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I FINALLY understood why I was having more writers block. It happened to me the last time too. The birth of another fan fiction was stopping me. I'm a long time fan of Golden Sun, and recently I have been drawn back into playing the games. I have no idea why I didn't see it before.

30 years ago, a group of eight powerful adepts, or users of psyenergy, saved Wayard, their world, from withering into nothing. By lighting the lighthouses and unleashing the Golden Sun, they both saved their world and nearly destroyed it at the same time. All that alchemy, the origin of psyenergy, was almost too great for the world to handle. Since then, every ten years, large vortexes appear. They suck up all psyenergy, and people fear they may be a warning of the Mourning Moon, the largest vortex to date 30 years ago. Their fears were true. Today, the original Warriors of Vale; Isaac, Venus (earth) adept, Garet, Mars (fire) adept, Ivan, Jupiter (wind) adept, Mia, Mercury (water) adept, Felix, Venus, Jenna, Mars, Sheba, Jupiter, and Piers, Murcury, are the ones who are both admired and despiced for their actions. Isaac, the greater of the two leaders in the group, lives atop Mt Aleph with his friend Garet to try to figure out why these vortexes keep appearing. Felix, the other leader, disappeared awhile ago, and no one knows where he is. Isaac and Garet are not alone, however. They live with their sons. Mathew, Venus, son of Isaac, and Tyrell, Mars, son of Garet. They are also often visited by Karis, Jupiter, daughter of Ivan. Due to the destruction of their Soar wing, thanks to Tyrell, they were sent to fight a Mountain Roc, a huge bird of stone, and pluck one of it's feathers for it's repair. Along their journey, they were thrown into another quest to save their world, like their parents. They were joined by Reif, Murcury, son of Mia, Amiti, Murcury, Sveta, Jupiter, queen of Belinsk and Beastman (a hybrid adept made when the Golden Sun rose), Eoleo, Mars, pirate and son of Briggs, now dead (Briggs, not Eoleo) and another Venus adept who's name escapes me. Together, they managed to throw the world into a nearly eternal eclipse, then bring it back into the light just in time. Afterwards, they parted ways, and Mathew, leader of the group, Tyrell, and Karis went back to the cabin atop Mt Aleph, only to find the Mourning Moon waiting for them. However, the story does not start there. During the eclipse, the shadow spread across the sea far enough to the Sea of Time, which holds Lemuria, an ancient city long thought to be gone. But not even Lemuria was prepared for the two supirses that occured that day. One was the eclipse. Two, they discovered they had a neighboring city. In the eclipse, the city, once concealed by bent rays of light to become completely invisible, shown very brightly that day. The light cast by that city was blinding to even Lemuria, and continued to shine until the eclipse was over, at which point it was once more concealed in light, but the damage had been done. They were seen, after taking so many precautions to avoid being detected. Their city, Lyresk, home to only adepts, filled to the brim with Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Murcury adepts, were scared they would be invaded. Scared that they would be forced to part with their greatest treasures. Their Princess Leona, she who predicts the future, and Prince Aren, he who changes the future. They were afraid they would have to part with their greatest treasures; Their Light adepts
We shall start, or resume if you will, the story at Mt Aleph, where Mathew, Tyrell, and Karis are stunned from fear, facing the Mourning Moon, the destruction of Angara, their home continent, at stake once again.

Chapter 1: Flee!

