I have Pokemon Black and, well, I cant get Shaymin or Mew! I dont have many good Pokemon, but I will have a Lucario if anyone is interested. I
Shaymin and Mew, but if their name is in a different language, I really dont want it. Normally I would, but I cant breed legendaries, so... please, trade! Shaymin is my (second) favorite Pokemon! I really want it!
mew and shaymin are usually event pokemon unless i am mistaken and black and white is a farily new game so there may be a event to obtain these pokemon also i think i have a lucario on one of my games i will have to have a look mined
I know. That's why I really want them!! I'm VERY cautious of wifi, though. If any Flying PPMs fly by and hear the altered voice, they'll destroy the DSi. So no voice chat.
:/ even though my dsi can connect to the internet and surf on it but it wont on my games eg online trady thing for pokemon
Hello Sophie. I'd hapilly give you a Shaymin and a Mew. Pm me to set the trade!!
just like that ?
may i ask where you got them johnis
Basically I want to reset my HG and many pokemon are going to be lost, if you want some tell me!
Anyway I've just saw that Sophie you have Pokemon Black, unfortunatelly I don't have Black or White yet ^^ If you have any IV generation pokemon game we 'll be able to trade, otherwise I believe that in less thna a month I'll have the pkmn White. I'll keep you a Shaymin.
Absol97 you can see a list of Pkmn that im giving away at Guck trade threat (IV gen) and if you fix your internet problem PM me
I would it just wont connect but i do have soul silver if you want any version exlusive pokemon?
I don't
You should check in net for solutions!
Did you made the right changes in the Menu screen Internet Options of your Pkmn game? Just to know that every time that you change a DS device you'll have to do it no matter that the Internet Connection is the same
Hey Johnis! Do you by any chances have the kyogre from heart gold? I can't find anyone willing to trade it, and it would be really helpful!
I PMed you, tell me when do u want to trade