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Full Version: My the best UU rain dance team(maybe a littel of)
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i this is my first rain dance team for uu im free for any sugjestos so here i go

- Rain dace
Item: Damp rock
Nature: Hasty
Ability: Static
EVs: 252 SPD /228 SATK/28 ATK
Ment to use taunt, to prevent stealth rock, rain dance then thunder or explosion or switch. Max speed ,to be fast, some EVs in attack and sp. attack to do some damege with his attacks. Damp rock turn that shallow 5 turns of rain into a huge 8 turns.
- Megahorn
- Waterfall
-Poison jab
Item: Choice band
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Swift swim
EVs: 252 ATK/252 SPD/4 DEF
im obsesed with seaking.ment to clean up at late game. He can outrun the whole metagame in the rain. Bounce is for a free attack on the last turn of rain. poison jab to hit grass ( because bounce is relly pribictabal )so dose megahorn. Waterfall for stab ,and choice band to hit harder.
-Rain dance
-Stealth rock
-Cosmic power
Item: Leftovers
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 252 HP/100 SDEF/56 ATK/100 DEF
Good Hp ,and ok defences and cosmic power made Claydoll a wall for my team .he is immune to ground (not necessary because my team can deal with ) and thankfully electric witch my whole team struggles with . rain dance is necessary and he sets up stealth rock (yay).Earthquake is to deal with electric
-Ice beam
-Rain dane
item: Focus sash
Nature: Bold
Ability: Hydration
EVs: 252 HP/100 DEF/152 SDEF
Rain dance is to actaveit hydration and to be immune to self causing rest. surf to abuse of the rain and stab and ice beam to handle grass .
-Ancient power
-Ice beam
Item: Choice specs
Ability: Swift swim
Nature: Modest
EVs: 252 SATK/252 SPD/4 HP
Omnystar is a great example of how to abuse of the rain. He already has a good special attack plus lots of speed in the rain is why i Omnystar has a little spot on my team. Hydro pump for stab and abuse of the rain ice beam to deal with birds dragons and grasses . ancient power for stab the occasional boost is nice too. Choice specs for more KOs.
-Gunk shot
Item: Life orb
Ability: Sniper
Nature: Quiet
EVs: 252 ATK/252 SATK/4 HP
On my opinion one of the most underestimate pokemon in the game. ok attack stats and if it lands a critical hit its almost always a KO Gunk shot to hit grasses and psychic for hitting grasses that resist gunk shot.Surf for stab and waterfall for more special walls.
Guess who gives a crap? Not me.

On topic, I've never been a real fan of rain dance teams and such. I just like battling with pokemon the way they are, not specially configuring them.
I'm fed up with those spammers... Anyway.

5211A, I've spotted a major mistake in your team. As a lead and rain dancer, Electrode should hold a Damp Rock which makes rain last longer than usual. This is pretty useful, as you don't have to worry to switch Electrode in all the time to make it rain.

Also, I think that Kingra should be a Special Sweeper. Surf and Dragon pulse make a good pair. Then, you can add a Hidden Power (maybe Grass). Ice beam would be nice too.
*sigh* another spammer...Anyway, there's no point in having both Octazooka and Waterfall in Octillery and it's clear that Waterfall is superior. You could replcace it with Flamethrower/Physhic for some coverage or with Wring out to weaken things like Blissey. Also, what generation are you playing? If you're in the 5th one, Octillery gets an amazing abillity in Moody. Lastly replace Seaking's Bounce with anything else. It's too easy to switch out of it.
Could you make your(?) RMT a bit more clear so that anyone can read it easily?And another question.Is this RMT really yours because i found exactly the same RMT on Smogon while i was looking at the RMT subforum for Past Generation teams.
: http://www.smogon.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3452544
(04-08-2011 02:51 PM)Vezok78 Wrote: [ -> ]*sigh* another spammer...Anyway, there's no point in having both Octazooka and Waterfall in Octillery and it's clear that Waterfall is superior. You could replcace it with Flamethrower/Physhic for some coverage or with Wring out to weaken things like Blissey. Also, what generation are you playing? If you're in the 5th one, Octillery gets an amazing abillity in Moody. Lastly replace Seaking's Bounce with anything else. It's too easy to switch out of it.

Flamthrower dose almost noting in the rain but the physchic is probably

flamthrower dose noting in rain the post on smogon and serebii are mine to and this is a uu team so kingdra is in ou
My first post said this hg that is heart gold ( 4 gen) and tanks for the damp rock thing
I can't prove that you are lying so good luck with your team.I don't know much from UU since i've started playing UU quite late and i don't have enough experience but these tips i'm going to give you will may be proven useful.Don't use so many water type pokemon because you can easily face problems from electric and grass pokemon once lickylicky and electrode are killed.Try to change some of your pokemon so that your team has better type synergy(but pokemon that are somehow benefited by rain such as grass and steel types which really appreciate the loss of power in fire attacks).I also have some suggestions about the pokemon.If i were you i would replace dewgong with milotic(rest talker) since it's the same set but milotic is much superior and i'd choose tangrowth over lickylicky.In this way you have two pokemon with great type synergy with each other and provide your team with both a physical wall and a special wall.
Ok, you've Speed coverage.But not type coverage too... A shuca berry holding Electivire can easily knock half your team out. How about a rain dish dynamic punching Ludicolo with a leftovers and/or maybe toxic? I'm not really into Rain dance teams.Also, don't forget the likes of Tyranitar that change the weather by switching in.
Sorry forgot all about fire moves in rain when I typed that Big Grin. However, I just realised this is for UU, and I must say I haven't ever bothered with UU, so all I can say are a few comments on the items. One, Item Clause, present in all the Battle [Tower, Subway, etc] prevents you from using the same items twice, so I'd say you replace one of the two leftovers. Then, you could replace Omastar's wise glasses with Choice Specs, for more OHKO's.
Thanks for the choice specs
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