"T-T-Tyrell? M-M-Mathew? Please tell me that isn't what I think it is." Karis nearly pleaded.
"I wish I could Karis, I wish I could." Mathew said.
"Hey wait, where are dad and Isaac?" Tyrell asked, looking around the rocky surface.
"Surely they wouldn't stay here, right? Your dads are too smart to do that. I bet they left when they saw it to warn people. We should follow their lead." Karis said. Mathew nodded.
"We have to find our group as well. We could be in for a big fight here soon." Tyrell said.
"Are you crazy?!? Do you have any idea how long it will take to get to Belinsk again?!? And that's just to get Sveta! Think of the stops we'll have to make along the way to get the others! By that time, the Mourning Moon could have destroyed Angara!" Karis yelled.
"Karis has a point Tyrell. It would take far too long to get the others., we might not have a fight on our hands. All we can do now is find our dads and get out of here." Mathew said.
"Fine, but I'd feel better if we had the others here with us." Tyrell said.
"As would I old friend, but we can't always have what we want. Exhibit A." Mathew said, pointing at the Mouning Moon.
"Point taken." Tyrell said. The group ran as fast as they could, rushing down the mountain, until a faint yelling caught Mathew's attention.
"Wait, hold up guys. I think I hear someone yelling." Mathew said. He strained his ears to listen. The yelling grew steadely louder, and Mathew could make out his name, along with Tyrell's and Karis' being called. It was coming from back up the mountain, and was approaching them fast.
"I...I think that is my dad calling us!" Mathew said. And sure enough, he was right. Isaac, along with Garet, was running full speed down the mountain toward them. They both had large packs on their backs, and looked ready to travel. After another minute, they had caught up to them, both panting slightly.
"We thought you were already off the mountain." Mathew said.
"We were about to leave, but you beat us to it. We were still finishing up our preparations." Isaac said.
"For what?" Tyrell asked.
"Isaac thinks we will have a huge fight to deal with again, so he wants to go and gather up the others. He also think syou should do the same with your group." Garet said.
"That's what I said, but Karis insisted it would take too long." Tyrell said.
"It would have, but with my Quake Sphere and Odessey, along with Garet's Eruption and Liquifier psyenergy, we managed to buy enough time." Isaac said.
"How did you do that?" Tyrell asked.
"I cut the Mourning Moon into peices, then dug a huge crater in the ground." Isaac said.
"Then I shoved it into the crater, then turned it into a new volcano, which burned up the Mourning Moon. We did little more than delay it's return, however." Garet said.
"I missed your Odessey?!? Dang it! I was hoping to get some tips on mine. I think I'm doing it right, but I feel like their is something...loose in it." Mathew said.
"Later Mathew. For now, we part ways here. Meet up with us at Lemuria in one week. We might not have everyone by then, but we cannot afford to take any longer than that." Isaac said.
"We'll have to find Eoleo for that one, but I think we can do that." Mathew said.
"Alright, lets go. No time to waste!" Isaac declared, and they ran in opposite directions. Mathew heading toward Harapa, Isaac to Kalay, both hoping to get started on their member re-recruitment.

In the Sea of Time, five Lemurian ships gathered just on the outskirts of the hidden Lyresk. On the front boat, stood two Jupiter adepts, one male, one female.
"Ivan, Sheba, we cannot thank you enough for this. We are sorry if this is a bad time for the two of you, but we couldn't turn to anyone else." A lemurian said.
"It's alright. Now, what do you want us to do?" Ivan asked.
"No one in Lemuria is a Jupiter adept, being all Murcury adepts. None of us has the psyenergy Reveal. The two of you were the first ones to come to mind, and seeing as you two are so skilled with it, who better to ask? We need the two of you to use Reveal on this entire area. We have reason to believe there is something hidden here." He said.
"Yikes. That is a big area to reveal. Sheba, think you can do it with me?" Ivan asked.
"Easy enough with help." Sheba said. They clasped hands, and focused their psyenergy to a point where they had never done before.

