Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: Chronicles of Lucario:Universe Emergency
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--Chronicles Of Lucario:Universe Emergency OR C.O.L.U.E
-PART 1-

The sun rises...
Lucario opens his eyes...he gets up and walks towards the big green path between in the million trees of the forest...
Lucario:The Hadou is in me...
Blue wave started coming all over his body...He sees everything and senses a foe hiding in a tree...He is ready to battle!Some leafs moved in the tree and a wild Weavile came out!It started a quick attack to hit Lucario
Lucario uses detect...he rolls over Weavile and jumps behind him.He targeted the foe...and he shooted him with a large wave energy ball
Weavile:What the...AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!
Weavile fell down as it couldn't fight more...
Lucario continued his long way to his destiny.
As long as Lucario was runnig over the sea an earthquake happened!
Lucario:I have a bad feeling about this
Suddenly the ground shook again under Lucario's legs!
Lucario:It's sure that it isn't a normal earthquake
Lucario glanced as he herd sth coming!
It was....A gang of Tauros!And they were running like mad
Lucario:There must be a reason for all this...
Lucario dashed to the direction that the Tauros' were coming...
For his big surprise...he saw a clan of humas talking about the conquery of the world
Team galaxy member:This is it!After we put our base here and we have the satelite in the same direction 90' from here we will be able to summon the space and the time ruling Pokemon!And after we capture 'em...The world will be ours
Team galaxy member:Good idea but how can we capture 'em??They are the strongest pokemon
Team galaxy member:I have a plan for this too!
the Team galaxy member put his hand into his coat and he put it out with two strange balls!
Team galaxy member:What are those balls?
Team galaxy member:Those are two of the masterball prototypes!These balls will capture the Galaxy ruling pokemons!This is the end for the world!MUHAHAHHAHAAHHAA
Lucario:No if I can stop you!This is only the begginig!

-------To be continued---------
---The Chronicles Of Lucario:Universe Emergency--
---Chapter 1---
--Part 2--
Meanwhile...at Roota kingdom Mew was acting strange...The tree of world's Origin was weak again...and so Mew...Noone could help
this time because Ash was far away...at battle frontier.And Lucario was busy with TG.
Back at Team Galaxy's base Lucario was listening to the team's evil plan...for a while a seedot hanged from the tree that Lucario was hiding fell on his head...Lucario did the mistake and shouted...
Lucario:AGHHHH,damn what was that?
TGM(Team Galaxy Member):Who is there?
The TGM came close to the tree that Lucario shouted...he looked but he saw nothing...Lucario has climbed after the mistake he had done.Then when the TGM turned Lucario kicked him extremely fast from behind sending him on the ground fainted.Another TGM was near there and saw the whole scene.He rushed toLucario with three Balls on his hand 1 Timer Ball,1 Repeat Ball and one Luxury Ball
He threw them and 3 of the strongest pokemon came out
TGX:Tyranitar,Metagross,Salamence form a tornado with your Hyper Beams!
The three pokemon each shot a HyperBeam and formed a tornado that was impossible to avoid...
Lucario:What!?!?!?You are just a TGM and you have pokemon with such attacks?Then the Admins---
Lucario couldn't continue his phrase as the Hyper Tornado striked him badly...An Explosion with lights sent Lucario lying on the rocks....failed...
The TGM took Lucario with him and put him into a steelcage walking torwards to the teams 2nd Hideout which was at Futaba Town...
--To be Continued--
Very nice!!!!! Keep up the good work!!!Wink
on the first part, was the attack that lucario used on Weavile Wave Guiding Bomb?
---Chronicles Of Lucario:Universe Emergency---
-PART 1-

After a few hours Lucario woke up...It was morning...The sun has rised...some Taillows were flying over the Hideout...Lucario remembered the old good days when he saved the world giving his own energy...But he still couldn't understand Who or What bringed him back...Therefore..Why he returned?He failed?
As long as Lucario was thinking the TG Members were talking to someone...
TGM:Sir,we've got him sir!Now?
???:Bring him to our Headquarters!
TGM:Yes sir!
The TG Members took Lucario with them...They put him into a helicopter.Then they lifted off...
While they where flying a small unseen blue beam got through the door and opened the steelcage!
TGM:Did you heard sth?
TGM:No I didn't.
Lucario:Hey you fools!
TGM:Grrr!You get back to your cage
Lucario:Sorry but the next time you capture someone do not let the door wide open!bye-bye.
Lucario took a part of the door then he jumped...
TGM:What a stupid pokemon!He'll die!
As Lucario was falling he put the part of the door under his legs like a snowboard...
Lucario fell down on the street!But becuz' of the crush the door got flames!
Lucario:That's not Hotwheels!That's Hotboard!
Lucario stopped the *snowbord* and he got down
Lucario:I'm free hooray!
Right after Lucario stopped he saw a veeery strange pokemon!It was a blue pokemon in Aura flying above the sky....Then Lucario remembered sth that moment...
Aaron:See this pictures in the book Lucario?
Lucario:Yeah they are some strange Pokemon
AaronBig Grino not call them strange because our life depends of them!
Lucario:Our life?
Aaron:Yeah you see...this is Diaruga the Time rulling pokemon
...and this is PParukia the Space-Ruling Pokemon ...They both control our Galaxy's Balance...If they are captured then the world will be the one's who have them...
Lucario:So that's why they want to capture those pokemon...But why they want to catch me too?

