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Full Version: Finn and the Glitchymon
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No, it's not a creepypasta.

Finn is a turret from Portal, and there are 2 rejected cores with him, AlphCore, or simply Alph, and LTS Core, or simply Lavender.

Chapter 1: Android Heck, and Literally.

I am telling turret about A.H. and how it's a real place, which it will be sent to at the first sign of defiance, when suddenly, a weak group of Miniblins attacks me. I drop a bunch of broken cores on the enemies. One of them dodges a core, and throws it at my face. I shout, "OH, aM I gOINg to KIll yOu."

I kill him using the core he threw at me, but the other 3 Miniblins pick up his tactic, but are scared off by the Anger Core. It shined a bloody, angry red, and it shocked a miniblin and exploded in it's face. ThaT CaN'T Be GOoD. It wasn't supposed to explode. I inspected the miniblin who's face it exploded in. His remaining 2 buddies escaped. FrINkInG mInIoNs. Sure enough, it had a powder on it's face that came from a mushroom unknown to the kingdom. It seemed that if it was touched by electricity, it would explode. I was careful not to touch it too much, as it could be the end of me. A turret came over to me and said, "GLaDOS?? Excellent fighting!!" He poked at the miniblin and remarked about the explosion in it's face, which was seemingly HILARIOUS.

The turret I was speaking with earlier is screaming for help as he's carried off by minions. I look towards them, and drop a core on them. They drop the turret, and then the core explodes, knocking out about 5 minions. NO!! Some powder gets on Turret. He brushes it off, and then thanks me and says, "Hi. My name is Finn. Like from Adventure Time?" He then asks is he can help me on an adventure. "You have to go ask Sonic if you can help." Finn wanders over to a bunch of minions and defeats them with his laser beam, his only attack.

Chapter 2: The Lavender Encounter

I pull out a strange core I haven't seen before. It looks at me and says, "I'm not broken. I'm only rejected. I'm Lavender. LAVVEEENNDUUURRR TAAAWWWWNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I instantly knew this was LTS core. Somelia must've designed it. Or it might be the user herself. It was a mystery I'll solve later.

The sounds coming from the little deamon were starting to cause damage to all of us. Less to me, as I am a robot. But the minions? THEY were getting at least 6 damage per 6 seconds. I still tossed cores, searching for AlphCore. He looked like LTS core. LTS core looks like Curiosty Sphere, except for the eye is lavender. AlphCore has a black eye, and it resembles an Unown's eye. AlphCore wasn't in the bag. Then I remember Finn taking something out of my Core bag. Oh no! He must have AlphCore!! I called for Finn frantically, but I could not find him.

"FINN!!! FINN?! WHERE ARE YOU?!" I shouted in all directions. I still was tossing cores at the foes. "FINN!! I NEED YOUR HELP!! Finn. Finn! FINN! FINN!!" I got louder every time. Finn was still not to be found. I started to get very worried. I still fought the little monsters. "FINN!!! HELP!! FINN!!" Lavender started to tear up. "He was my only friend, aside AlphCore...." LTS core screamed. "IT'S YOUR FAULT!!!" Half of the minions got LTS and were KO'd.


And then, out of the dark, came a small, white turret, holding a small core with an eye resembling an Unown.


"Where am I?? Ugh..... What happened....?" Finn woke up. "What is this place, how did I get here? I don't remember anything.....? I don't understand what's happening. I just quoted Ayreon, didn't I? I remember I was hit very badly by a minion." Finn looked around. Sitting beside him on each side, were Lavender and Alph. He woke them up, and they started quoting Ayreon. "Okay, that's weird. But they do like messing with me.

Finn noticed he was on a beach, lots of wet sand. He then remembered he was flung into the river with the 2 cores. He was grateful for the waterproof upgrade, and so were his 2 friends. They then banded together. "Where are we?" the 2 asked. Finn then froze in fear. He recognized this island. "Guys, don't go swimming. This island's surrounding water contains a creature that is the killer of all robots."

Lavender looked around and remembered it, but not Alph.
"Hey, guys?" AlphCore asked.
"Yes?" replied Finn.
"WHERE ARE WE?!" "Alph shouted.
"Well, we're on Cinnabar Island. Quite a dangerous place, as ANYTHING electronic will die in the water." Finn then started to attack a tree, to make a boat.
"What are you doing??" asked a familar voice. UGH. Team Rocket. thought Finn.
"Who are you? What is that? OH WHAT'S THAT??" Finn pretended to be crazy.
"We're Team Rocket!

Prepare for trouble!

Make it double!

To protect the world from devastation!

To unite all peoples within our nation!

To denounce the evils of truth and love!

To extend our reach to the stars above!" James then asked if they'd seen a boy with a Pikachu.

"What is that?" Finn pretended not to know what Pikachu was, but he did. He sounded as innocent as he could.

"Well, you're no use of help!" Meowth seemingly was not having trouble serving insults. Finn picked up a Magikarp on the beach and told it to splash on Meowth's face. "MEEEE-OUCH!" Lavender and Alph laughed. "GO! ARBOK!" "Go, KOFFING!!" Then ARBOK and KOFFING were up against Finn and the 2 cores. They weren't affected by KOFFING's weird gases, or ARBOK's poison. "This makes no sense!" Jessie complained. James retorted with a tart reply that we were probably STEEL types, and that POISON can't affect STEEL. Jessie then staggered back a little bit because of Jame's retort. "Why you little...." Jessie went on her argue rampage, while James coolly pulled out a stolen Pokédex to attempt to scan Finn and friends.

"WHAT?!" James blurted out.
"What happened? Is the Dex busted?" Jessie asked, cooled down.
"No. They aren't Pokémon, but they can't be trainers, either." James said.
"Oh my. They must be alien androids!" said Meowth playfully.
"Well, we AREN'T. We're from Aperture Laboratories." LTS Core butted in.
"Where is THAT? Are there Pokémon there?" asked Team Rocket all at the same time.
"Aperture Laboratories does NOT have Pokémon. They are in a remote area, most likely the other half of the world."

I will continue it later.
It's pretty bad i still haven't played any Portal game and can't completely understand everything. But you got my interest.

Also, you could slow down and give some more explanations, descriptions, background. While action and dialogues make your story lively, interesting etc descriptions improve the quality of the world where your characters act. It helps the readers come closer to them.
The format is kinda hard to understand...try doing it like I do
Thanks for the constructive criticism! I didn't realize that I needed to be a bit clearer, but I knew SOMETHING was wrong. Thanks! I'll fix it later. I need to go to sleep mode for the night. See you later!
Its okay. Thats what I'm here for; to criticize everything you do and provide advice that makes things even worse. Have a nice day.
(03-07-2011 05:03 AM)Giratina88 Wrote: [ -> ]Its okay. Thats what I'm here for; to criticize everything you do and provide advice that makes things even worse. Have a nice day.


On an offtopic thought...... THE POST HAS BEEN MODIFIED
No. Literally. Look.
Well, its a bit better now. Just don't do what I do with my fan fics, that is, turn them into complete comedies with absolutely no plot.
Despite that I absolutely HATE Adventure Time, the fan fiction is really good.
Adventure Time isn't horrible, but it never makes the slightest bit of sense...
(04-07-2011 01:27 AM)Giratina88 Wrote: [ -> ]Adventure Time isn't horrible, but it never makes the slightest bit of sense...

I don't tink it's even supposed to. XD


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