"Lady Leona! Lord Aren! We are about to be discovered! What should we do?" A soldier asked. No responce, but the soldier knew he was heard. Deep in the palace, the soldier left them to think. Aren then turned to his twin sister Leona, who was in a deep meditation. After a second, she came out of it.
"What did you see?" Aren asked.
"We have a chance to speak with them, but if we fight, we will not win, and the two of us will die." Leona said.
"Music to my ears. You know what I have to say to that right? I say it whenever you have predicted our deaths in the past." Aren said, clasping on white-gold armor.
Leona nodded. "If you don't like life's hand"
"Fight for a better one." Aren finished. He gathered his other armor, and went to his always faithful Light Blade, and swung it on his back, ready to use when he would need it.
I have found out the name of the Venus adept that traveled with Mathew. Her name is Himi, Venus, daughter of Susa. Also, I have not described Amiti enough, as he is the prince of Ayuthay, and possible relative of Mia
Chapter 2: Lyresk discovered
Isaac and Garet were going as fast as their feet could carry them, but they were only at Vault, a village nearby Mt Aleph.
"We'll never make it to Lemuria by next week if we head down to Kalay Isaac." Garet said.
"I was afraid of this. I thought we would have been faster, but I miscalculated. Let's hope Ivan is here and then go to Lemuria." Isaac said.
"By the way, how are we supossed to get there anyway?" Garet asked.
"I arranged to meet with Piers just east of here tomorrow morning." Isaac said.
"Clever of you , but you won't make it in time. That is, unless I were to help you." Isaac and Garet whirled around, hoping they weren't correct in guessing who it was. They were, unfortunately, right.
"Alex! What are you doing here?" Isaac asked. Alex, Murcury, long time enemy of Isaac and his friends. Always cunning, Alex used Isaac and his group to make himself more powerful in the Golden Sun event. Recently, he even used Mathew and his group to cast the world in the Grave Eclipse.
"Why, I'm just here to help, as always." Alex said.
"Yeah, and I'm Saturos's brother." Garet said. Saturos, Mars, now dead along with his companion Menardi, Mars. They died fighting Isaac's group at the Venus Lighthouse.
"Easy Garet. You're temper is never out, is it? Anyways, you may wish to here me out. I have no wish to destroy the world, nor see it destroyed. Also, I can use the Warp psyenergy, and take you to the others, even to Lemuria within the hour." Alex said.
"And why should we trust you?!? You have always taken every oppurtunity to stab us in the back!" Isaac snapped.
"Really? That's not how I remember things. Ah well, you have no choice in the matter anyway. Perhaps this will show you I am telling you the truth." Alex said. Before another word was said, they warped. The next thing they saw, they were on Piers' boat with Jenna, Kraden, non-adept scholar and old friend of the group, Mia and Piers.
"Isaac!" Jenna said happily. She threw her arms around him in a tight hug. Mathew, son of Isaac, is also son of Jenna. You do the remaining math.
"Wait, where is Alex? More importantly, where is Felix?" Garet asked.
"Alex did this?" Mia asked.
"Yes, I did. As for Felix, not even I know where he is, so I cannot bring him here. Believe me, I have traveled far, possibly all over the world, and cannot get so much as a hint of him. He has hidden himself well." Alex said, appearing from behind them.
"Where are Ivan and Sheba then?" Isaac asked.
"Over there." Alex pointed. Isaac looked to where he was pointing, and indeed saw Ivan and Sheba, focusing their psyenergy.
"What are they doing?" Garet asked.
"Watch, and you may learn." Alex said, then warped again.

"Harapa, at last." Karis said.
"Yes, but we cannot stop here. We have to keep going to Ayuthay, then find a way to get to Champa where Eoleo is best at right now." Mathew said.
"Wait, is that Reif and Himi?" Tyrell asked. Over by the market, Reif and Himi were talking to a weapon master, no doubt trying to get a rare item to buy.
"Reif! Himi!" Mathew yelled. His yelling caught their attention, and they rushed to him quickly.
"Thank goodness we found the two of you here. That saves us a lot of time." Karis said.
" We were just on the way to find you guys. Himi found me, and told me that we needed to find you guys fast! But she didn't say why." Reif said.
"The Mourning Moon, that's why." Mathew said.
"Oh, well then. That is bad indeed." Reif said.
"We managed to run into Amiti as well. He is at the inn waiting for us to return." Himi said.
"Brilliant. Now, we just have to hope that Eoleo has Sveta, and we'll have the whole group back to get to Lemuria. Even if Sveta isn't with us, we still have more than I thought we could get." Mathew said.

"Ariel! Ariel! Blast it, she is never around when I actually need her." Aren said. Ariel, Jupiter, long time friend of Aren and Leona. She used to use her two unique psyenergy abilities to prank the prince when they were kids, but as the years went by, she melowed out a lot. She is now the royal supervisor.
"I'm here! Hold on!" Ariel said, running down a long hallway.
"Ariel, I need you to use your two psyenergy techniques to try and ward off the Jupiter adepts out there." Aren said.
"I'll try, but I fear I maybe rusty at them." Ariel said.
"Just try." Aren said.

