Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: Image Uploading
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Lately, Imageshack uses a weird strategy: Only users registered can view pictures uploaded in it. For the rest of the world who doesn't have an account, a frozen frog takes the seat of the pic and makes angels swear.

That's why I find it crucial that we all upload pictures from other sites that don't use such policies, such as TinyPic. It's not a burden to use TinyPic as well: Just click on the link located right under the text editing space and you 're ready to upload millions of pics.

This way, everyone can see the images and no one is left looking at a silly ol' frog. LegendaryPokemon's been intruded by countless of these frogs. Can't view a single pic in the articles section and tournaments...
I haven't got a problem since I have an acoount on imageshack. But now that i learned about this I'll start using photobucket. It's mostly the fact that they are trying to push people to create accounts to make their site more popular that annoys me.

Anyway, incase someone wants to see the pics uploaded via imageshack he'd better create an account there cause it's not easy reuploading every pic via another site.
You'll do great. I have a problem with imageshack (and can't view the pics in your articles). What better services does imageshack provide anyway?
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