Legendary Pokémon

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I love the shadow pokemon games a lot, so I figure I'll try this out.

Chapter 1: In Sinnoh, also in the other regions, a single message rang out throughout the areas.
"Attention! We have an important announcement to make! All gyms and tournaments across the world will close for an important event that will be held in a far away region called Orre. This tournament will be open to all trainers all across the world, and a large turn out is expected. Those weak of heart, do not bother coming, for trainers from the entire world will gather to this event."

"We have to book it to Jubilife cities' port now!" Jen said.
"You bet we do!" Penny said.
"Wait, why bother? None of us will be able to beat your dad Jen." Gold said.
"Yeah, you're right...okay, I've thought about it. Let's go!" Jen said.

At Chris' house, the announcement was deffinently heard, and they were already getting ready.
"Alena, I'll be back whenever the tournament ends. I hope I win it, but there will be trainers from all over the world, so no promises." Chris said.
"Oh, I'm coming with you. I've gone too long without a good battle, so I'll compete as well." Alena said.

One week later, the S.S. Libra arrived in Gateon Port with the contestants from all over the world. Thanks to it's massive size, the S.S Libra, newly renewed, is the perfect and only boat big enough to carry all of the two thousand trainers ready to compete in the Orre Colloseum. On the port, a teen with spiky red hair and a yellow vest, metallic arm-like device on his left arm, and a sensor on the left side of his head, eagerly awaited the new opponents.

Getting off the boat, Jen and the others, including Chris and Alena, took in their surroundings, awed by the sight.
"This is a huge port, huh?" Jen asked.
"No kidding." Chris said.
I've seen bigger Lucario said.
Oh really? When? Leafeon asked.
I've been around a lot Lucario said. As they approached, a tall female trainer approached them. She looked to be about 39, had a yellow sun visor, purple jacket with a green shirt, and long purple jeans.
"Excuse me, are you the real Grand Champion Chris?" She asked.
"Yeah. I'm surprised I'm heard about even here." Chris said.
"Well, to be honest, I'm not from here. My name is Vanessa, and I am the Grand Champion on my side of the world." Vanessa said.
"I'm impressed. I look forward to battle you, and soon I hope." Chris said. As he was about to turn away, Vanessa grabbed his arm.
"Yes?" Chris asked.
"You really don't recognize me? Not at all?" Vanessa asked, sounding a bit hurt at this point.
"I'm sorry, but no. I haven't heard of you before ever, but I don't really do much of anything but train most of the time, so it isn't all that surprising. Sorry." Chris said.
"Oh my. You truelly have no idea who I am. My full name is Vanessa Eon! I'm your older sister!!!" Vanessa shouted. Chris just stood there, puzzled.
"Huh... you learn something new everyday. Only, most people don't learn about a sister. Wait, if you really are my sister, then why don't I remember you?" Chris asked.
"I'm five years older than you. I started my journey when you were five, and spent a lot of time travelling the other side of the world, starting in the Edona (not my idea, can be found somewhere else, just using it by saying it is not my idea) region." Vanessa said.
"Well, that would explain why I don't remember you." Chris said.
"When I heard about the fire, I rushed home as soon as possible. But when I got there, everything was burned dowm to the ground, and not a sole was left. I went back to battling, trying to forget my losses. A couple of years later, I was wacthing the Kanto league, and I recognized your face. I was releaved to see you, and then I thought, if you survived, then everyone else must have as well." Vanessa said.
"I have an aunt?" Jen asked.
"Apparently so Jen." Chris said.
"Oh, so I have a niece as well, huh? Nice to meet you." Vanessa said.
"Well, what are we standing around here for? We have a tournament to compete in!" Gold said.
oh great!!!!another story!!!! HeartHeartHeart
(and just to inform you,i talk too much in general but here ^ i'm not saying a word...and i love it Toungue.i wish i could talk less in my everyday life...)
I like it! Keep going!
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