"Nearly ready to cast Reveal." Ivan muttered.
"Did you say something Ivan?" Sheba asked.
"Yeah. I said we are nearly ready." Ivan said.
"No, not that, the other thing." Sheba said.
"I didn't say anything else." Ivan said.
"That's what I mean. Didn't you hear that?" Sheba asked.
"No, but I'm focusing on Reveal." Ivan said.
"I know I heard something this time!" Sheba said. Her ;ack of concentration broke the Reveal, which had nearly made it's way to Lyresk.
"Why did you stop?" Ivan asked.
"...........turn back."
"I keep hearing this old, tired voice. Don't you?" Sheba asked.
"Turn back"
"Wait, I might have heard it then." Ivan said.
"TURN BACK!!!!!!!!!"
"Yep, I heard it, and boy does it sound angry." Ivan said.

"We have to go Piers! They might need our help." Isaac said.
"I'm already on it Isaac." Piers said. He steered the ship toward Ivan and Sheba, getting there in a minute.
"Ivan! Sheba!" Isaac yelled.
"Isaac! We could have just made a ghost angry." Ivan said.
"What, again?" Garet asked.
"We seem to do that a lot." Isaac said.
"Well, this one wants us to turn back, but that is only making me more curious. Isaac, I need you and the others to cover us while Sheba and I use Reveal." Ivan said.
"No problem." Isaac said. Piers steered the boat infront of Ivan and Sheba, who had once mroe focused on Reveal. The psyenergy spread past the boat, and headed to Lyresk again.

"Well, Ghost Voice didn't work." Ariel said.
"Try Ghost Image. We have to make them turn back." Aren said. Both of them were at the shores of Lyresk, staring at the adepts.

"What is going on here?" Jenna asked. A huge cloud of fog drifted over, and started to rise and twist. It eventually formed a huge skull of vapor, with blood red eyes.
"TURN BACK!!!!!!!!!" It said.
"It isn't real." Ivan said. Reveal had gone past it, and, in truth, the ghost image wasn't there anymore.

"Dang it! Reveal dispels illusions, how could I forget?!?" Aren said.

"Almost, almost...got it! Wow." Was all Ivan could say. The others shared his sentiment, as they gazed at Lyresk.
Since this is my latest fan fic, I could use some comments here, if you please
Chapter 3: Old, new, and newer warriors
"What did we just find?" Ivan asked, in awe of Lyresk.
"I have no idea. Kraden? Do you know?" Isaac asked.
"I'm afraid not Isaac. I may have a theory, but it too far fetched to be possible." Kraden said.
"Tell us. Your guess is better than ours." Mia said,
"We don't even have a guess." Garet said.
"Exactly." Mia said.
"Well, I suppose no harm will come if I say my guess. Don't quote me on this, but I think we may have just discovered Lyresk." Kraden said.
"Lyresk?" Isaac asked.
"Yes. This city was one of the very first cities to be made by the adepts of old. It is even older than Lemuria. It was said to have disappeared over ten millenea ago." Kraden said.
"10000 years!?!" Jenna exclaimed.
"Yes, quite a long time. Whatever made this city disappear, it must have destroyed any and all of it's inhabitants, because from here, I cannot see anyone." Kraden said.
"Well, before we jump to any conclusions, lets go take a look." Isaac said.
"Wait a minute, we have to meet the kids later in Lemuria. Do we really have time for this?" Garet asked.
"We have plenty of time. We left them only yesterday, so a look around a lost, most likely abandoned city is perfectly acceptable." Isaac said.
"Then I'll dock the boat there." Piers said, turning the wheel.

