Legendary Pokémon

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Pages: 1 2
the title fails

[Image: flying_dragons-1881.jpg]
^ Wow that is so realistic.
[Image: animal-love-02.jpg]

[Image: bravecat.jpg]

[Image: %CE%B1%CF%83%CF%84%CE%B5%CE%AF%CE%B5%CF%...b16364.jpg]
[Image: dragons-animal-fierce-image-31000.jpg]
[Image: MotherBrain-1.jpg]
To the left there is mother brain in case you were wondering. She will eventually become this in Samus and Pikachu.
[Image: 566351-dejan-stankovic.jpg]
[Image: halolz-dot-com-metroid-pokemon-black-whi...ssover.jpg]
From left to right there's Ridley, Spore Spawn, and Draygon.
[Image: 29yic1t.png] I like the new tinypic thing. and i took a screen shot when minecraft loaded up. Jeb you hilarious programmer you.
[Image: 6ea713abf5bce366b2c2b82bd1d91569.jpg?1324250923]
Basically , dumping my whole wallpaper folder Toungue it will be several posts btw because of the limit.

(why did i bother posting this? because if you google image Kingnothing412 you'll see....ponies. Dodgy so , yeah. anyway. )

[Image: tumblr_m2ldqempSS1rtiq0xo1_1280.png]

This is still the first thing that comes up
(14-07-2012 09:18 PM)Giratina88 Wrote: [ -> ]@KN412

[Image: tumblr_m2ldqempSS1rtiq0xo1_1280.png]

This is still the first thing that comes up

I hate you so much.
and to stay on topic:

[Image: British_Grunge_Wallpaper_mumaf.jpg]
Updating. added some more images and now the old ones have their original size.

wow my post is quite long even with the spoilers. welp whatever.
(14-07-2012 09:22 PM)Kingnothing412 Wrote: [ -> ]

This one's pretty nice, I would use it as a wallpaper. And most of the other ones aswell, as I said yesterday seems like we have same tastes in these.

And some pics from me that are even Pokémon related. What a twist.

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