universe a red ninja named Inferno was reading a similar text with a different symbol. A man named Jax mentioned something about a Super Smash Bros. somewhere before. He looked over the line that said "The New Merging". Bad news.
Inferno rushed from the Unknown Temple to find Jax.

Blood and Inferno are made-up. They are not actual Smash Bros. or MK fighters.
Anyway, to be continued...
Too bad I have't played none of these games. But unless you include too many areas/characters/items/legends etc from them, I think I will be able to keep up with your story.
Hope you will.

Chapter Two: The Revenge of the Emperor

Deep in the Netherrealm, Shao Kahn struggled helplessly against his bonds. He came so close to claiming Earthrealm. All he had to do, was defeat Blaze and he failed. Taven had sabotaged his victory.
From the corner of his eye, he thought he saw something move. A shadow. Was it Moloch? Drahmin? Kahn didn't know.
Suddenly, a dark figure stepped from the shadows. His body and clothes were all black, except his eyes. Gleaming, blood-red, malevolent eyes. He wore a tunic, an unusual hat, metal gauntlets, and a sword and shield were at his back.
"Hmm. Wrong turn." He said in a lifeless tone.
"Who are you?" Shao Kahn asked.
"That is no concern of yours!" The figure snapped. "I bring a message from the King of Evil, for one called Shinnok."
"How DARE you!?" Kahn shouted. "I am Shao Kahn! Emperor of Outworld."
The figure's red eyes narrowed. "Indeed?" He asked. "I am not impressed. On top of that, I serve NO ONE!"
"Insolent mortal!" Kahn snarled. "When I escape, I will see you dead!"
The dark figure laughed as he started to walk away. "You cannot kill what's already dead!"

In the Smash World, a tall catlike creature raised his head in surprise. Somehow, he sensed a familiar presence mocking a prisoner in a dark and twisted place.
"Odd." He thought. "Somehow, there is a rift in universal balance. Our world is merging with another. I must find Master Hand."
The creature focused his psychic power and began to rise into the air. Soon, the entire Smash World would be aware of the danger at hand...hopefully.

To be continued...

Any guesses on the identities of the shadow and the catlike being?
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