"Okay, good news and bad news. The good news is, they think we are all dead. Bad news, we cannot let them see any of us." Aren muttered to himself.
"Prince Aren, perhaps we should confront them. They might be persuaded to live here, like that other one." Ariel said.
"That one had amnesia, and still has it. Plus, didn't you hear them? It sounds like they have a quest of their own to deal with. We cannot let them leave and bring back others, or we'll be discovered for sure!" Aren said.
"What does Lady Leona think? Speaking of which, where is she?" Ariel asked.
"She fell into another of her trnaces before I came out here with you." Aren said.
"That might just be what we need. I'm sure she'll rush out to us when she is done, hopefully bringing advice about what to do." Ariel said.
"We cannot wait that long, because they are here!" Aren said, stepping out to meet them.

"Wait, who is that?" Ivan asked.
"He must be a survivor! This is perfect!" Kraden said.
"What luck, huh?" Jenna said. Before they could get off the docked boat, Aren shot a beam of light psyenergy at them. It struck the boat, and left a giant hole clean through it. They rushed off before the boat could drag them down to the bottom of the sea.
"Bad luck, as always. Why do people always try to blast us?" Garet asked.
"I don't know, but look out!" Isaac yelled, He grabbed Jenna just in time to pull her out of the way of another blast.
"Alright, now I'm mad!" Isaac growled.

"I hope we can make it to Champa quickly, or we'll miss the set day." Tyrell said.
"I think I can help with that. I helped your folks out after all."
"Alex! What do you want?!?" Karis snapped.
"So touchy as always. Look, I'd love to chat, but your folks are in a bit of a bind, and could probably use your help right about now." Alex said. He warped all of them to Belinsk, just as Tyrell was about to ask "What could our parents be fighting that could beat them?"
"I'll answer that after I come back." Alex said, then warped again. He reappeared a few seconds later with Sveta, then warped them again to Eoleo's boat, with him steering it.
"Oh, hello again guys. Back already? I had to let Himi off early because she said she had to do something, then I guess she forgot about me and left. Hey, not that I'm not happy to see you all again, but why are you guys here?" Eoleo asked.
"You'll know in a few seconds." Alex said, then warped them again. They reappeared next to the sunken boat that used to belong to Piers, and arrived in time to see Isaac and the others in a fierce battle with a man and a woman.
"You'll have to help them, or they will most likely lose. By for now." Alex was about to warp, but was too slow to dodge a blast of light psyenergy.

