Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: What legendary Pokémon am I able to catch before the elite four on Soul Silver?
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Sandy Gillis

I want to know how many legendary Pokémon I can catch before doing the elite four, or even the Pokémon league. I've already caught Lugia, and was just wondering if this was the only one?
Thank you.

Edit: Don't advertise.

Only the legendary dogs (except Suicune) & Lugia can be caught before defeating the Pokemon League.
Actually you can only catch Entei and Raikou from the beasts and Lugia.Suicune can be caught after the elite 4
Well either Lugia or Ho-oh (depending on which game you chose) in your case Lugia Entei and Raikou hope I could have been of any help Big Grin
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