--To Be Continued--
thank you for writing my story! Go on!
To be obvious I started this story waaaay before you regissterBig Grin I'll add more parts soon
Lucario hadn't much time to think about all this...so he continued walking across the street...for a while he sensed someone spying him...he turned back...there was noone...
When Lucario turned again he sensed the same energy as before
He said and sent a wave guiding bomb behind him...All he heard was an ''aaaaaaaaaaaaaah!''then silence
Lucario turned back...a boy about 13 years old with strange but familliar clothes was lying on the ground
Lucario:OMG I am a murderer
But no...he didn't killed the boy it was aliive!
Lucario:OMG ZOMBIEEEE!!!!(Lucario's face turned white in fear and his eyes were rolled back)AAAAAh!THAT REMINDS ME OF THOSE BIG BAD ZOMBIES OF RESIDENT EVIL!
Boy:Hey I am not zombie....I am an EST
Lucario:A what?
Boy:An E.S.T.
Lucario:Yeah but what does that mean?
boy:I don't have time to explain you...come in!
The boy said as he was holding a pokeball
Lucario:WHAT?!??!!You want to capture me!??!!No way!POKEBATTLE FIRST!
Boy:Okay then...if you want so..this wasn't what I have in mind but if---the boy couldn't end his phrase 'cause Lucario interrupted
Lucario:I think that's enough chit chat!
Boy:Inferno-ex go!
The boy threw a orange pokeball and from inside a quilava came out
Lucario:AHAHAHAAAHAH!You think you can beat me with that piece of junk?Ok!Let's battle
Lucario rushed towards Inferno-ex but
The quilava dissapeared in the ground...
Lucario:Huh?How it's supposed to dig in the stre--
Kucario was damaged but it was still stand
BoyBig Grino you surrender now?I don't want to hurt you more...
Lucario lost control he used all of his energy in one attack the biggest wave blast ever
Boy:Awww.man he's crazy doing this but okay...INFERNO-EX FINISH HIM!
Quilava was burn in flames then it formed a tornado
A cloud of dust covered the street...one shadow appeared still stand...but whose?

im just kiddingSmile Although i think its very good! (the zombie idea is very good lol)
Chapter II
Part 3
It was Quialava!Lucario was beaten lying on the street
Boy:It seems that Lucario needs training to unleash his ultimate power...
said the boy as he throwed the pokeball at Lucario
*boing... boing...boing...
Boy:What the...?
Lucario:Ugh...you think you can beat me that easily...
Boy:But how could you escape
said the boy surprised
Lucario:I cannot be captured...
Boy:You mean that I tried yto snag you?
Lucario:No...I just cannot be captured
Boy:You must be kidding...a pokemon that cannot be captured?
Boy:At least can you follow me to the EST HQ?
Lucario:What is EST?
Boy:EST means Elemental Super Trainers,there are only 16 in the whole world and each one has a pokemon of a unique type with special abiilities or super powers
Lucario:And how could I beat your Quilava then?
Boy:You are the chosen pokemon that's why I wanted you to follow me...You have bigger powers than you have ever imagined that's why--
Lucario:Team Galaxy tried to capture me!Now I got it!
Boy:Exactly...you see...right before you gave your life to save the Tree of World origin we tried to transfer you in our PC as data and keep you till the world needs you again...but accidentaly your Ultimate power data gone froom our PC's and teaped into the Chaos Emeralds...
Lucario:Chaos Emeralds?!!!?
---Chapter II---
--PART 4--

Boy:Yeah I have that Sonic game here but I can't beat it
Boy:Whaaat?This is very difficult
Lucario looks at the game screen
Lucario:Gimme the keyboard
Boy:Hey wha---
Lucario grabbed the keyboard and started playing maniacally by beating the one stage after another
Boy:WOW!You are pretty good
Lucario:Take this you wumphole!and this and this!
Boy:How do you know to play such good?
Lucario:I dunno...
Boy:Anyway you beat the game...
Lucario:Look!Rank A!I am da best!YAY!
Boy:Whatever...when are you gonna let me capture you?
Lucario:...Ok...ok...you can capture me now...
the boy threw a pokeball at Lucario...
Boy:YAY!I captured a Lucario...now let's get started
the boy took the pokeball and transported it into the PC via data
Total program error!
Boy:what?No way this can'tt be...Let's see who's accesing there...
the access has already been taken by Team Galaxy codename:A719SW
Boy:That's very strange...Team Galaxy again....
It's very nice story! Well done....
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