"Take that theif!" Aren yelled viciously. Alex shook his head and got back up, still a little groggy from the blast.
"You want more?!? Take this! Heaven Blast!" Aren yelled. He shot another blast of light psyenergy at Alex, but he warped just in time to avoid it.
"I'll catch that theif one day. He must pay for his crime." Aren muttered.
"Hold it! Now I'm conflicted. Anyone who hates Alex that much is usually okay in my book, but sunk Piers' boat. Why did you strike at us?" Garet asked.
"I cannot allow anyone to reveal the existance of Lyresk. There have only been a few close calls, but there has been only one other adepts to come here before you. We allowed him to live here, but only on the grounds that he never leaves. You, however, will not agree to those same conditions. So, I must take care of you, less I run the risk of revealing my home." Aren stated.
"Well, I hope you can understand this, but we cannot die here. We have a job to do, and that is to take care of the Mournign Moon!" Isaac said. Instantly, all of the color drained away from Aren's face until he was as white as a sheet. Ariel didn't look much better.
"Did...did you say the Mourning Moon is back?" Aren asked, his voice no more than a whisper.
"Yes I did. My name is Isaac. Along with my friend Garet, we have been studying these psyenergy vortexes that keep appearing all over. The Mourning Moon is the largest one ever, and we have yet to find a way to stop it. Although, we have a theory. If we channel our psyenergy into me, and I fire everything I have at the Mourning Moon, that may do the trick and finish it off." Isaac said.
"That won't work. The Mourning Moon was made by dark adepts long ago, and was made to be nearly indestructable." Aren said.
"How long ago? And how would you know?" Kraden asked.
"Here in the sea of time, time passes slowly, as those Lemurians know. However, in Lyresk, it passes even slower. I might look around 17, but I am actually over ten milleneia old." Aren said.
"Wow. Time really does pass slowly." Ivan said.
"As for the other question, it was made at the same time I was born." Aren said.
"You said it was nearly indestructable. Nearly. How can we destroy it?" Isaac asked.
"You can't, I can. With help, that is." Aren said.
"What can you do that we can't?" Garet asked.
"I see that you have three Venus adepts with you, and four of the other elemental adepts as well, correct?" Aren asked. Isaac looked around, confused, then spotted the kids on Eoleo's boat.
"Apparently so." Isaac said.
"Well, you are missing one key element neccessary to destroy it." Aren said.
"What do you mean? There are only four elements, and we have them all!" Tyrell said.
"Wait a minute...maybe there are more." Kraden said.
"More? What do you mean more?" Garet asked.
"Well, when I traveled with your kids, they, along with others, were tricked into activating the Eclipse Tower, setting off the Grave eclipse." Kraden said.
"It wasn't all of our fault! We were tricked!" Tyrell shot back.
"I don't care! If you had a hand in that, you must pay! Heaven Blast!" Aren shot another of his special psyenergy at Mathew, who was pushed out of the way at the last minute by Sveta. Luckily, Sveta was still wearing her Umbra Armor, and the attack was absorbed.
"No...not that. Anything but that. A dark adept has found Lyresk?" Ariel asked, horrified.
"No, I'm a wind adept. I'm only wearing Umbra gear." Sveta said.
"Sveta! Why did you tell them that? You could have totally freaked them out!" Tyrell said.
"Everyone calm down!" Isaac yelled.
"As I was saying, and I think everyone should pay attention to this, I learned about the Tuaparang, a clan of dark adepts. They claim to be Umbra adepts, for Umbra means shadow, but properly they should be called Luna adepts." Kraden said.
"So?" Garet asked.
"So? So I'm saying that there is another element: Dark. That might mean that this man here is a nicer Dark adept." Kraden said.
"Wrong! How could you even think I'm one of those despicable scum!?!" Aren snapped.
"If you aren't dark, earth, wind, fire or water, what are you then?" Isaac asked.
"You still haven't figured it out? Not even by my psyenergy?" Aren asked.
"He's right dad. He couldn't be farther from a dark adept. He's a light adept!" Mathew said.
Guys, I'm not asking for a reputation point for making this story, but it comforts me to have you guys post here. It lets me know thatthere are people reading it, and have something to say. So far, not comfy at all

Chapter 4: The secret of the Mourning Moon
"A light adept? What's that? Do you know Kraden?" Garet asked.
"No, not at all. Nothing in my studies has even so much as hinted at the very existence of Light adepts." Kraden said.
"You adepts don't look evil, yet I still have my doubts about you. Please understand, I don't have anything against any of you personally, except maybe for those kids. I must protect my home from invaders." Aren said.
"His highness speaks the truth adepts. Prince Aren only wishes the best for our people." Ariel said.
"Then let us start over, and try to settle things calmly. My name is Isaac, a venus adept and leader of the group." Isaac said. The others introduced themselves in turn after Isaac.
"I'm Ariel, a wind adept, and advisor to Aren." Ariel said.
"And I am Aren, a light adept, prince of Lyresk. I guess one could go as far to say I am a Sol adept." Aren said. (Sol, meaning sun, a symbol of light)
"Now then, may we please try to work something out?" Isaac asked.
"I suppose some civilized behavior is called for." Aren said.
"Thank you. Now, you don't want us to leave, but only because you don't want us to blab about Lyresk, right?" Garet asked.
"Correct. We have been hidden for many milleniea, and we have survived for that long because we were hidden." Aren said.
"Well, we knew about Lemuria as well, and they asked us to keep quiet about it. That was thrity years ago, and they haven't been attacked, right?" Isaac asked one of the Lemurians.
"Correct." He said.
"Hmm. It seems you are able to keep a secret after all." Aren said.
"Yes. Now, may we go?" Ivan asked.
"As long as you promise never to reveal the location of this place, even if you are tortured." Aren said.
"We promise." Isaac said.
"For now, I choose to believe you, but do not let that be a mistake. Now then, I'm afraid we got sidetracked earlier. You were saying something about the Mourning Moon, correct?" Aren asked.
"Yes. You said that, with help, you would be able to destroy it. How?" Kraden asked.
"Well, that is a secret as well, but matters do seem to be against me." Aren said.
"We have to know! The world might not survive another encounter with that vortex!" Tyrell snapped.
"Tyrell!" Garet yelled.

In the palace, Leona was stuck in her trance, seeing the future. She saw teh Mourning Moon come together over the remains of Mt. Aleph, and hover for a few seconds before it started to move. It didn't move fast, but it still made it's way to Lyresk. It stopped, just above Aren. Aren was alive only long enough to let out a warning to Ariel, before the Mourning Moon engulfed him in a large beam of dark purple. His cries of pain could be heard for miles. The Mourning Moon was sapping his strength. The process lasted for a minute, but when it was over, Aren's lifeless body fell to the ground.
"NO!" Leona yelled. She yelled so loud, she shook herself out of the trance. She took a second to calm herself, then rushed to tell Aren of her vision.

"Will you tell us or not?!?" Tyrell asked.
"Tyrell! Do not raise your voice to him!" Garet snapped.
"I image you are in a bit of a bind, but I was told to never tell anyone, not even my own sis-err, not even my own advisor." Aren said.
"Wait, what was that?" Sveta asked.
"I said, not even my own advisor, Ariel." Aren said.
"That wasn't what you were about to say. Do you have a sister you don't want us to know about?" Eoleo asked.
"No I do not. Ariel, tell them please." Aren said.
"It's true, we only have Prince Aren as our ruler. He is the only Light, or Sol if you will, adept alive." Ariel said quite convincingly.
"Brother!" Leona cried as she rushed to him. Aren's face scrunched up in frustration.
"So close!" Ariel muttered.
"Aren, you must flee at once!" Leona said.
"Why?" Aren asked.
"The Mourning Moon is on it's way here! And I don't think I have to tell you about what it did to the last light adept." Leona said.
"For a fortune-teller, you sure didn't see this one coming." Ariel muttered.
"What's this about another light adept? And is she one as well?" Isaac asked.
"I may as well tell you the truth. The Mourning Moon was not, in fact, created by the Golden Sun. It was created by dark adepts in ancient times. We were still babies at the time, and were born non-adepts. During that time, the world was in the first Grave Eclipse, and matters were only made worse by the Mourning Moon. Dark adepts were about to destroy the world when, at the very last minute, the Eclipse Tower was shut down by a dark adept traitor. During the Grave Eclipse, Mt. Aleph was active, and spewing psyenergy stones all across the world, turning everyone that came into contact with them into dark adepts. When the tower was shut off, however, a miracle happened. At the same second the twoer shut off, five stones were sent out of the volcano in unison. Those stones absorbed light energy instead of dark, and turned five people into light adepts. The dark adept traitor seemed to be rewarded by fate and was one of them. Although, the dark adepts wwanted revenge. The Mourning Moon was no larger than my fist when it was made, but that was alright for the dark adepts for some reason. When the Mourning Moon came into contact with the ex dark adept, it absorbed his life force, and killed him. It then grew to the monsterous size you now know it to be. It had enough energy that it stayed in that size even after it dealt the massive damage on the ancient land. Now, it has come for me, and will attempt to drain me of my power as well. Think of the size it would grow to then, for I am a fully mastered light adept, unlike that man." Aren said.
"How do we stop it?" Isaac asked.
"As I have already said, you can't. Only I know how to do that. I must gather the remaining light adepts in the land and combine our strength to destroy it once and for all." Aren said.
"That no different from Isaac's plan. What makes you think yours will work?" Piers asked.
"Because, light adepts have that power." Aren said.
"So, you'll be needing a ship. Wish we had one." Piers said bitterly.
"Relax and look behind you." Aren sadi. They turned, and saw Piers' boat looking brand new.
"How did you do that?" Ivan asked.
"When you have 10000 years to master your powers, you can do many things. Before we leave, however, I must go inform the man who arrived here." Aren said.
"I'll go with you. I want to see this place for myself anyway." Isaac said. After ten minutes, Isaac returned, a shocked look on his face.
"Isaac, what happened?" Jenna asked.
"Guys, our group is once again full." Isaac said. Walking next to Aren, Felix was clutching his aching head.
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